Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 79 Dinner

In a short moment, Emma almost got angry when she saw Youge retreating. Could it be that my beauty can't attract young people nowadays? Just now, under the covert action of "Master Martin", even if this young man doesn't like young girls, doesn't he like mature women?

However, after hearing Youge shift the topic to Green, seeing the slightly embarrassed face, Emma also understood that this young man was thin-skinned.

Emma's style immediately changed, holding her chest with one hand and pushing Green on the side with the other hand.

"Humph, your father is a dung stone who knows nothing. Today, in order to help your son return from your teacher, Mom specially asked the maid to make everything you like!" As soon as the voice fell, Emma pulled Youge to the restaurant on the first floor: "Look, it's all you like! My dear son has a big appetite, so eat well!"

Food? Youge looked in the direction Emma pointed,

In the dim light of the restaurant, there were countless twisted tentacles on the table, and a few animal skulls that occasionally appeared also stretched out a few twisting tentacles from the eye sockets.

Even the maids standing by the dining table were constantly emitting scattered tentacles.

Compared to the two people beside Youge, Orson and Yuge were still trying to maintain their human image.

And were these people so sure that Youge was already in their hands that they didn't cover it up? Although Youge could break the illusion at any time, he had to act out the whole play.

The lights in the restaurant were on, and Green's father, who had been silent, walked up: "Son, come and eat, this is the best food your mother prepared for you."

Before he finished speaking, he raised his fork with both hands, fiercely inserted a huge tentacle and stuffed it into his mouth, not caring at all that his beard and cheeks were stretched into a semi-transparent state and completely lost his human form.

However, the tentacle seemed to be alive, twisting and turning in Green's mouth, and then sliding down his throat.

This was just the beginning. After Green's eyes widened, he gave up the fork in his hand and frantically began to grab tentacles from various plates and stuff them into his mouth.

"Delicious! Really delicious!", the sound of the tentacles twisting in the mouth was heard.

"Martin, don't just watch your dad eat, you should eat too!", Emma on the side also pulled Youge's arm and walked towards the seat opposite Green.

".", Youge's helplessness at this time was simply beyond description. Whether to eat it or not, although this thing seemed so contrary to common sense, it seemed that he could try to eat a little.

"Earth filth tentacles: special plants that grow in heavily polluted areas underground, with a delicate and delicious taste, but eating too much will affect your mind, be careful that cute little tentacles will grow on your face."

It seems that the serious side effect of "affecting mind" may not have any effect on Youge at all.


Just play along with them! Since they can take out this special plant from the ground, it means that there must be a passage leading to the underground.

At the same time, in order to lure out the person behind him, Youge sat down and grabbed a tentacle the size of his forearm in his hand and started to stuff it into his mouth.

"Hmm!", I have to say that this tentacle is really fresh and smooth, and the taste is really addictive when eating.

However, after the tentacle entered the stomach, the trace of [pollution smell] emitted from it did begin to affect Youge's will, but it only drove Youge to keep eating until it was completely polluted and became a new breeding ground for tentacles.

"?? Is this the purpose of the person behind the scenes?", Youge silently drove his spiritual will to eliminate the [pollution], and then picked up another tentacle again, eating it slowly to see how it goes.

"Martin, come and eat this, this is what mom cooked for you." After seeing Youge eat a whole tentacle, Emma also smiled and opened a pig skull with a fork to pick out a "brain flower" with countless small tentacles, and handed it over.

Speechless again, Youge looked at this "tentacle brain flower", which looked very much like some kind of sea urchin.

An animal brain that was corroded by the filthy tentacles, eat! It's just that the pollution is a little "richer".

The moment Youge cut it, a gelatinous liquid flowed out from the inside, which was full of the fragrance of soil! It seems not bad, right?

Picked up the spoon beside him and quickly sucked it in.

Hmm? It actually has this effect? ​​! It can faintly strengthen the [Earth] attribute power in his body. After feeling the changes in his body, Youge looked at Emma with surprise.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

". Delicious."

"Then eat more." Emma took out four or five brains from nowhere, all of which were the same as sea urchins, and put them all in front of Youge.

Ha, since that's the case, Youge was not polite. He grabbed the brain and bit a hole to suck the gelatinous liquid inside.

After a long time

Just by constantly absorbing this [essence] with the attribute of earth, even the most powerful people will be full. After sucking ten brains one after another, Youge also had a little indigestion. This kind of thing is really not so delicious.

After silently filling his stomach, he couldn't help but burp.

Seeing this, Emma called the maid behind her and looked at You Ge: "My dear son, take a rest after you have eaten. Let the servants clean up your room!"

Emma's face became more charming. She ignored Mr. Green, who had already grown a tentacle on his other ear, and pulled Youge's hand: "Let's go, let's go upstairs."

This woman really didn't intend to let Youge go,

but since we were going upstairs, we could try to get rid of her first.

"Okay, mother."

After leaving the table,

Emma led Youge to the second floor. It is conceivable that she would flirt with the people behind her when going up the stairs.

Youge's attention has always been focused on the essences that he had eaten. Except for a part that was absorbed, the rest was concentrated in his stomach. There were too many things to digest at once. If it weren't for the right time now, he would have wanted to dig them out and absorb them slowly later.

Although he also had the [Power Root] after the promotion, one more way could speed up the improvement.

"Martin, let's rest here tonight." As soon as he entered the room, Emma slipped off her shoulder straps, and her white skin was exposed all at once.

"Mother, are you sure you don't want to see father? He's still eating now." Youge was waiting for this scene from his cheap mother. Even if these people were to cause trouble, they would not ignore the life and death of their companions.

Emma's face fell, and she even forgot about that dead ghost. If she killed Green because of her playfulness, the adult would not let her go because of everyone's relationship.

She quickly pulled up the clothes on her shoulders and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, your father is always greedy. I'll ask someone to send him back first."

"Okay, mother."

Youge smiled slightly and lay on her bed. The reclining posture made Emma, ​​who was about to go out, tremble slightly.

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