Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 80 Underground Passage

Soon there was a clanging sound downstairs.

Green's father in the restaurant had long been addicted to the world of eating. After being beaten several times, he still held on to a big tentacle in his hand. However, after Emma vaguely mentioned a person's name, there was a rare look in Green's eyes. There was a sense of clarity, and then he went back to his room honestly.

Youge on the second floor also heard the noisy curses downstairs. From the moment he entered the room, this Greene only said a few words. He seemed to have no complete consciousness and would only listen to Emma's words. Instructions, plus the two sisters who appeared before, these three women are many times stronger than him, but why are they all L5 in terms of level?

Maybe the person behind it has special feelings for Green? Is that why he was transformed into a human and a ghost?

It seems that the relationship between these three people is not just as simple as it appears on the surface. The promiscuous emotions of these three women may also be a special arrangement of the people behind them.

"The person behind this is really cautious. From the temptation of the twins at the beginning, to the temptation of the wife with her husband watching from the side, it is full of bad taste. All kinds of signs plus the essence of the food at the dinner, if it is an ordinary profession As soon as I entered, I should have fallen into a trap, indulged in pleasure and crazily sucked the essence of that big table!

It seems that the essence of the dinner was deliberately served for [earth] attribute professionals.

So if the Heide story is true, then the whole story about the so-called Orson family tree is to attract more [earth] attribute professions to come here.

That's why this kind of thing is triggered when I go up the steps of the tower. So, let's follow his idea and see who is hiding behind it! "

After figuring everything out, You Ge released the essence from his stomach.

After wrapping around the whole body, it looks like a fat man who has eaten too much and cannot digest it.

Coupled with the smell of pollution outside the body when eating, it looks like the poor guy who was lured here in the past.

After waiting for a while, Emma also walked in again: "Son? Are you asleep? Mom will bring you some midnight snacks~" He looked closely and saw how many more were on the plate in Emma's hand. Big "brain flower".

"Huh?" After putting down the dinner plate, Emma also saw You Ge who had become extremely fat on the bed: "Isn't this possible? I thought you could play with me.", stroking the girl whose consciousness seemed to have blurred. You Ge: "This club doesn't look very strong, but its muscles are really strong."

After sighing several times, Emma grabbed Youge and walked out: "I'll send you to see the adults, poor man!"

At this moment, the original grandeur of the house became dilapidated and shabby again.

After walking downstairs, everyone who appeared before stood in the hall and stared at the "balloon" Youge in Emma's hand.

"Let's start!", bring the prey to the adults!

The Orson sisters, who were standing at the front, broke a corner of the wall and a handle appeared in front of them.

Pull gently,

A passage entrance several people wide appeared on the floor of the hall.

Emma held up Youge and walked in first, followed by the rest of the people as you slowly went down the dark corridor.

"Mom, what do you think the adults will reward you this time?"

Emma squinted her eyes, looked at Mary who was speaking, and said lightly: "Why don't you take the initiative to ask your brother?"

"Hmph." Mary just snorted in response to Emma's chatter.

Regarding this "brother" matter, several people were not very willing to take the initiative to bring it up, but Jenny looked at the unconscious Green and showed a hint of fear.

In fact, the story of the Green family is far from as simple as what Heide told. It starts with the ancestors of Orson. A long time ago, there were professionals with the [Earth] attribute in their family. Unfortunately, their talents were generally only at the middle level. .

In order to allow the family to continue, they secretly dug a passage to the underground facility, so that they could escape first when aliens attacked.

And in Green’s generation, a professional with earth attribute, Martin Olsen, appeared again.

Martin, who unexpectedly returned from his studies, discovered the tunnel secretly dug by his ancestors, so he naturally had no choice but to enter the adventure.

But how could the underground level allow Martin to return safely? A trace of pollution naturally invaded Martin's mind.

From then on, the Orson family fell into endless fear. Martin, who seemed to be a good man during the day, was like a devil toying with his family at night.

It wasn't until the whole family suddenly disappeared one day that the original teacher discovered that the Orson family had completely disappeared here. He gave up on the student after finding nothing.

Then, I don’t know, the story of the so-called Ossen family’s tree began to spread here. In fact, this so-called tree has always been there, but it was only after outsiders learned about it that the story gradually turned into a story.

As for the "brother" that Emma and Mary talked about, it refers to the original Martin Olson, who was also the role that was imposed upon Yu Ge after he entered the room. This method is used to confuse outsiders into thinking that they are just sad grievances that remain in their memories. spirit.

As several people continued to go deeper, about ten minutes later,

The narrow passage suddenly became wider.

At a glance, the entire space is filled with a strong smell of pollution, and even the air occasionally becomes inexplicably distorted.

The farthest ground was full of tentacle-like plants swaying, and the faint light emitted from them just provided a good light source for the entire underground.

Overall, it is a perfect cradle of aliens.

After Emma and the others came in, they walked to the left.

In the open space not far away, there was a small manor behind the fluorescent tentacle plants separated by a stream. This was where the elder brother they were going to offer Youge to lived.

"Mom, you are really lucky this time. This prey is more "perfect" than before!" Mary showed a trace of displeasure on her face. If she had known earlier, she would have forced Jenny to seduce this human.

"That's not the case. Your mother is usually too lazy to search. This time she can completely beat you!" Emma glanced at Mary and became complacent.

"Mom is great, so how did you make this human like this?" Jenny pulled Mary who wanted to continue to mock in time, and looked at Emma with a flattering expression on her face.

Yes! This is the feeling. Every time these two girls snatched the prey away and mocked me, I finally let you experience the powerlessness after being suppressed! Thinking of this, Emma lifted her chin with her other hand and whispered: "It's very simple, just let him keep eating 'brains', and then it will be fine!"

Hmph, although I don't know why it's like this, how can I not know the purpose of you two girls? I'll let you guess!

"Eat 'brains'?"

How is it possible? Jenny and Mary have fed some professionals with the same attributes before, and they all started to mutate while eating.

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