Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 87: First Encounter with the Underground Man

"Crunch, crunch!"

The sound of the joints rubbing against the stones came from afar, and the sound came closer.

A mechanical stilt similar to the legs of an insect, with a human figure flashing on the top. The three underground people riding on it were checking the cause of the riot of the human-faced spiders in the cave below them!

"Underground people!" You Ge realized it later. It was probably because he touched the young human-faced spider that caused the previous commotion and led them to check.

At this time, no matter whether it was right or wrong, he would hide first.

After jumping down the nearest hole, You Ge hid under the ground.

What was unpleasant was that this kind of land intertwined with the mucus of the human-faced spiders was like rolling in gravel when You Ge shuttled through it. Some tiny corners in the land would always rub against his skin. Although it was harmless, it was still a little annoying compared to the comfortable and soft feeling in the ground before.

When the underground man's machine approached, You Ge also saw the appearance of the underground man clearly.

The eyeballs have completely transformed into a photosensitive organ that protrudes outward like an hourglass. To be more specific, it is an eye similar to that of a pot-shaped anemone, which can twist autonomously in a full range to receive information from the surrounding environment. This structure ensures that the underground people have normal visual perception in the dark, but the evolution of this organ also means that they cannot accept strong light environments at all.

In addition, their noses have also lost their original two holes and turned into something like a filter. After all, the existence of various chemical gases underground is also an important factor affecting human survival.

"Other people have appeared here!"

The underground people's machine stayed at the position where Youge had just played with the young human-faced spider.

The underground man who controlled the machine had a few fine hairs on his eye organs. He could feel the residual heat on the edge of his pasture from a distance and was very sure that Youge had appeared: "It seems that this person has no idea about the habits of human-faced spiders. He is definitely not the alienated person living on the other side."

"Who else could be here? Captain! Could it be that someone from the surface has come down?" The underground man behind him was delighted. It couldn't be true!

"No need, I know where he is! Let's see who it is first!" The underground man who controlled the machine pulled out a weapon similar to a spear from the base with a sneer on his face: "This kind of person who only knows how to wander around, even if he hides, what can he do? He is destined to be hunted by us underground!"

The spear in his hand then aimed at the underground location where Youge was hiding: "The residual heat source went there. He must be hiding in the nest, so die!"

Then countless purple liquids were instantly ejected from the muzzle.

After covering the area, a violent explosion occurred as soon as it touched the ground reinforced by the human-faced spider's mucus!

Fortunately, Youge dodged early and retreated a distance when he saw the other party aiming at him.

Although it was not comfortable to move in this kind of soil, he still managed to avoid the range of the explosion and was only affected by the aftershocks underground.

"Is he dead?"

"No, there is no smell of blood in the air!"

"Did he leave a long time ago?"

"It's possible, hum, he's lucky!" The underground man who fired the liquid waved away the dust after the explosion, looked at the empty explosion site, and cursed: "I thought I had some gains this time. I really want the adults to catch that mutant too!"

The two people on the side also looked helpless. Since the big bug smashed the entrance, this place has become boring. No surface people came down to be hunted by them, causing the morale of the people in the farm where they were here to be depressed. If the adults hadn't told them to dig it up, they would have rushed out to catch the surface people and brought them back to play.

"Wait! Captain, look there!"

Looking in the direction pointed by his teammates, the captain also found something unusual. When Youge stepped on this nest, he happened to leave a shallow footprint. It was the secretion of the young human-faced spider when it expanded its living area. It was almost completely integrated into the land, and then stepped on by Youge.

"It's the footprint of the surface people, completely different from us!" In order to be able to move freely in various soils, the soles of the underground people's shoes are all with thorn-like structures, while Youge's soles are flat. In addition, the commotion triggered before was definitely not caused by the aliens over there. It must be the surface people this time!

After getting this important information, the controller didn't want to stay here anymore and had to go back and report quickly.

Although I don't know what level of enemies will appear, it won't be too much, otherwise the surface people will not choose to avoid them.

Unfortunately, Youge's purpose of hiding was to avoid alerting the enemy, so that he could catch all the underground people in one fell swoop after finding out the truth.

"I don't know where the surface person is hiding, so let's go back and report first. When the time comes, as long as the master gives the order, everyone will come out to hunt the surface person. It's not easy for him to hide safely in the lair of the human-faced spider!"

"Okay! Captain."

As soon as the voice fell, the three of them started the machine and returned quickly. Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that Youge had already followed slowly underground.

Originally, he thought that the other party's attack was to discover him, but he didn't expect that it was just a guess about his residual heat. But it's okay. They go back like this and he can follow them to see what the underground people's farm looks like. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle!

Moreover, these three people are just minions close to Lv10 in Youge's opinion. At most, the captain is a little bit outstanding and has a little special existence!

However, their weapons are very novel. Following all the way underground, Youge also saw clearly what was inside the mechanical leg. It was actually a transparent water tank, which was filled with the purple liquid that the captain used to shoot himself just now.

"Ghost Scorpion Venom: It can corrode and paralyze prey, and it will explode when it encounters the human-faced spider mucus!"

Although he didn't see any ghost scorpions along the way, from this point, Youge also saw that in order to prevent accidents, the underground people would definitely raise them in other places.

"These underground people seem to be transformed into extremely strange things because of the environment, but there are quite a lot of novel things!"

Explosions are not unfamiliar to Youge. In the context of an information age, explosions are the most primitive romance of men.

From the encyclopedia, you can naturally see the most basic knowledge about explosions, and the explosions of ghost scorpion venom and human-faced spider mucus clearly belong to the category of [chemical explosion]. In other words, if the purity of these two liquid materials is improved, can't it be transformed from a simple explosion to a more violent "detonation" reaction?

Youge has thought a lot about this point. This farm may not be a trump card for him. If he encounters a large-scale siege like Martin, he will just throw out countless explosive packs. Isn't it wonderful? !

The only thing that makes Youge headache is that he is not a chemical engineer "now", but that's just now. After using some finished equipment from the clockwork center,

as long as he can perfect his ideas, it will definitely change the cold weapon combat style of the royal city and lead the arrival of a wave of hot weapons!

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