Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 81 Martin Olsen Appears

Emma looked at the surprise on her two daughters' faces, and her heart was filled with joy. Her fingers holding her chins could not help but tap back and forth on her cheeks.

You two little brains can guess what happened? Then I can defeat your "brother" and he won't have to live in fear every day.

After taking another look at the two of them, Emma also felt that there seemed to be something wrong. Why didn't this person mutate? According to the "brain flower" he ate at that time, he would have problems if he ate it normally. Even Green only felt that he ate those "tentacles".

"Forget it, don't think about it. The adults will tell you naturally after you go in." They were about to arrive at the manor, and Emma didn't want to delay too long. Anyway, she still had to see the adults.

After Emma said this, Mary and Jenny were relieved. It was true that everything would be known after entering, and there was no need to guess outside: "Hmm!"

Pushing open the gate of the manor,

Along the way, there were blue flame street lamps built with bones. Occasionally, a few strange and twisted creatures appeared, and the tentacles on the corpses were removed, leaving only some fine dust falling from the air.

"You wait outside, I'll go in and talk to the adults~", Emma deliberately emphasized the two words "talk", and at the same time, she did not forget to point fingers at her daughter: "Help me keep an eye on this prey, if you lose your brother, the adults will not let you off easily!"

After saying that, she twisted her waist and put "Fatty Youge" on the ground: "Watch it~"

Step by step, she walked towards the house in the manor.

After the heavy door closed, Emma disappeared in front of the door.

"Sister, it will take a long time again this time. I really don't understand why my brother cares so much about my mother. If it were me, he should turn her into a fool like my father!" After seeing Emma's shy back disappear, the resentment that had been suppressed all the way finally burst out, and the originally delicate face of a human turned into a blue-green mummy with tentacles.

On the other side, Green, who was attracted by Jenny's voice full of resentment, looked at it for a while and then fell into silence again. Such a vengeful spirit that has lost its mind can only be attracted when calling its name.

"What are you looking at? I believed your lies and thought that my brother could recover. Why didn't you take your wife with you? You don't have to fight with us now!" Jenny seemed to have a lot to say about Green, her father, but she stopped after being pulled by Mary.

"Okay, okay, let her be proud. After this time, who knows if she can catch such a good prey next time. Then my brother will still be ours!"

Although sister Mary also had resentment in her heart, she didn't care about Emma's good luck at all. It was just an unexpected gain? We sisters didn't compete with you. We will definitely not give you any chance next time.

Thinking of this, Mary grabbed Jenny's waist and kissed her hard.

Humph, let the old woman be proud of herself. We both have each other, but you only have that dead husband Green who is nothing.

Just as the two of them were complaining from time to time outside the door, a high-pitched scream suddenly came from the house in the manor, and the door was opened again.

Emma, ​​wrapped in a layer of pale green mucus, walked slowly from inside. The wrinkles on her face were now completely invisible.

After wiping her face out of the mucus, she gently bounced a few times. It was so elastic. A touch of joy instantly floated in her heart. She, Emma, ​​also regained her youthful appearance.

After seeing Emma's new changes, Jenny, who was slightly delighted, whispered in Mary's ear: "Sister didn't expect that mom would choose to restore her body to youth. Hehehe, next time, even if she meets a prey who likes mature women, she can't beat the two of us alone.".

"Yes, I thought she would choose to curry favor with her elder brother. Now we are not afraid of being outdone by her." Even the slightly calm Mary couldn't help but feel happy.

It has to be said that the people of the Orson family are so chaotic. They are afraid of their elder brother Martin and they have to curry favor with him constantly. Perhaps this is the most common personality of the aliens, "chaotic evil". To put it simply, it's just for your own pleasure!

When Emma finished admiring her beauty, her smug expression almost made Jenny want to jump up and hit her: "Take it in, the lord wants to see this prey."

She didn't care about the residual mucus on her body, twisted her waist and walked in first.

Passing through the door, the whole hall was piled with countless corpses, and countless tiny tentacles shuttled between the cracks of the corpses.

Along the red carpet from the door to the throne, eight skeletons with the breath of [earth] attribute knelt down one by one, and there was a heart knotted by tentacles in their heart area, beating slowly. Without thinking too much, all eight of them knew that they were the poor people who were seduced before. If they all died under the peony flowers, then your journey to the world would not be in vain.

Along the front of the red carpet, a young man in aristocratic clothes sat high up, looking at the people who slowly entered with a teasing face.

"Is this the prey you mentioned?", Unlike what expected, this male voice was so gentle, and even slightly spiritually seductive.

"Yes, sir." This time, Emma actually made a respectful kneeling etiquette: "Present this prey to the lord!"

Mary's face suddenly turned ugly. No one would be happy if they were taken advantage of invisibly.

"No, let me take a look!" The young man walked down slowly and circled around "Fatty Youge" for a few times: "According to what my mother said, eating so much "brain flower" can still make the body present such a stable expansion state, which is indeed different from ordinary people. Tsk tsk tsk, do you want me to pull you up?"

Anyone who hears the young man say this will understand where the problem lies. After eating so much [essence] brain flower, you will know the expansion state when you can't control it, but when it is out of control, the excessive energy inside will never maintain a stable "fat" state like Youge.

What can I do? Youge can't pretend anymore.

The energy that was originally full of energy was all rejected by Youge this time, and the balloon-like body gradually became thinner.

"Hi, hello everyone, we meet again~", Youge, who appeared in front of everyone, couldn't help but say hello. He was held up and eavesdropped for so long along the way, and Youge had been annoyed for a long time.

He turned around and looked at the young man. He was indeed a student of the academy. He immediately found his problem.

"Lv15: Demonic Earth - Martin Orson; Attributes: Earth, Corrosion; Qualities: Tentacles"

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