Cross To Be The Emperor

Chapter 66: Zhao Zilong Against the Heavens

Li Hengxuan smiled and said to Hua Yumei: "Okay, you go out first. I want to contact the Imperial City to borrow your hut, it doesn't matter."

Hua Yumei nodded while dressing, and said, "Your Majesty was joking."

Li Hengxuan said again: "Well, go find the Seven Women of the Sun, Moon, and Star in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and ask them to tell you the general situation of the harem and the imperial city, and you also tell them about the situation of Tianyuan City."

"The concubine will leave now."

After Hua Yumei put on her clothes, she backed out.

Li Hengxuan came to her study again, the study was much wider than the bedroom.

Rows of bookshelves were full of bamboo slips, and he opened them casually to see the accounts of the Hua family over the years.

There are also some thoughts about business written by her, which are quite fruitful.

In Kyushu, a place where commerce is extremely scarce, it is already very good for Hua Yumei to have such insight.

Afterwards, Li Hengxuan took out an amethyst for sending messages.

This thing is the same as the messenger jade pendant, as the name suggests, it is used to deliver news, but the messenger amethyst is more advanced than the messenger jade pendant.

The message jade pendant has a distance limit.

It cannot be sent back to the imperial city from Tianyuan City, and although there is a distance limit for the transmission of Zijing, the distance is much farther than that of the transmission jade pendant.

Basically, letters can be sent within a state. Crossing the state is not acceptable, because there will be state barriers.

And it transmits not only text, but also images and sounds, just like video chatting on earth. However, the Amethyst of Communication can only be used once, and each party holds one. It can only be used for one hour, and it will automatically shatter after being used up.

"I really miss QQ and WeChat on Earth. I don't know if these things can be invented in Kyushu in the future."

Li Hengxuan sighed in a low voice.

This kind of messenger amethyst is extremely precious, and there are not many treasures in the entire Great Xia treasury, and they are still preserved before, and one is used less than one.

As an emperor, Li Hengxuan felt distressed.

Injecting profound energy into the Amethyst of Communication, a picture appeared in front of his eyes, which was the image of Wei Yang.

"My lord, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

In the video, Wei Yang bowed to Li Hengxuan from afar.

"Wei Qing is flat, so there is no need to be polite." Li Hengxuan waved his hands and asked, "How is the reform of the imperial city going?"

Wei Yang said in a deep voice: "The government soldiers of all ethnic groups have been recruited, taxes have been collected, and the prime minister's regime is in progress. Now the big clan has no government soldiers, and Zilong is in charge. Although there is resistance, it is small. A lot."

"Well, Wei Qing is busy."

Li Hengxuan smiled, collected taxes first, then government soldiers, and then reformed the system. Abolishing the system of three provinces and six ministries and changing it to the system of prime minister leadership, this is the step he discussed with Wei Yang.

Even Xiaolian and Lan Jiaoniang didn't know about the abolition of the six ministries of the three provinces and the change of the prime minister's administration.

This is not to say that Li Hengxuan can't trust them, but that there are too many people who can easily leak information.

This kind of thing is tantamount to a big reshuffle of the court.

The resistance will be greater than tax collection, or even the recruitment of government soldiers.

Because this is tantamount to overturning the jobs of those big families. Wei Yang will not be in the way of anyone's face, and will arrange members of the big clan to enter the new court. He only uses his talents, and civilians are given priority.

On the other side of the video, Wei Yang said softly again: "I estimate that the reform will be roughly completed in another month. The school has also been established, and the first batch of 100,000 civilians have entered the school to practice. The reform of the court, I will first The Ministry of Science and Technology was established, Zhang Heng is the Minister of Science and Technology, and now under his leadership, the Imperial City is producing new things every day, and it is changing every day."

"very good."

Li Hengxuan nodded heavily.

During the period when I left the imperial city, the imperial city was not idle at all, and the development was thriving.

He then said: "But I want to make things difficult for you.


Wei Yang said: "Your Majesty wants to summon Zilong?"

"Nothing can be hidden from Wei Qing."

Li Hengxuan smiled and continued: "Tianyuan City is more difficult to deal with than I imagined. The size of the entire Tianyuan City is ten times that of the Imperial City. And I must conquer Tianyuan City. The Imperial City is surrounded by mountains. The world is isolated. Without opening up Tianyuan City, the new things created by Zhang Heng will not be able to open up business."

