Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 88 Underground Farm Outpost

The underground farm has now become his own private property in Youge's eyes!

Rolling down the clothes that came from the manor seemed like a big deal.

After following these underground people for about ten minutes, I finally saw the appearance of the so-called farmer.

It was said to be a farm, but what appeared in front of You Ge was a small factory, but it was not as highly mechanized as the factory in the clockwork center.

Viewed from the left, several dead adult masked spiders are slowly brought into the factory on caterpillar tracks. On the opposite side are the same number of giant scorpions. In the center of the factory, several underground people can be seen taking Strange knives were being used to cut up the corpses that had been brought in.

From the overall style, it can be seen that this is where the old equipment mentioned by Mr. Orange in the information is located. Although it has been transformed by the underground people, it still maintains the original architectural characteristics.

"It's a matter of life and death for the underground people. It seems that if I take away the accessories, I can't continue to use them here."

It is not so easy to deal with these underground people. Not to mention their weapons, even the core members of this farm are probably on par with the original Martin, let alone the continuous support deep underground. of other underground people.

Therefore, the most important step for You Ge is to quickly cut off their communications so that the underground people here are completely isolated. After the underground people below find out, I believe that I and Mr. Cheng can also establish a good defense!

Okay, how to get started? It's a good idea, but it's a pity that the difficulty lies in the beginning, how to start!

You Ge, who did not enter the farm anyway, started to worry about how to start.

But when You Ge was worrying outside, the three people who were attracted by his troubles had already arrived in front of the underground man in charge of the farm.

"We found shoe prints belonging to people on the surface at the place where the accident occurred. It seems that the commotion was caused by touching a young human-faced spider without knowing its habits." The leader of the three-person team looked serious. : "Sir! There must have been a new secret passage that allowed the people on the surface to slip down, and the main passage to the surface is still collapsed. It must not be an official force on the surface!"

Hearing what the team leader said, everyone else here suddenly thought of something!

All eyes were nakedly looking at the adult in the middle!

Rios, the person in charge of this farm.

Ever since I was sent here to guard the farm, I have never been back to the deep layers.

Although he is not a resourceful underground person, he also knows that the attitude of the higher-ups towards people on the surface is not so hostile but rather inexplicable. Only those guys who have been fooled by descendants think they are surface people. Drive them underground to survive.

Moreover, Rios does not have no knowledge of the surface. After many exchanges with the alienated man Martin, he knew that the eye structure of the underground people alone is no longer able to adapt to the strong light on the surface. Even if they can successfully hit On the ground, it becomes a pity that it is tasteless and discarded.

Those ridiculous fools also jokingly call this place the first line of defense for attacking the surface in the future. In order to make the people on the surface suffer a big loss, they raise human-faced spiders and ghost scorpions here to create large amounts of explosives - poisonous fire.

Little do they know that these are all methods used by high-level officials to control and fool the people.

And what did Rios, who had enjoyed peace for so long today, hear? Someone from the surface openly broke into their territory!

It’s true that the uncle can’t bear it but the aunt can’t, so why bother! Do you really want to be torn apart that much?

Looking at so many pairs of blazing eyes underground, it was impossible to escape this time.

"Go ahead, you two will take the idle personnel today to investigate. By the way, Marcelo, you and your team will be responsible for investigating the Ghost Scorpion's lair!"

Anyway, if they all want to go, just push them out. But if they all go to the nest of the human-faced spider, then they will not even think about their so-called farm. If they don’t need to find the human-faced spider on the surface, they will probably have to come back several times. Troublesome riot!

"Well, after all the remaining people surround the farm and don't get out, let the surface people sneak in!"

As soon as Rios finished speaking, these people all ran out, and they even started to compete with each other, trying to catch You Ge!

"Hey, it turns out that this place is not as simple as I thought. Why did you send me here? If the other radicals had come here, they would have started a war with the people on the surface!"

After Rios went out with a look of helplessness on his face, he turned to think about the arrival of the surface people. After all, he who was sent here also had some selfish desires of his own!

In this faint melancholy, the tall tower outside the farm flashed a strange light, which seemed to be red but not red, conveying a unique message belonging to the underground people.

This brilliance spreads inward through all the gaps and dissipates at the end.

At the same time, the fragments of [Light Element Information] left behind caused all the underground people near the farm to look up at the tower.

"Emergency gathering! What happened?"

"Hurry! Gather at the tower!"

The moment they received the information, all the underground people put down what they were doing and ran out quickly.

The highest level of emergency gathering has not appeared for many years. Not only the underground people, but also Youge, who received the information through the "coffin", was shocked. He doubted that he could not be taken so seriously by the underground people. What big thing could happen here? Could it be that the big bug Jenny mentioned appeared? !

This really made Youge jump. If the big bug really appeared, he would definitely run away.

In less than a minute, nearly a thousand people had gathered under the tower.

The crowd was quietly discussing what happened this time, but Youge saw that the pairs of sea anemone eyes that belonged to the underground people were constantly swinging in the air..

After everyone in Rios' room gathered, a tall underground person began to speak.


Everyone under the tower was silent for a moment.

"Everyone knows about the commotion of the human-faced spiders just now! The first team sent out lived up to expectations and found the reason for the commotion of the human-faced spiders! It's the surface people!"

As soon as the three words "surface people" came out, it was as if a bomb had exploded.

All the underground people shouted: "Catch the surface people! Fight the beasts! Fight the beasts!"

The tall underground man who spoke was very happy to see this performance. He pressed his hands down slightly, and the field became quiet again.

"Don't worry! For hundreds of years, since the big bugs crashed the surface passage, no surface people have come down! Although the appearance of the surface people this time did not open the passage again! That means there must be other entrances and exits!"

Entrances and exits? How could these people not understand what this means? Their "outpost" finally has the opportunity to go out and do something big!

"Although we haven't found where this entrance and exit is now, as long as we catch the surface person, we will definitely be able to interrogate him! So."

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