Cross To Be The Emperor

Chapter 65: I'm the only one in the world who can pretend

"You turned out to be unmanned!"

When he was a child, Li Hengxuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he looked at Luohong on the bed.

In Kyushu, many girls get married at the age of twelve or thirteen, and become mothers at the age of fourteen or fifteen. He didn't expect Hua Yumei, the second elder of the Hua family, to be over 30 years old, but still a big girl.

No wonder, from the very beginning, Hua Yumei was awkward and blushed.

"His Majesty…"

Hua Yumei snuggled into Li Hengxuan's arms, and said in a low voice: "I lost my mother when I was young, and my father died when I was ten years old. My father used to be the elder of the Hua family, and he put all his heart on the Hua family. So after my father died, , I will inherit my father’s behest and resolve to never marry in my life and dedicate myself to the Hua family.”

"So that's how it is. I wondered that you, a woman of the generation, could be the second elder of the Hua family."

Li Hengxuan smiled slightly, and asked again: "Since that's the case, why did you agree to be a concubine after you made up your mind not to marry for the rest of your life?"

Hua Yumei whispered: "Being His Majesty's woman is also for the good of the Hua family. Moreover, I'm afraid that if I don't follow, it will bring disaster to the Hua family."

"Are you afraid of me?"

Li Hengxuan smiled, stretched out his fingers, and drew circles on her chest, which made her face flush again.

She nodded and said in a low voice, "Scared!"

"Unexpectedly, Hua Yumei, the second elder of the Hua family, who can make a decisive decision in a critical moment and end the life of the third elder with a single sword, would be afraid of me."

Li Hengxuan laughed, and continued: "Then, to become my concubine, you are also for the Hua family, because you are afraid of me?"

Hua Yumei quickly shook her head and said, "Ah, no, that's not the case."

"How is that? And because you like me?"

"I can't tell. I just think that His Majesty is the most special man I have ever met. Although I am younger than me, I am shocked by everything His Majesty has done! From the time His Majesty killed Ling Ba From that moment on, I had a different feeling towards His Majesty.

Then His Majesty suddenly appeared, decisively killed the Great Elder who was much higher than His Majesty, and I knew that Your Majesty must be another Holy Martial Emperor! Therefore, when His Majesty wanted to make me a concubine, I actually didn't have much resistance in my heart. "

After speaking, Hua Yumei lowered her head again, and said in a low voice: "Now, now..."

"What about now?"

"Now I really like Your Majesty. Your Majesty is very powerful. I, I am very happy with what I just did."

Hua Yumei's voice is thinner than that of a mosquito. Her face was red to the base of her neck, and it was hard for her to say such a thing in person.

"Ha ha."

Li Hengxuan took her into his arms, hugged her tightly, and said: "Since you have become my woman, I will give you two choices. One is that you enter the palace to enjoy the scenery of being a concubine, and you will have no worries about food and clothing from now on. There is a guard of honor when you go in and out, so you don't need to worry about anything anymore!

Second, you don't want to be an idler, instead of serving the Hua family wholeheartedly, you should instead serve me wholeheartedly. Which one do you choose. Of course, if you choose the former, as long as the Hua family does not commit crimes, I will not treat the Hua family badly! "

"I choose the latter."

Without even thinking about it, Hua Yumei said softly.

As the second elder of the Hua family, she who has always controlled the real power suddenly asked her to enter the palace to be a real idler. Although eating and drinking are served by maids of honor, and there are guards of honor to clear the way when going in and out, it seems to be very beautiful.

But it was worse than killing her.

Li Hengxuan said softly: "Very well, the current empress is in charge of the harem and the treasury. The imperial concubine is also the Minister of the Ministry of War, in charge of all administrative affairs of the army. Chun'er and the seven of them are my personal guards. Let me ask you, as the second son of the Hua family Elder, what is the specific responsibility of the Hua family?"


Hua Yumei was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Li Hengxuan would arrange this for her woman.

It's fine for the queen to be in charge of the harem, but she also manages the treasury at the same time.

The imperial concubine is also the minister of the Ministry of war. And the seven daughters of the sun, moon, stars, spring, summer, autumn and winter, who are equal to her status, are actually Li Hengxuan's personal bodyguards.

It's too messy for the harem to meddle in politics.

However, she likes it.

As the daughter of the former Great Elder of the Hua family, she could have found a well-matched rich family to marry early, and enjoy life with peace of mind.

But she chose to be the second elder of the Hua family.

In her heart, Hua Yumei is not a quiet woman either.

She quickly said: "The head of the Hua family is in charge of the overall situation, the elder is the commander of the army, and I am in charge of the family's business affairs and making money for the family. It's just that the head of the previous family was in name only, and the elder's hands are very long. , Even the things that I am responsible for, many of them are arranged by him."

"Ha ha!"

Li Hengxuan smiled, and said solemnly: "The Great Elder is dead. And since you are already my concubine, you don't need to worry about the Hua family's affairs. It just so happens that since you were in charge of the Hua family's business affairs before, I will no longer worry about it." I named you Minister of Commerce, in charge of Daxia Commerce, and you will make money for me in the future."

"Minister of Commerce? What is this position?"

Hua Yumei was taken aback, she had never heard of such a position in Daxia.

"This is the position in the future. The prime minister is undergoing the reform of the court system. In the future, the system of three provinces and six ministries in Daxia will become the prime minister's government system. At that time, the prime minister will be renamed the prime minister, and there will be more than officials, households, rites, and soldiers in the court. , Punishment, and Gong six.

Instead, there will be Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Police, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, etc. in charge of various things. In addition to this, there will be an independent military department. The so-called minister of commerce has the same rank as the previous six ministers. "

Li Hengxuan explained to Hua Yumei softly.

The system of the court was restructured to follow the system of Huaguo on Earth in the previous life. This was agreed between Li Hengxuan and Wei Yang when he left the imperial city.

Now that time travels, the knowledge from the previous life will naturally be used.

There are many problems in Daxia today, the most important one is that there is also a military system in the local area.

And his idea is to separate the military and the government, Wei Yang is in charge of the government, and he will be divided into multiple departments, each performing its duties. Convenience and commercial development, only when financial resources are strengthened, can money help schools, and ordinary people will be strong!

He also has the strength to unify Kyushu.

As for the independent military department, all the troops except the Forbidden Army will belong to the military department. Lan Jiaoniang, Zhao Yun, Bai Qiquan and other trustworthy people will control it.

Once a city is under control, all the soldiers of the big clans will be brought under the command of the army. A police department was established to maintain local law and order. In this way, the local clans would have no government soldiers, which would be beneficial to control the entire Great Xia.

This is also conducive to the progress of Kyushu.

Respecting martial arts, without a strong political power to protect the common people, he always feels that Kyushu is still a backward society.

The life of the common people is too sad, the rich can bully them if they want to, and even kill them if they want to!

Since he became the emperor, he also wanted to seek some welfare for the people. There will be no more big clans in the whole world.

The big clan bullied the civilians, trying to pretend to be coercive, right?

I'm sorry, but I'm the only one in the world who can pretend to be aggressive!

Those who disobey - kill!

However, these reforms will take time, and even the imperial city has not been fully completed, so Li Hengxuan only told Hua Yumei that the Minister of Commerce is the future position.

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