Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 76 Battle for the Royal City

Looking around at the people's submission, in addition to strength, this power that makes everyone bow down is still so sweet.

Seeing this, Youge's heart also fluctuated slightly.

After the matter was over, 01 also floated out from the door not far away: "Mr. Hall, please follow me!", and ignored the people who were still bending over.

In the long corridor,

"Mr. Orange.", Youge gestured slightly.

"How about it, do you know why the man just now attacked you?" Mr. Orange smiled and waited for Youge's answer.

Attack? Is it because I explored him? Recalling what he did before being attacked, Youge was not sure.

"It is because you investigated him!" Mr. Orange pointed to the seat opposite and continued, "No matter how weak a person who has achieved Lv10 is, he is very sensitive to the detection of others. This is an absolute offense to the alien. The safest way is the information collection ability you used when you first met me. For most high-level existences that are just residual information left nearby, it is still acceptable."

Sensitive, offensive, these words all show a sense of identity difference.

After sitting down, You Ge also nodded,

"You sent your information before and saw some restricted areas in the royal city. In the same way, Lv10 professionals can already change the environment around them. Once you step into someone else's environment, you will have a [rejection] reaction, which is naturally like invading half, so in the future, once you feel that the environment has [malice], you must be careful!"

"Malice of the environment!" You Ge was shocked. What kind of powerful existence must be able to keep the malice again after changing the environment.

Wait, Yuge thought of a person, the king Gabriel Belmont who sat alone on the throne. In his memory of his previous life, Gabriel's castle was a place full of malice for everyone. After sleeping for countless years, Gabriel returned to his [Inner Castle] again. Not only was he full of malice towards outsiders, but he himself was also deeply missed.

The shock on Yuge's face was seen by Mr. Orange, "This little guy has seen similar existence?"

Originally, it was just to improve Yuge's knowledge base, but it seemed to have discovered some important information, "Could it be that someone in the city has broken through the barrier? No, people in such a high spire will not sit idly by. That is, this little guy has seen such an existence somewhere, or the power has been passed down to the memory!"

This idea was constantly overturned and established again in Mr. Orange's mind, and overturned again

"Hey, whether it is or not, this little guy is no longer an ordinary genius, even if it is a inherited memory, it is impossible to be so outstanding."

Putting away his thoughts, Mr. Cheng looked at Youge again and continued: "I have two things that I need you to do for me now.

The first is to recycle some equipment in the underground facilities area of ​​the old city. The links built with the materials obtained from the mountains last time also require some special devices [limiters] to maintain and manage the energy transmitted from the royal city, and the materials for making these limiters are extremely limited. After humans walked out of the old city, the minerals used to make this equipment have been consumed in various expansions.

There are two ways now. One is to pray that someone can find new mineral veins from other places to collect them, and the other is to directly recycle the abandoned old equipment from the underground of the old city."

Mr. Cheng pressed his finger, and a house interior design drawing appeared on the screen next to him.

"The mineral veins are completely dependent on luck, and this is the map of the equipment. According to your current ability, you are able to enter the underground layer, so the initial exploration of these equipment will be directly handed over to you. After confirming it, send me a message directly, and the next thing will be handed over to the recycling type clockwork robot.

Secondly, the recycling task is more complicated, so there is no need to rush in time. After all, the construction of the new urban area cannot be completed in a short time. I will send you the relevant information and then plan it carefully.

Second, it is about a resolution of the high spire of the royal city this time. All forces will launch a new generation of young newcomers to conduct a [battle show]. It is called a show, but it is actually a life-and-death fight. At the same time, the result of this battle also means getting the [attention] of a member of the high spire. I believe you also know the importance of this matter.

Originally, I planned to push you to the Royal City Academy for further study for a period of time. Now it seems that In order to achieve the effect of surprise attack in this battle, we can't send you there. However, the people from the other families haven't come back yet, so all the battle show will be delayed. I will inform you of the specific time later. "

Speaking of this, Mr. Orange's tone was full of praise for Youge. After thinking for a while, he said, "Hall, the high-ranking professionals with the [blood] attribute in the academy are all combat or curse types. Almost no one will choose the familiarity of blood and the related changes in the 'quality' of the [blood] attribute like you. "

Mr. Orange also called up the video of Youge using blood crystal in the previous battle: "On this road, you have walked out of the ordinary. This high-purity and high-hardness crystal is also a dream ability for many professionals who focus on defense. For you, the exploration of the main attribute has reached a limit. What you need to do next is to think about how to add new "characteristics" to your attribute!

In other words, you need to dig out some hidden things inside the attribute and reveal them, instead of focusing entirely on the quality and quantity of the attribute.

There is no shortage of hardworking people in this world. Those professionals who have been studying and contacting a single force for many years can all have their own unique understanding. What is really needed is this kind of "essence" improvement! "

After a long silence, the recycling of old equipment can be studied slowly, but the "essence" improvement mentioned by Mr. Cheng made You Ge completely confused.

"I", a sentence stuck in his throat, You Ge didn't know what to ask.

"Don't worry, I was also entangled for a long time back then. Only when you understand this kind of thing yourself, you can understand it!"

Mr. Cheng's words made You Ge feel like he saw an old Taoist priest, confused.

But this kind of thing really needs to be understood. At the beginning, the matter of re-arranging the chemical bonds of the [blood] particles in his body, although it relied on the accumulated knowledge of the previous life, it was also a flash of inspiration.

"Okay. "

Soon after leaving the factory, Youge received a message from Mr. Orange on his terminal.

In short, as the birthplace of humans in the Royal City, the huge underground facilities in the Old City initially helped humans avoid many attacks from aliens, but at the same time, some of the first humans believed that as long as they lived deep enough, they would be absolutely safe.

There were also many disputes among the human population for this reason, and those who failed disappeared overnight.

Until countless years later, several members of the High Spire appeared among humans and began to walk out of the Old City, gradually developing into its current scale.

And in the gradually empty underground of the Old City, a group of strange people appeared and roamed in it.

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