Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 802: Karel's Request for Help

"What is that?"

It seems that Miller's attack was not only directed at Karel. In this raging moment, a familiar mixed smell floated in the distant sky.

It was a large number of residual fragments of deep space vampires.

"Lord Yuge, the battle between the king of the Weeping Bone Mountains and the deep space aliens was disturbed by him." Kahayu's figure appeared quietly. He returned to Yuge and forwarded the matter over there to Yuge.

This diffuse crystal tentacles have no restrictions at all. Although this side is constantly entangled with Karel, the tentacles that accidentally derived from other places are completely endless and extend outward.

And the aliens in the Weeping Bone Forest were innocently affected in this way.

"Except for a few kings who didn't notice it, more than half of the aliens were all affected by the pollution."

Fortunately, Kahayu has always been exploring the outside in the form of peeping, and with the information sharing provided by Yuge, he became alert after noticing the abnormality.

"It's really a terrifying light, even the king can't resist it."

Although the transformation of the aliens in the Weeping Bone Forest was only a moment, for Kahayu who had been paying attention to them, this moment seemed to be infinite, infinite pollution, infinite invasion, especially under the vision of the Abyss Giant Net, all of this was like an irresistible rejection, and a pool of water that was originally one color was injected with sewage of a completely different color!

"He was chasing the king, and after absorbing those negligent kings, it seemed that many different changes had occurred.", Kahayu who came back was not just a simple look. He was at the same level of power, and with the help of the power of the Abyss Giant Net, he clearly perceived a deeper feeling.

"He seems to be more powerful"

"It's not from the power of the gods themselves, but in this world, the influence in the Lightless Pot is even greater!"

Kahayu can only describe this feeling so simply. If the feeling in the Abyss Giant Net is passed to Youge, it is equivalent to directly exposing Youge to two kinds of divine power.

"He is invading everything around him. He completely transforms the substances of the Lightless Pot Land into "crystal substances"!"

A substance that is completely not contained by the Lightless Pot Land, a substance that can oppose the entire Lightless Pot Land world, a substance that has nothing to do with the meta-matter!

"Is this a god?"

Yu Ge communicated all this silently with Kahayu behind Karel. The cold current in front of him was also growing stronger with Miller, and began to gushed out from the ground frantically, and the shattering was like the collapse of the earth.

"A completely different god, the Abyss Giant Net is no different from him, but this world accommodates the existence of the Abyss Giant Net."

Kahayu nodded. Under the seemingly simple situation, there are actually more problems hidden. If we only talk about the existence of the Abyss Giant Net, its scale is actually not much smaller than the scope of the crystal tendril flower at this time.

"What are you doing, little brother Hong~? ", and at this time, the Gray King, who was also dodging behind Karel, noticed a little abnormality in Youge, and then thought of something, and continued to ask with a smile: "Do you have any hidden tricks? Why not take them out earlier~"

Youge's hidden tricks,

The Gray King had to wonder if the other party had some unknown little secrets, which in a sense could just suppress the terrifying crystal flower that was more rampant at this time.

"No. But there are."

Youge denied the other party's inquiry, and after another moment of hesitation, he and Kahayu looked at Migotaiser beside him.

"Maybe he will have some ways."

If not, Youge would have already begun to consider retreating. It was already extremely risky to use the method of using the concept of light in the mouth to deal with the crystal spirit. At this time, under the irradiation of this terrifying "internal light of the crystal", who knows whether that person will really appear here, and then he will definitely not be able to escape.

"I think we shouldn't get involved in things like TheRed. No one wants their race to interfere with the game of a god casually!" Migotaiser kept buzzing, and decisively rejected the gazes of Yuge and others: "This great gift is not just a simple gift. The acquisition of knowledge and wisdom is actually a joke of this great!"

Continuous rejection,

Migotaiser already had the intention to leave, but the changes in the surrounding materials caused a lot of deviation effects when his wings controlled the ether.

"Great joke?"

Migotaiser's explanation made Yuge alert again. For these greats, perhaps a casual flick, or even a flick worth noting, is indeed a devastating existence for them.

"TheRed, I need your help!" Compared with Migotaiser's retreat, Karel, who had been constantly operating the cold current and Miller in a stalemate, suddenly made a sound.


"You are the only one who can connect with the majestic Lightless Pot, and you are the only one who can give me more powerful support!"

The light from the inside of the crystal became more dazzling, and a large number of deep space vampires in the sky also turned into crystals in the light and began to fall from the sky.

Crystal fragments flew everywhere, the sound of falling and the sound of tendrils attacking spread all around. Miller, who was able to grow stronger again, burst out more crystal tendrils from this flower.

A deep space vampire floated from nowhere and fell.

After its huge body just blocked Miller's subsequent attack, Karel finally got a breathing time again.

"I need you to suppress the opponent's will. As long as the will that controls the entire pollution disappears, we can gradually wear out this terrible gift." Karel completely shattered the surrounding land, summoned the cold current from the ground to the maximum extent, surrounded his own position, and rotated madly to protect.

"What should I do? If there is no deal, that great man will not listen to me completely."

"No, he will agree with your choice, but he needs a master controller, otherwise he can only wait until this terrible gift expands again before triggering his rejection!" Karel knew exactly what would happen, but by the time this situation occurred, he didn't know how long he had been dead.

The will from the Lightless Pot Land still needs a lot of work to do. Not every time a god makes trouble, he will pay attention to it. So at this time, he needs people who favor him or special aliens to facilitate this kind of thing.

Moreover, Karel doesn't want to die. He has only been in this position for a short time. The brighter future and the unexplored Marvel world are what he is looking forward to next!

"Call him, call the power from the great, and fight against that will together. I can find an opportunity to completely destroy him!"

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