Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 86 Human-Faced Spider Lair

Although the matter of the bugs and the sea of ​​tentacles can be put aside for the time being,

but the matter of the underground people has to be dealt with proactively. Not only the subsequent arrangements for Mr. Orange, but also the task of [Coffin], all require direct confrontation with the underground people.

Wait, there is also the closed gate of the public security office. If the underground is disturbed too much by me, I have to guard against their sudden intervention!

Suddenly remembering the place that Heide mentioned before, Youge asked Mary again: "Do you know the gate leading to the ground here? Which direction is it!"

"The gate? Are you talking about the passage for humans to come and go when the underground facilities were built? That has been knocked down by the big bugs and has been unusable for nearly a hundred years!"

Mary looked confused. She thought Youge went to Orson's house to find the underground passage because he knew the gate had collapsed. Now she always felt that this lord was a bit reckless, but since she had already voted for him, she had no other choice.

It collapsed! The passage collapsed, and now Youge can let go.


Relatively speaking, Mr. Orange's goal is to build and develop the new urban area, and there are no resources except this piece of land. Even if it is given to Mr. Orange, he may not want it. In this way, after completing the initial equipment recovery, this floor is completely equivalent to Youge's private territory. He can do whatever he wants!

Alas, it's just a thought now. Only when the problem is really solved can it be considered a success!

Let's recover to the peak state first and then plan.

"Mary, you will seal the passage down first, and wait for me to arrange the next things!"

"Yes, sir!"

After waving away the three people, Youge flashed into the [coffin], which was still the best.

"Sister, it seems that the sir has recognized us?" Jenny asked Mary eagerly after going out.

"It's okay, this sir will not like our previous actions, so be more careful in the future." Mary glanced at Emma who was walking alone behind her. This time she was out of Martin's clutches, and it depended on whether she could control herself.

Mary is absolutely relieved that Jenny is with her. As for Emma, ​​if she is still the same as before, no matter how much she helps her, who knows what she will do in secret.

On the way to the ground, Emma was silent all the way.

After thinking about this new adult for so long, Emma finally understood a little bit.

Definitely not like Martin who was stubbornly guarding such a place at the beginning.

And what Mary thought of, Emma now also thought of a large part. After all, she has lived for so long and has dealt with all kinds of people in the old city. Although she is not as talented as Mary, the intuition brought by so many experiences still plays a big role.

After thinking it through, Emma finally made up her mind. Mary has already gone ahead in this regard, and she still needs her help for the time being because she indirectly saved herself.

"Mary." Near the exit, Emma stood up and looked at Mary: "What do you plan to do to seal the passage as the adults said?"

"Hmm?" Mary was surprised by Emma's sudden question and answered: "Send all the servants here, and leave only one person to guard the passage so that no one will find out."

Feeling that the key point of Emma's question was not the problem, Mary also became serious: "Jenny likes to play, and can't stay here. I need a calm person to stay and take care of her. What do you think?"

"Then I'll stay. I want to calm down during this time."

"Okay, let's do it!"

If you stay here alone, you must not only endure loneliness but also be on guard against professionals who may come unexpectedly at any time. If there are many people, you can leave cannon fodder to deal with it. Now Emma takes the initiative to ask to do this, which shows her sincerity. And from the fact that she took the initiative to ask Mary, Emma has already given in to Mary.

Three days later.

After recovering, Youge went to the underground farm mentioned by Mary alone.

The road was still barren. Except for occasionally casting curious glances at the fluorescent light of the sea of ​​tentacles, it was really quiet except that the terrain began to fluctuate when approaching the destination.

"Nest!?" It was not until Youge got closer that he discovered the holes hidden in the undulating terrain.

How to say it, this terrain, starting from Youge's feet, even the walls of the underground boundary extending to the range of sight were filled with holes.

The walls of this honeycomb-like structure were covered with viscous liquid, which was more solid than the original underground structure, and this was the main reason why the underground people raised these aliens. For the underground people, as they went deeper into the underground structure, the pressure on the structure and the requirements for underground transformation became more stringent. It happened that the first generation of humans who went underground discovered the nest of this alien, which laid the foundation for the first deep digging underground.

What's more amazing is that the food of these aliens is not "meat". To be honest, underground creatures are very rare, and there will never be large-scale underground space in the original ecology, so eating plants and minerals has become the only way out for these aliens.

Human-faced spiders, this kind of alien species that has been raised by the underground people for countless times has long transformed into a docile existence.

Just when Youge stepped onto the first mound, many finger-sized human-faced spiders surrounded Youge.

No matter what, the origin of the underground people is human, and Youge's aura is naturally very close to that of the underground people. Of course, these little human-faced spiders will not reject Youge.

"Lv1: Human-faced spider larva;"

"It's just like what Jenny said. Just touching the faces with patterns on the backs of these spiders feels very soft!" After sensing the goodwill of these human-faced spiders, Youge naturally picked one up and observed it carefully: "If it were in the previous world, this would be a must-have pet for spider lovers!"

However, during this short stop, when Youge picked up the young human-faced spider, the vibration from his approaching footsteps had already been transmitted along the specially reinforced ground.

A rustling sound was heard

At least two inverted triangle-shaped huge heads half the size of Youge's body emerged from all the holes.

The tentacle-like visual organs, the huge retractable mouthparts, and the thick fur on its body surface all made Youge want to take back what he had just said.

He repeatedly compared the young human-faced spider in his hand with the huge monster in front of him. They looked exactly like they were made from the same mold!

"Lv5: Adult human-faced spider; Attribute: web; Characteristics: mucus, mouthparts"

When the first human-faced spider closest to Youge confirmed the other party's identity, the antennae on its head began to tremble continuously, a kind of sound wave communication similar to that of bats. This transmission continued to accelerate from the first row to the entire underground cave, and the human-faced spiders withdrew underground, and the young human-faced spider in Youge's hand also quickly jumped down after the other spiders disappeared.

, writing hard

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