As everyone waited patiently, it didn't take long for the King's Army to appear on the city wall!

Xu Haifeng once again took Princess Weiwei with him to catch all the traitors hiding in the King's Army!

After Weiwei's explanation, the two armies finally made peace!

"I'm back!"

Just as everyone was cheering for the end of the war, Luffy's familiar voice came from the city!

""Finally I'm back," Xu Haifeng said and then looked towards Luffy!

At this time, Luffy was holding Crocodile's golden hook hand with one hand, and the other hand was constantly waving, with bursts of laughter coming out of his mouth, while Crocodile was dragged forward by him in a very embarrassed manner!

"Luffy! You are too slow! Everything here is over!"Xu Haifeng said helplessly.

Luffy scratched his head and showed an innocent expression:

"Uh! Because I have been looking for this guy for a long time, and finally Robin found him in an underground palace!"

As he said that, Luffy threw Crocodile in front of Xu Haifeng, and then said with a smile:"Xu Haifeng! Here! I caught this guy!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Crocodile lying on the sand in a miserable state, and a feeling of emotion surged in his heart.

In the original work, Crocodile was a powerful existence who almost tortured the protagonist group to the point that they had no power to fight back! But now, he was tortured by Luffy into this state.

Xu Haifeng slowly squatted down, looked directly at Crocodile, and asked softly:"How about it? Old Sand! Are you convinced?"

Crocodile slowly sat up, his eyes full of hostility and unwillingness.

He stared at Xu Haifeng in front of him, as if he wanted to see through Xu Haifeng's inner thoughts through his eyes.

That sharp look made people shudder, but Xu Haifeng did not back down, and looked at him

"What? Still not convinced? How about fighting Luffy again?"Xu Haifeng looked at Crocodile's expression and showed a playful smile on his face.

""Humph! I didn't lose to the Straw Hat Boy, I lost to you. If the Straw Hat Boy didn't have that Qi skill, I would have killed him long ago!"

Crocodile said angrily, his eyes full of resentment and anger.

Xu Haifeng looked into Crocodile's eyes and roughly guessed in his heart how much trauma he had suffered from Luffy's Qi skill in the battle with Luffy

, leaving him with a deep shadow.

"Maybe! But if you lose, you lose. Luffy defeated you with his own strength. This is an unchangeable fact!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Crocodile calmly and said solemnly

"Humph! Do you really think you can win like this?" Crocodile stared at Xu Haifeng fiercely and said with gritted teeth.

"You mean to say that you placed a super time bomb in the clock tower in the city that is enough to destroy the entire capital!"

Xu Haifeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a confident smile, as if everything was under his control.

"How could you possibly know that?" Crocodile's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard Xu Haifeng's words, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face. He asked with a trembling voice.

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly, with a bit of cunning in his eyes:"Haha... There are many things you know that I also know, and many things you don't know that I also know."

His words were full of confidence, as if everything was under his control.

Crocodile's face sank, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart. He knew that his last trump card had been known by the other party, which meant that he had completely lost. But he was still unwilling to accept it, and tried to save some face with words.

"" Hmph! Don't be so mysterious in front of me!" Crocodile snorted coldly. Although there was disdain in his words, his eyes revealed a bit of panic.

Xu Haifeng was not affected by his attitude. He said to Crocodile with a puzzled look:"Old Sand! There is one thing I really can't figure out. Can you tell me?"

Crocodile frowned, looking at Xu Haifeng's serious expression, the panic in his heart calmed down a little.

He sat up, lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and then slowly said:"Ask, whether to answer or not depends on my mood!"

Xu Haifeng nodded, then asked with a puzzled look:

"You said you have been planning for Pluto for so long, which means you are not stupid. But how did you come up with such a brainless idea of finding Pluto to rule the world?"

Crocodile's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard what Xu Haifeng said.

He widened his eyes and replied angrily:"What do you mean? Do you think I don't have the ability?"

Xu Haifeng shook his head and said lightly:"Let's not talk about whether you have the ability to rule the world if you get Pluto. Even if you can get Pluto,"

"Do you believe that the World Government will come to destroy you? You don't think that Pluto alone can fight against the World Government!"

Crocodile was speechless by Xu Haifeng's question. The anger and unwillingness in his heart intertwined, forming an indescribable emotion.

Xu Haifeng continued his analysis:"Old Sand, you should understand that the real power does not lie in weapons or artifacts, but in yourself."

"If your own strength is not strong enough, then no matter how many artifacts and weapons you have, they are just castles in the air."

Crocodile was deeply touched by Xu Haifeng's words. He sat there silently, lost in thought.

Xu Haifeng turned and left, leaving behind a back that he could not forget!

From this moment on, Crocodile began to re-examine his plans and ambitions.

He understood how unrealistic and naive his previous ideas were.

Xu Haifeng's wisdom and foresight became his eternal role model and pursuit.

"Weiwei! We have successfully completed what we promised you! Let the Navy handle these guys from Baroque Works!"

Xu Haifeng walked to Princess Weiwei with a relaxed look on his face, and said with a sense of relief.

Princess Weiwei's eyes sparkled with tears of gratitude, and she responded with a trembling voice:

"Thank you! Thank you so much! Without your help, I really can't imagine what terrible consequences would happen!"

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her excitement, and then bowed deeply to the Straw Hat Pirates to express her heartfelt gratitude.

"Don't be so polite, Weiwei! You can treat us to a delicious meal, which is the best way to thank us!"

Xu Haifeng raised his mouth and showed a bright smile.

""Yes! Yes! I want to eat a lot of meat!"

Luffy couldn't hold back his excitement and jumped out, waving his hands and talking about his favorite food.

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