"The minister knows."

Wei Yang nodded, and said again: "I will ask Zilong to bring Concubine Lan, Zhao Kaishan, one hundred thousand imperial troops, and the new million regular army to support His Majesty."

"Eh? They're all here, what about you?"

Li Hengxuan was stunned, and said: "Just let Zilong come with the regular army, Zhao Kaishan and Concubine Lan will stay in the imperial city to assist you. Otherwise, it will be difficult to carry out your reform, and there will be quite a lot of resistance without strong forces."

Wei Yang smiled slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this subject, you are now a military venerable."

"What, you are Wu Zun?"

Li Hengxuan was surprised. He remembered that when he left the imperial city, Wei Yang was still a ninth-level martial king. And it was because he ate the Wu King Upgrade Pill that he gave him that he was upgraded to the peak of Wu Wang.

Why didn't you see each other for a month, and you became Wu Zun.

Wei Yang said with a smile: "Actually, it's not just me. Concubine Lan advanced to King Wu the day before His Majesty left, but His Majesty didn't know about it."

"What else is going on?"

Li Hengxuan was stunned for a moment. For three months in the imperial city, he only cared about his own cultivation and seldom cared about other things. When he left, he did feel that Lan Jiaoniang was stronger, but he didn't ask, and Lan Jiaoniang didn't say anything. Li Hengxuan never thought that Lan Jiaoniang would be Wu Zun at that time.

"Chen, Concubine Lan, and Zhao Kaishan are all Wu Zun now! Except for Zhao Kaishan, the other nine commanders of the imperial army have also advanced to become Wu Kings! Therefore, even if Zilong brings Concubine Lan and Zhao Kaishan to support His Majesty, The minister is in the imperial city, and he can hold the line!"

"How could it be that even Zhao Kaishan has advanced? Didn't Wei Qing just joke with me?"

Li Hengxuan was full of doubts. Although Wei Yang and Lan Jiaoniang advanced, although he was surprised, he could still accept it. Lan Jiaoniang is very talented, he already knew it. As a hero summoned by the system, Wei Yang's talent is not perfect, but it must not be too bad.

But Zhao Kaishan, he knew that Zhao Kaishan had stayed at the eighth-level martial artist before, and he couldn't make any progress. Talent can only be said to be above average, not even top class, how did he become a martial artist?

Moreover, the commanders of the imperial army were all martial masters before, but now they have all become martial kings. Isn't this a joke?

All of a sudden, there are three more Wu Zun's subordinates, nine Wuwang's subordinates?

"How dare I lie to Your Majesty?"

Wei Yang smiled slightly and said, "In fact, all of this is due to Zilong's contribution. Your Majesty should know that Zilong is the chief instructor of the three armies?"

"Well, I know that."

Li Hengxuan nodded. After the Yumen Dynasty, he focused on integrating his own martial arts and martial arts. Although he seldom cared about other things, he also knew that Wei Yang had arranged for Zhao Yun to be the head coach of the three armies and be responsible for training soldiers.

Wei Yang continued: "Zilong is extremely talented, not only is he strong! He also has a way of teaching others. He reformed the Wanxiang Jue for Zhao Kaishan, and raised the Wanxiang Jue from an earth-level exercise to a heaven-level exercise. Zhao Kaishan naturally made a breakthrough. Yes. Concubine Lan and I were able to break through to Wu Zun because of Zilong’s suggestion. Zhang Heng is almost there, probably within this month. If he hadn’t been busy researching technology, he would have broken through long ago!”

"Nimma! This is fine! Zilong is so perverted?"

Li Hengxuan was surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Then what about Zilong himself? What cultivation level is he now?"

Wei Yang smiled and said, "Wu Zun is at the peak!"

"My sun! Extreme talent, is this the ultimate talent? Zilong is not a pervert. It is basically the same as Bai Qi's killing technique. It is a cheat. Bai Qi's killing technique can only be upgraded by himself, and he can give it to him. Others upgrade, don't go against the sky!"

Li Hengxuan was filled with resentment when he thought of his scumbag talent.

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