"Okay, let's follow them quietly and make sure they don't find us." Xu Haifeng led everyone to follow the three young men from a distance.

However, things are unpredictable and the three young men got separated unexpectedly.

"Who should we follow next?"Robin looked at the three people who were scattered in front of him and turned to ask Xu Haifeng

"Of course, follow the one who is alone! The one who is alone is the protagonist of this world."Xu Haifeng smiled and pointed to a young man walking alone in front of him.

Everyone decided to follow this young man. On the way, they witnessed this young man, Tatsumi, easily killed a huge monster and saved a carriage. From their conversation, everyone learned that the brave boy was named Tatsumi.

Everyone followed Tatsumi all the way and finally came to a huge city.

The city was bustling, with busy streets, pedestrians, and carriages; the shops on both sides of the road were filled with all kinds of goods, which were dazzling and dazzling. The whole city was full of vitality and vitality, presenting a scene of prosperity.

""Xu Haifeng! I'm hungry!" At this time, Luffy suddenly jumped out and said.

Xu Haifeng turned around and found that everyone looked tired, so he smiled and said:"Okay, let's go and try the delicious food in this world!"

"So we don't have to follow Tatsumi anymore?" Robin asked in confusion.

"No, I have locked onto his aura. As long as he is still in this world, I can find him."Xu Haifeng waved his hand and said

"And we are just following him to wait for the story to begin. It doesn’t matter whether we follow him before the story begins or not."Xu Haifeng explained

"Then why did we follow before?" Luffy asked curiously

"Uh... Mainly because I don't know what to do, so……"Xu Haifeng touched his nose awkwardly.

"But now we can take a good rest, taste the food of this city, and wait for Tatsumi's story to officially unfold."

So, under the leadership of Xu Haifeng, everyone walked into a nice-looking restaurant and prepared to enjoy a delicious dinner.

""Boss! Hurry up and serve the food, we want to eat!" Luffy shouted impatiently as soon as he sat down. His voice was loud and powerful, as if the whole restaurant could hear his voice.

""Guests, what do you need?" A waiter walked over quickly, smiling and politely said to everyone.

Xu Haifeng took over the conversation and said to the waiter with a smile:"Waiter, please bring up all the delicious food here. Don't stop until we tell you to."

As he said that, he took out a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the waiter.

When the waiter saw the gold coin, his eyes immediately lit up and a more enthusiastic smile appeared on his face. He took the gold coin and thanked him repeatedly:

""Okay! Please wait a moment, I will go to the kitchen to prepare the dishes for you." After saying that, he turned and walked quickly to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

After a while, dishes with good color, aroma and taste were served one after another. Luffy and the others were attracted by these delicacies and tasted them one after another.

After a while, the diners in the whole restaurant noticed the people at Xu Haifeng's table, especially Luffy's amazing appetite. Many people began to whisper and talk about it.

"Oh my god! Is that person a monster? He ate so much!"The man not far away pointed at Luffy and whispered to his companions.

""Yes! Yes, aren't they afraid of bursting their stomachs?" Another person echoed, with a surprised expression on his face.

Hearing these discussions, Xu Haifeng turned his head helplessly to look at Luffy and said speechlessly:

"Luffy! Can you eat slower? You look at how embarrassing it is to eat like this. You can hear people talking about you!"

Luffy raised his head with food residue hanging from the corner of his mouth. He said nonchalantly,"I don't care! Eating well is really good anyway!"

Xu Haifeng was speechless for a moment. He could only shake his head helplessly and continued to eat bitterly. He muttered to himself:

"This guy's appetite is too big, he's simply a fighter among foodies!"

When the Straw Hat Pirates heard what Xu Haifeng said, they all showed speechless expressions. Nami couldn't help but interrupted:"You still have the nerve to say that about him, you two guys are almost the same!"

Xu Haifeng and Luffy looked at each other and smiled embarrassedly. They knew that their appetite was indeed a bit amazing, but they were always hard to resist in front of delicious food. However, they also understood that they still had to pay attention to their image in public, so they slowed down their eating speed.

Seeing that they were no longer eating so voraciously, the other diners in the restaurant gradually retracted their gazes and continued to enjoy their food. The whole restaurant returned to peace and harmony again.

Just when the Straw Hat Pirates had just finished their meal and were about to sit down to rest, two people who suddenly walked into the restaurant attracted everyone's attention.

""Xu Haifeng! Look!" Usopp suddenly pointed at the restaurant entrance and shouted to Xu Haifeng excitedly.

Everyone looked in the direction of Usopp's finger and saw two people just walked into the restaurant. One of them was Tatsumi, whom they had been following before!

The other one was a peerless beauty with blonde hair and wild clothes!

"Wow! Isn't this a beautiful lady?"When Sanji saw this blonde beauty, his eyes immediately turned into hearts and he became excited.

""What a perverted kappa!" Seeing this, Zoro looked at Sanji with disdain and said mercilessly.

Later, the Straw Hat Pirates learned from the conversation between Tatsumi and the blonde beauty Leone that Tatsumi had participated in the selection of the King's Squadron Captain, but ultimately failed.

However, Leone offered to help him find connections so that he could become���The captain of the king's army. Then, she successfully defrauded Tatsumi of all his money.

"Tatsumi is so naive! He actually trusts others so easily!"Nami looked at Tatsumi who was still sitting there, waiting foolishly for Leona to return, and shook her head helplessly, sighing.

"How could a blonde sister be a liar? I'm so sad!"Sanji muttered to himself with a hurt expression on his face.

"Doesn't being pretty mean she can't be a liar?" Xu Haifeng looked at Sanji speechlessly and asked unhappily,"Don't just look at the appearance!"

"But, this liar! He may not be a complete bad guy!"Xu Haifeng suddenly showed a mysterious smile on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" Sanji's originally dull eyes suddenly brightened up when he heard that.

"Hey, everyone follow me! Let's go and see this legendary beautiful liar together!" Xu Haifeng stood up and shouted excitedly.

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