Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 89 Rios's plan

The tall underground man narrowed his eyes and continued: "We need to capture the surface man alive and find out where the secret entrance is. Then he will be yours!"


"The first team and the second team will go with me to the human-faced spider lair to track the surface people. The third and fourth teams will search for the ghost scorpions. The remaining people will do defensive work to prevent the surface people from sneaking in! Do you understand!"

"Understood!", shouted in unison.

"Set off!"

After all, it was an army of underground people. After the order was given, they quickly began to assemble teams in two directions of the farm. They were holding weapons such as ropes and anesthesia. They just wanted to capture Yu Ge to realize their ambition of counterattacking the surface. .

And You Ge outside the farm just watched the hundreds of underground people in the farm leaving neatly from both sides. Except for the less than a hundred underground people left around the wall, there were only less than ten people still inside the farm. Maintain basic equipment operations.

"Leaving now? To catch me?!"

Among the shouts in the farm just now, he also heard a few shouts about catching people on the surface. Naturally, he didn't understand why his appearance had such a big impact, but this did not prevent him from taking the opportunity to sneak in and search for information about the situation. Intelligence information here.

After these groups of people completely disappeared from sight, Youge cautiously approached the farm from underground.

The good times didn't last long. As we approached the edge of the farm, the surrounding earth began to become "jerky". Compared with the gritty feeling in the underground of the Man-Faced Spider, this time it was as if the earth wanted to separate itself. Like squeezed out.

"Sure enough, there are defensive measures, but I don't know if they were set up by the underground people or the original facilities set up by humans to defend against aliens." There was a little regret on You Ge's face, as it was impossible to sneak in quietly from the underground.

After walking around a few times, I could only go in through the rear vent and take a look step by step.

You Ge, who was hunched over in the ventilation duct, could only move forward cautiously step by step. However, the place seemed to be in disrepair. The structure was direct but still very solid. It seemed that the two were about to shake. This object actually supported You Ge steadily as he passed by.

According to the "coffin" tip, it is some kind of polymer material that was specially processed by humans in the past. It will hardly show any signs of damage except for deliberate damage.

After all, this is the first line of defense for mankind, and Mr. Orange is also full of confidence in the equipment here, so he must have his own unique side.

Youge continued to wander around in the pipes, and finally found a place that looked like a document room.

The light in the room was dim, but it did not hinder Youge's sight. There was an old single table and a wooden four-legged single chair. Except for a large number of file cabinets stored in the back, the only thing in the room was That specimen of the head of a human-faced spider that is comparable to the head of a truck.

You don't need to think too hard to know that this is the room of the person in charge of the farm, and there must be important information about the underground people here.

Break! You Ge didn't hesitate at this point. Now that the person in charge is away or has gone out to search for him, he will definitely find the traces he left when he comes back. He will take the information without stopping and leave first!

After jumping down from the vent pipe, he packed a lot of information into his space equipment without even looking at it. He didn't even leave the half-written letter on the table!

"Slip away!"

After returning from the original route, You Ge hid far away near the Tentacle Sea. These underground people would not even think of checking this place.

Not long after Youge left, Rios also returned to his room. His head went blank when he saw that the room was completely empty.

All the files in the room are gone!

It's just a headache of how to report the public appearance of surface people to the superiors, and after going out in a circle, someone sneaked in?

Speaking of people on the surface, he remembered the secret exchanges he had with some people at the top, which made Rios even more worried. If he was discovered secretly, he could potentially communicate with him, but now he couldn't control himself.

After patting the table, he regained his energy and checked the abnormalities in the room.

"The breath of a professional! It has the same attribute smell as that alienated person!" After Rios's perception was released, he quickly discovered the traces of Youge from the ventilation duct above: "It looks like those people below Even if we turn those two lairs upside down, we still won’t be able to find this surface person. Professionals with the [earth] attribute will be the most troublesome!”

After talking for a while, Rios didn't care so much about Yu Ge's theft: "The level will not exceed 15. It is most likely that it depends on its own unique attributes to be able to move freely on this level. Although I don't know his personal personality (Peace , chaos, neutral), but if the other party sees those letters, there would be a chance for both parties to talk first!

As long as his purpose of coming here does not conflict with your own interests, establish the first step of cooperation with him! Absolutely no problem”

For Rios, apart from some high-level matters, this farm is not controlled by him alone. Several cadres with strong personalities below have long wanted to kick him back underground. In their opinion, every day He only knows how to run the farm better and doesn't care about how to conquer the surface of the earth at all. He has no ambition.

Especially Rios' ability, which is completely biased towards the auxiliary attribute of farm breeding. If it weren't for the iron-blooded means of the underground people's law against those who persecute their compatriots, those leaders might have directly plotted against Rios.

Os's ability here is also strange. When he was young, he showed a unique sense of affinity with the underground spiders. Before he grew up, his means of controlling the human-faced spiders also made him the center of attention. However, after reaching a certain level, no matter how he improved his control over spiders, he could not have the absolute advantage among his peers. However, this was also seen by some people, and he was subsequently sent to raise human-faced spiders.

In the words of "Coffin", it is "Lv18: Spider Breeder-Rios; Attribute: Spider; Trait: Legs"

And this leg is also Rios' most powerful weapon. When he broke through L10, Rios merged his attributes and grew eight slender and solid armored spider legs on his back. Combined with his own ability to control spiders, close combat is completely not inferior to ordinary people.

This not very outstanding ability, coupled with the lukewarm reaction to the attack on the surface here, is often secretly disliked by subordinates.

Unfortunately, how could they know that when talking about high-level people behind their backs, there will be no less of that kind of mysterious feelings!

Rios will not ignore them forever just because he ignores them for a while!

"Go out and look for them. After getting rid of those guys with the help of the surface people, transfer your confidants here, and you can live a more comfortable life!" As soon as the thought came to Rios, he instantly thought of how to kill those idiots.

And those underground people who were still searching everywhere only felt a chill on their backs, and didn't take it seriously at all!

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