Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 77 The Tree of the Orson Family

"So when dealing with those aliens underground, we also need to prevent the underground people from raiding?"

You Ge rolled his eyes after reading: "In this dangerous world, forget about power disputes within humans, there are actually underground people who come out to cause trouble!"

"I don't know how those people survived. Is there an underground world? If we become a country, there will probably be wars above and below the ground!"

It's really hard to say this kind of thing. Now it seems that this world is not necessarily a sphere, and the method of distinguishing day and night from the sky is surprising. If an underground world really appears, according to the history of human development, it is not impossible to develop a powerful underground kingdom.

"Even if no underground people show up, this first level is still very troublesome."

As the first line of defense for humans to prevent aliens from breaking into the underground, countless aliens were buried there with the help of solid defenses. The remaining breath of those aliens after their death accumulated little by little, making this defensive area become weird from time to time.

In addition, after humans left, there was no one to deal with the problems here. Who knows what kind of things will be born in so many years.

"Maybe I should go find Heide. After living in the old city for so many years, I should know something about the underground area!" You Ge couldn't determine the danger level of the first floor just by looking at the information. Yi Gao Even if a person is bold, he cannot be reckless.

The person who was familiar with You Ge in the old city was Taka, who left unexpectedly, and it was Heide.

Outside Head's house.

"Dong dong dong! Is Hade here?"

The neighborhood is still the same as it was the last time I came here. Even if this guy has a leg problem, he is living a pretty good life.

The door creaked open, and his face was covered with white shaving cream. He looked at You Ge who had unexpectedly arrived with his eyes wide open: "You", before he finished speaking, he felt that kind of feeling from You Ge's body. The sense of greatness comes from the gap between life classes.

"Ah, Master Hall." He quickly wiped the foam off his face with his sleeves and bent down to pay tribute to Youge.

"." Seeing this cunning look, You Ge couldn't help but admire the old boy's shamelessness: "No need, you have helped me before and we can all be considered friends."

"Ha, okay, okay." After rubbing his hands, Heide stepped aside and welcomed Yu Ge in.

"Mr. Hall, what's the reason for coming here this time?"

"There are indeed some things I want to ask you about the old city. I guess you know a little bit about the history of the old city, right?" Regarding the information, You Gedao couldn't directly mention it. The only message sent from Mr. Cheng was During the reading process, You Ge had already felt the [malice] from the first level. If he asked Heide directly like this, even if he was blocked by him during this period, Heide would still be unable to escape once he recalled it after he left. The fate of being [watched] by the first level.

"History of the old city?", Head's first thought was what kind of history could the old city have? It was nothing more than a bunch of mercenary desperadoes fighting every day.

But then I thought about it, and this adult seemed to be metaphorizing something. If you look at the history of the old city, the most historical place should be there!

Seeing the surprise on Heide's face, Youge nodded and said, "Go on, tell me what you know."

After throwing out several gold coins, he said, "You can tell me everything you want. I'm just collecting information and nothing else."

Even if there is a difference in identity now, showing some sincerity can make Heide provide information to him wholeheartedly.

"Haha, thank you, sir, then I will say it." After grabbing the gold coins on the table with one hand, Heide also became serious: "The history of the old city must of course start from the humans in the royal city, although there are many The records are not accessible to ordinary people, but the older generation still have stories passed down orally.

My father's uncle often told me all kinds of weird stories when I was young, and the only one about the history of the old city was "The Orsons."

Head's face showed traces of nostalgia. After all, those were all memories of his childhood. He paused and continued:

“Go out from here and keep walking to the right until you see the yard with a big tree, that’s the Orson’s house.

It is said that there once appeared a professional in their family who could manipulate the earth. It was thought that the higher-ups wanted to accept him as their apprentice. Then he naturally rose to prominence. From then on, the Ossen family became the target of everyone in the area. . One day their son came back unexpectedly and kept saying that someone was calling his name. In desperation, everyone called Osen's son's teacher, but when the teacher came, he became normal again.

After repeated inspections, the teacher found nothing unusual, so the matter just settled.

From then on, whenever someone passed by Orson's house at night, they would hear some faint shouts, but there was no one nearby.

After many people had encountered this incident, they reported it to the then-sheriff for inspection, but nothing was found.

In this way, everyone gradually began to distance themselves from the Orson family, and I don't know when the Orson family began to disappear from everyone's eyes.

Until one day, people discovered that Orson's son suddenly appeared in the yard and started digging.

An elder in the neighborhood said to him: "Don't dig, don't dig, our ancestors will be dug out of the ground!"

But Orson's son said: "My father and mother are calling me from below, I want to rescue them!" This sentence instantly made the elder pull everyone back: "Hey, he's done, he's going to go down there too."

Originally, Orson's son was a professional who could control the earth. A big hole appeared in just a few words.

Then Orson's son also became strange, calling his father and mother and jumped down. Before everyone came forward, a huge tree grew and blocked the hole.

And that is the towering tree in Orson's house today.


At this point, Heide took a sip of water from the cup at hand: "The tree was later repeatedly tested by various people who were attracted by this story, and no problems were found. Then this story was passed down as a joke.

Sir, the old people in the old city know that humans used to live in underground facilities here to avoid aliens, but no one has gone down for a long time. I guess the history you are talking about is still about underground things. The public security office has a ban on ordinary people for such things, and we don't know much about it.

Moreover, the underground entrance was blocked by the Public Security Bureau, and no one was allowed to enter. All we know is the story about the Orson family. "

"Public Security Bureau!" When it was mentioned, Youge looked at the watch on his hand. Youge also knew something about the feud between the Public Security Bureau and the Clockwork Center. Now that the entrance was blocked by the Public Security Bureau, it was simply a pipe dream to rely on his own [Earth] attribute ability to implement the plan.

According to Mr. Orange's information, even if he cleaned up the underground floor, it would take a lot of professionals just to move and clean up those equipment. Not only that, after everything was ready, he would be completely dragged here for a long time if he only relied on his own transportation. To some extent, it was still the best way to complete it with a large number of transportation machinery.

So we still need a secret passage that can avoid the Public Security Bureau.

Perhaps the Orson family is a breakthrough.

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