Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 803 Sacrifice the Eye Demon Hall

"Call upon the great to punish the rebels!"

The cold current around Karel condensed into substance, and a layer of white protective shield in circulation surrounded them, and began to block the tendrils that came from the sky and the ground.

Youge did not hesitate,

As if thinking about something, the will from Youge began to call upon the Lightless Pot Land along with the rotation of the cold current.

However, things were not that simple. At this time, the Lightless Pot Land was focused on invading the Marvel world, and did not pay much attention to the explosion of the power of the gods, which he thought was just a small matter.


A fragment of will fell from the sky, penetrated the gap of the tendrils of the gods, and drifted around Youge and others.


If you put yourself in it, the problem can be solved.

There is no emotion, no tendency, just a most suitable solution that will not cause any subsequent problems.

That is to give Youge to Miller, who began to use the gift of the crystal gods to harm this land, and the other party will naturally take everything and return to the embrace of the great.

How simple, and without any surprise.

"Hehe, little brother Red, it looks like you've become a victim again~", Gray King took a step back, looking at Youge with a mocking look in his eyes while laughing.

"The Red, please obey the will of the great man."

Cariel, who was defending with all his strength, steadied his breathing, and without looking back, he conveyed his thoughts to Youge in a muffled voice.


Youge was silent, and Kahayu didn't say anything. These two, as well as Migo, who was thinking about something beside him, formed an opposing situation with Gray King and Cariel.

It was a familiar routine, but this time there was no choice of humanity, no mixture of interests and selfishness. After leaving humans behind, when facing such a great existence with a purer choice, they would also encounter the same oppression.

This feeling really made Youge very unhappy.

But there was no way. The Lightless Pot did not choose to help Youge suppress Miller, who was full of divine power, and Migo and Gru, who were highly expected by the Gray King and him, had no way to deal with it.


Outside the cold current protection, the sound of the omen of the coming of the crimson vampire sounded, and then returned to the sound of the tendrils raging and rolling in the countless crystal friction sounds.

"Hehe, little brother Red, why don't we go, let the Weeping Bone Mountains here fall completely into the ravages of this great man, and then he will have to take action?" The Gray King did not choose to be in the same camp with Karel. In this matter, except for Karel, others can actually choose to avoid this place, and the Gray King's goal has been achieved. As a result, there is no sense of urgency at all: "How about it? Hehe~ Let's go?"

The situation changed,

Carel couldn't help but squeak in his heart. Yes, if Youge escaped, then should he also escape? But if he doesn't get this done this time, he will need to get it done soon, unless he dies and the whole process is completely empty, then there will be other options.

And he, it's too late.

When everyone looked at Youge, the latter made an unexpected move.

"Maybe he is right, I should really make this choice."

He spoke suddenly without any warning, and he was going to give his true self to this god?

"Huh? What? You plan?" Gray King flashed a trace of disbelief, but her understanding of Youge made her curious again: "Brother Hong, have you thought of any way?"

"Yes, the feasibility is high or low."

A hole opened on the body of Youge's red-clothed faceless man, like a door, and a human hand stretched out from it, holding the edge of the red-clothed faceless man, and slowly crawled out from the inside.

Until the owner of this hand walked out completely, the familiar face was the face of the original human Hall.

Indeed, it is not difficult for Youge to escape. Looking at the human Youge who walked out, we can know that the ether in the lightless pot is affected, but the independent crimson matter is just an internal transmission item, so it has no effect. As long as the crimson matter here is simply extracted and the ether matter that controls the lightless pot is not interfered with, it is enough for Youge to escape.

"Oh? Brother Hong, what are you going to do? Are you going to use a fake past to trick that guy to leave?" Gray King stepped forward and looked at the human-shaped Youge. From some potential information collected from it, he judged that this seemed to be the body of the former Eye Demon Hall?

Or the human body is not the kind of human product that is copied.

"It was indeed a correct choice not to destroy this body at the beginning."

Youge also looked at this body again. If this body is given to other beings, maybe a more powerful and perfect alienated human can be cultivated.

"Lord Yuge, do you want to give it to the other party?" Kahayu, who was standing by, could see something, but he was a little worried about the connection between this body and Yuge. The entanglement between the two parties might not be that simple.

"Yes, but it needs special treatment."

Kahayu's worries were also what Youge thought, but before pulling out this body, he had already dealt with this matter, using the time flow of the two worlds to completely clean up the various entanglements with him in this body!

It seems difficult, but it is actually very easy.

The entanglement between the two sides has long been deeply rooted in every substance, and the deep information has always been recorded in everything about Youge, but it is still recorded in the substance.

Starting from the meta-matter level, and then reshaping it, a new Youge who really went to another result appeared here.

A Youge with a corrupted devouring eye, a Youge who left the royal city and wandered around, then circulated in a simple universe world, and then tried to return to the royal city to make a comeback.

And simply speaking, this is a Youge with a huge corrupted devouring eye that is constantly devouring and evolving, without any help from the coffin, and without any Youge who controls evolution from deeper substances. In other words, this is a Youge who has exhausted his luck after obtaining a huge hatching devouring eye.

And this is the main reason why Youge believes that he can end it all with this body!

That is the guy with a crystal head in front of him. His knowledge of himself is still based on the information from the time of the rebellion of the old nobles. What he wants is the original Eye Demon Hall, not The Red.

The most important thing is that in such a long battle, he has appeared in the opponent's eyes more than once or twice. Only after the crystal tendril flower bloomed at the end did the opponent call out his identity, and it was still the old name. It can be imagined that the sacrifice he wants should be the Eye Demon Hall.

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