When the glorious day came to an end, the heroic deeds of the Straw Hat Pirates had spread throughout the Kingdom of Alabasta.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, they were led by the king himself into the magnificent palace of the kingdom.

The palace was magnificent and brightly lit, as if it was specially lit to welcome these brave guests.

The king's hospitality was warm and thoughtful. He personally poured wine for each member of the Straw Hat Pirates, with a smile of gratitude and admiration on his face.

The banquet was very lively, with laughter and joy.

However, in this joy and excitement, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates felt a little reluctant.

They knew that this would be their last night with Princess Vivo.

When night fell, the banquet finally came to an end. Princess Vivo personally saw off the Straw Hat Pirates and sent them to the coast.

The sea breeze blew gently, carrying the salty taste of the sea water and a slight coolness. Luffy stood on the coast, looking at the boundless sea, and an inexplicable excitement surged in his heart.

""Labo...Labo!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the night sky.

This shout was full of longing and expectation for his distant companions. The voice gradually faded away, and finally merged into the sound of the waves of the sea.

Everyone stared at the sea, waiting for the familiar figure to appear. Not long after, a huge wave suddenly surged on the sea.

Then, a long sharp horn emerged from the waves, followed by a huge body. Labo, who turned into a giant Kun, slowly floated out of the sea in everyone's expectation.

""Woo...Woo!" Laboo let out a joyful cry, with a gleam of joy in its eyes.

Robin looked at Laboo in front of her with an expression of disbelief on her face. She didn't know that the Laboo that Luffy had just shouted was this big guy.

Xu Haifeng flew above Laboo and said with a smile:"Laboo! Let the Merry out! We are getting ready to set sail!"

Laboo nodded and opened its huge mouth. For a moment, a large amount of sea water poured out of Laboo's mouth, carrying the Merry to the shore.

The Merry docked steadily at the shore, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates boarded the deck one after another.

Xu Haifeng walked to the side of the boat and said to Laboo in the sea:"Laboo, come up! You don't have to stay in the sea!"

Robin heard this and asked with some confusion:"Can it get on the boat when it's so big?"Xu Haifeng smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Lab jumped up happily. Its body began to shrink, and soon it turned into a translucent lavender mini version of the little Kun fish.

The little Kun fish swam freely in the air and came in front of the Straw Hat Pirates. It looked at everyone curiously with its big eyes, and made cheerful calls from time to time.

"What kind of fish is this? Is it so magical?"Robin looked at Lab, who was moving freely among the crowd, with his eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

The lavender miniature Kun fish seemed to have endless magic, making people want to find out more.

"It's our friend - Laboo! It's not an ordinary fish, but an island whale that ate a devil fruit. Although it's huge, it's very gentle."

Xu Haifeng explained to Robin, his eyes full of love and pride for Laboo.

"Weiwei! Are you going back?" At this moment, Nami turned to Princess Weiwei and said with a hint of reluctance in her voice.

"Hmm?" Princess Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then nodded gently.

"Luffy, I'm sorry! Everyone, I can't continue to accompany you."Her voice was a little choked, and tears were rolling in her eyes.

"Why? Aren't you already our partner?"Luffy asked in confusion, his eyes full of doubt and reluctance.

"Thank you for acknowledging that I am your partner, but I cannot abandon the Kingdom of Alabasta to go on an adventure with you all."

Princess Weiwei sniffed and tried to make herself look stronger,"I am the princess here, and I have the responsibility to protect my country and my people."

"It's okay! No matter whether you are with us or not, you will always be our partner!"

Xu Haifeng came over and gently patted Princess Weiwei on the shoulder, giving her comfort and strength.

"Yes! Yes! We will always be partners!"Others also came over and expressed their support and recognition for Princess Weiwei with firm words.

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!"Princess Weiwei was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't expect that everyone would understand and support her so much.

She held Xu Haifeng's hand tightly, as if she wanted to keep this gratitude and reluctance in her heart forever.

"Well, since we have to say goodbye, let's take Weiwei to travel to other worlds! This way, Weiwei will not be in vain for joining the Straw Hat Pirates."

Xu Haifeng suggested, with a warm smile on his face.

Xu Haifeng decided to take Princess Weiwei on a special trip to leave an unforgettable memory.

In this short time, they will enjoy each other's company and laughter to the fullest, and let this deep friendship be engraved in their hearts forever.

"Other worlds? What are you talking about?"Robin asked in confusion.

Her eyes revealed a kind of confusion, as if she didn't understand this concept at all.

"I'll explain it to you slowly later! I have something to say to Luffy and the others first!"

Xu Haifeng shook his head helplessly. He knew that it might be complicated to explain and it would take a lot of time.

Hearing this question, his head began to hurt, and he secretly complained in his heart: Oh, I have to waste my breath again!

"Luffy! This trip to another world has two main purposes"

"First, I want Weiwei and the others to see a wider world;"

Second, and most importantly, it is to help you improve your own strength!"

Xu Haifeng turned around and said seriously to Luffy and the others.

Luffy was immediately excited when he heard it, and his face was filled with an expectant smile.

""Great! Great! We were in such a rush to go to other worlds last time that we didn't have enough time to have fun! We must have enough fun this time!" Luffy shouted excitedly.

His eyes were shining with excitement, and he seemed to be eager to set off.

However, Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy with a serious face.

"Luffy, listen to me. This trip is not just for fun, but mainly for you to be tempered and improve your abilities! Don't forget our goal!"

He emphasized in a firm tone.

Luffy was stunned by Xu Haifeng's serious expression, and slightly restrained his excitement, but still couldn't hide his inner expectation and desire.

"I feel like I'm already very strong now! Xu Haifeng, you don't have to be so anxious to make us improve our strength!" Luffy said with a relaxed look!

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