Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 90 Cooperation (1)

After leaving his room, Rios sneaked out. In this place where there were no restrictions at all for him, it was easy to prevent those outside from noticing that he had gone out!

The only thing left is to sift out bit by bit the unique flavor that belongs to the people on the surface from the remaining information nearby.

From this point of view, the more advanced the underground people are, the more their special organs in the eyes can detect trace amounts of pheromones in the air, and it is this kind of information that has not dissipated during the time that You Ge came in and out. The best detection time period.

"Sure enough, it came in from the external vent." Although Rios discovered the place where Youge stayed the longest, unfortunately, extending outward from here, the remaining information about Youge almost disappeared: "Able to burrow into the ground. Professionals are troublesome, it seems they can only be found little by little! ”

After summoning a palm-sized human-faced spider from somewhere, it crawled into the ground little by little and began to move slowly in the wilderness with Rios.

At this speed, unless you are lucky enough to find You Ge, it is really a fool's errand.

On the other side, You Ge, who was hiding beside the sea of ​​tentacles, finally had a general understanding of the situation of the underground people here.

First of all, I have to praise the person in charge, Rios. When he first arrived here, there were only a few dozen domesticated human-faced spiders. Under his guidance, they have grown to tens of thousands now. Not only do they provide underground people with The continuous supply of special meat materials also produced a large amount of strategic materials "poison fire".

He really did something that ordinary people can't do.

As for the other documents and materials, except for the summary report made by Rios on the farm and the casualty reports of poor underground people who were accidentally transformed by big bugs occasionally, there was no information worthy of Yuge's special attention.

However, this information also tells the general situation of the farm. The place with a full establishment of 3,000 people now only has more than 1,000 people left. As for the next recruitment of personnel, it has not been approved yet.

The reason is probably that the supplementary personnel identified by Rios as suitable for the situation here all hold important positions in other places, and they cannot be easily transferred without suitable replacements. Although Rios provides a good source of food for the underground, that It was just food, not something essential, so it was put off again and again.

These are private letters about the exchanges between Rios and some upper-level personnel. They are all about sensitive topics between this farm and the people on the surface.

What surprised You Ge was that these letters asked Rios to find ways to secretly contact external surface people to seek further cooperation!

The most important reason is that the underground high-level people were discussing the next evolutionary characteristics of underground humans. To a certain extent, this evolutionary trend has planned to completely abandon the characteristics of humans.

This kind of alienation in order to survive more freely underground is almost equivalent to becoming the aliens who forced these humans to choose to live underground!

Needless to say, this inevitably caused a backlash from some high-level officials, and then the underground people also split into two factions.

However, as this policy has not been fully implemented, the second evolution of the underground people will not be implemented in a short period of time!

"It's so terrifying! This is even more terrifying than the human body modification in the clockwork center!" Youge shuddered at the thought of those strange things being connected or growing out of his body bit by bit!

Transformation of this kind of thing can be accepted if it is mechanical. After all, in the human concept, this kind of artificial creation is viewed more from the concept of assisting human beings, and the new "meaty equipment" is physically connected. The illusion of changing one's own nature appears when the time comes. People who can accept this kind of thing are usually either perverts or humble humans who cannot control themselves.

And if the high-level underground people pass this policy, it goes without saying that most of the underground people who are not high enough and still survive will definitely be the latter.

Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Youge didn't intend to help those underground people even if he thought about it. Aren't there so many people in the royal city with twists and turns of fate still working hard to survive? Moreover, his cheap second brother was also undergoing treatment in the transformation room of the clockwork factory at this time. A deviant body modification.

"But it's time to try to contact this Rios. If we can reach a consensus, we might as well cooperate!" If he can talk peacefully, Yuge will naturally not choose force.

Perhaps it was destined by God. After Yuge turned around and approached the farm again, he suddenly spotted Rios wandering around the land.

"! There are also fools among the underground people? Why are you staring at the land?" For the first time, there was no doubt that the underground person could trace his whereabouts.

Instead, after staring for a few breaths, the underground man looked at You Ge's direction in confusion.

"Not good! I was distracted by the other party's strange movements! Instead, I ignored that the other party is a high-level existence!"

After Rios felt a trace of sight, he thought someone had spotted him, but when he followed his feeling and looked over, there was no one there! How could he not understand now that it was the surface person hiding underground and peeking at him!

After all, the opponent's attributes are not very strong, and Lv18 is not that high, so when Youge was still hesitating whether to go up and do it, Rios took the lead and shouted:

"Surface people! You must have seen the documents you stole! How about we talk about it first?"

Regardless of whether the other party will believe it or not, it all depends on whether the other party has any intention to do so.

"Huh? He knows the documents he stole?! So he is Rios Chavez, one of the senders of the documents?" It is easy to compare who is among the signatures of several report letters. The passive position of both parties.

After thinking for a moment, You Ge also emerged from the ground.

At this point, the first public meeting between the underground people and the people on the surface in hundreds of years begins again.

"Hall Azathoth, one of the people in charge of the Clockwork Center!" You need to blow your name, otherwise the other person will think you are a minion, and you won't even be able to hold the right to speak!

Rios on the opposite side followed Yu Ge's words and made a statement: "Rios Chavez, the head of the 'Outpost' farm!"

Rios' words also pointed out that although I don't know what the other party's clockwork center is, this place named as the outpost must be a place that the underground people value, even if you see the actual situation here from the document. , You have to be strong-willed yourself. If a tiger is bullied by a dog, the dog can’t just come to you!

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