"It's you!" Kosha's eyes were like torches, instantly locked on the person who was speaking in front of him.

He frowned, and his mind immediately emerged with the scene when this person had just arrived and urged him to attack the city immediately.

When the man saw that Kosha recognized him, a flash of surprise flashed across his face, and then turned to excitement.

He hurriedly explained:"It's me, Chief Kosha! I've been with you all the time. I swear, I'm really not a traitor!"

His voice was full of urgency, as if he wanted to clear himself of suspicion.

However, Xu Haifeng was unmoved. He walked forward and stared at the man with eyes as sharp as a knife.

He asked coldly:"You are not a traitor? Then why was it your voice shouting to shoot twice just now?" When the man heard Xu Haifeng's words, his face turned pale in an instant, and his eyes began to dodge.

He stammered and defended:"You... don't talk nonsense! I didn't shout!" There was a bit of trembling in his voice, and it was obvious that he was extremely guilty.

Xu Haifeng sneered and continued:

"Am I talking nonsense? Although no one saw who shouted just now, everyone heard your voice. On the battlefield, this kind of voice is unique."

At this time, Kosha also realized the seriousness of the matter. He walked up to the man and asked in a deep voice:"Speak! Did you ask them to shoot just now?" His voice revealed unquestionable majesty.

The man was frightened and panicked by Kosha's questioning. He stammered and wanted to explain, but swallowed the words back.

Fine beads of sweat oozed out of his forehead, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng sneered and continued:"You guys really won't cry until you see the coffin!" He walked up, grabbed the man's arm, and showed the tattoo on his arm to Kosha,"Chief Kosha, please look, this is the mark of the traitor in their Baroque Works!"

The tattoo was particularly eye-catching in the sun. It was a Baroque skull pattern. The man's panicked expression could no longer be concealed.

Kosha frowned and stared at the tattoo pattern with a sharp gaze. He almost had the answer in his mind!

"You have nothing to say now!" Xu Haifeng stared at the traitor coldly, his tone without a trace of warmth.

The traitor saw that the matter had been exposed, so he simply put away his previous disguise and laughed triumphantly:

"Hahaha... Even if you knew, so what? It won't be long before our Baroque elites arrive, and you mob are doomed to lose!"

Xu Haifeng just smiled faintly when he heard it. He pointed to a shadow in the corner not far away and said slowly:"Oh? Are you talking about them?"

The traitor was attracted by Xu Haifeng's words and looked in the direction of his finger.

His eyes gradually widened, and the smug smile on his face froze in an instant and turned pale.

In the corner, several people dressed in Baroque Workshop uniforms lay there quietly. Each of them had scars on their bodies, and some of them were still unconscious.

"This... How is this possible? This is impossible!" The inner ghost exclaimed and sat down on the ground. The smug look on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by full of disbelief and horror.

He kept shaking his head and muttering"impossible" to himself, as if this could change the reality in front of him.

Xu Haifeng looked at the inner ghost's lost soul, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:"No hope now, right?"

Kou Sha also understood the whole situation at this moment. He sighed, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes:"Damn it! I didn't expect that we were really used!"

He turned to look at Xu Haifeng, his eyes full of gratitude:"Brother Xu, thank you for discovering these inner ghosts in time and catching Baroque's people, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Xu Haifeng waved his hand and said calmly:"No need to thank me, we just promised Princess Weiwei to help her save her country and people."

He swept his eyes over the people present,"Now, you have to take Princess Weiwei to explain it clearly to these ordinary people! Then let them all stop this war!"Said to Kosa!

In the tense atmosphere, the Kosa leader took a deep breath and said firmly:"Okay, I will explain it to everyone and then make everyone stop!"

His eyes were full of determination and faith. Xu Haifeng turned to Princess Weiwei and said:

"Weiwei, go and appease the rebels with Chief Kosa now, because the Kingdom Army will need you to explain things to them later."

Princess Weiwei nodded and quickly walked towards the civilians side by side with Kosa.

With the patient explanations of Princess Weiwei and Kosa, the rebels finally understood the truth of the matter.

It turned out that all this was a conspiracy manipulated by the Baroque Works behind the scenes.

After the truth came to light, the rebels laid down their weapons and gave up this war that was being used by others.

The anger and confusion on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by a desire for peace and recognition of the truth.

""Okay! We have explained it clearly to everyone, and everyone has given up the war!"

Princess Weiwei walked to Xu Haifeng excitedly, her face filled with the joy of victory. Xu Haifeng smiled and nodded, praising:

"Princess Weiwei, you did a great job. Now, we only have to deal with the King's Army."

Princess Weiwei said confidently:"I should be able to convince everyone on the King's Army side." She had been on edge for a while, and now she can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Xu Haifeng turned to Chief Kosa and said:"Chief Kosa, have someone control these Baroque people! When the time comes, you can hand them all over to the navy for punishment."

"Got it, Xu Haifeng!"Kousha nodded, and immediately ordered his men to control all the members of the Baroque Works and prepare to hand them over to the Navy for follow-up.

Seeing this, Princess Weiwei finally felt relieved. She turned to Xu Haifeng and said:

"I will do my best to persuade the King's Army. After all, they were deceived into participating in this war."

"As long as they understand the truth, I believe they will lay down their weapons and stop this meaningless fight."

Xu Haifeng raised his lips slightly, revealing a gratified smile. He nodded vigorously, indicating that he fully agreed with Princess Weiwei's idea:

"I have always known that you have extraordinary talents, Princess Weiwei. And with your prestige in the kingdom, as long as you explain the situation to them, they will definitely listen to your persuasion."

"However, we still can't take it lightly. After all, there are Baroque's traitors in the King's Army. We must find these people first before we can convince the King's Army!"

"Don't worry, Xu Haifeng. I understand the interests involved and will handle it carefully."

Princess Weiwei responded seriously, with a firm and courageous light flashing in her beautiful eyes, as if she was ready to face all difficulties.

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