Everyone followed Xu Haifeng out of the restaurant and soon came to the outside of a shop.

At this time, they saw Leone pushing a small cart of daily necessities out of the shop with a happy smile on his face.

""Let's go! Let's go and take a look together!" Xu Haifeng suggested, and everyone followed him.

After a while, everyone followed Leone to a dark and damp slum. The environment here was in sharp contrast to the prosperity outside, and it looked extremely desolate.

"Come on everyone! Sister Leone is back!"Soon after Leone walked into the slum, a little boy ran out, shouting excitedly as he ran.

"Sister Leone! Sister Leone, you are back!" Then, a large group of children suddenly rushed out from every corner.

These children were both boys and girls, most of them were less than ten years old. When they saw Leone, they immediately surrounded her excitedly, chattering non-stop.

Leone looked at these lovely children and a brighter smile appeared on her face. She pointed to the supplies on the car and said to the children:

"Look! This is the food and supplies that your sister brought back for you! This time you won’t have to worry about food and drink for a month or two!"

When the children heard the news, they all jumped up happily. They gathered around and looked at the supplies on the car curiously. Some children couldn’t wait to pick up some food and started to taste it.

"These children are orphans in this world. They have lost their parents and their support. Leone is an angel in their eyes."

Xu Haifeng explained with sympathy, his voice full of love for the children and respect for Leone.

"Leone cheats and deceives people on the street every day, but it's all for these children to survive."

He turned to the crowd and said with a firm look,"What do you think? Do you still think Leone is a bad person now?"

After hearing this, Sanji showed admiration on his face:"Wow! Leone is as beautiful and kind as Nami, I like her so much!"

His words were full of praise and love for Leone.

"Not everyone thinks so!" Xu Haifeng reminded with a smile,"For example, Tatsumi who is still in the restaurant must hate Leone now!"

After hearing this, Sanji showed a disdainful expression on his face:"Who cares about that kind of idiot!" He obviously didn't care about Tatsumi's thoughts.

At this moment, Leone suddenly turned around and walked towards the Straw Hat Pirates, asking as he walked:

"I don't know why you have been following me?" Her tone was filled with a hint of caution and doubt.

"As expected, you are Leona, the Lion King! I didn't expect you to find us."

Xu Haifeng said to Leona with a smile, his tone revealing his admiration for her.

"Who are you? How do you know me?" Leone frowned and asked with a vigilant look.

"We are just a few travelers. We followed you out of curiosity. What is your purpose in defrauding money?" Xu Haifeng answered truthfully, trying to sound sincere.

"I don't think it's that simple, right? You should be from the kingdom, and you're here for these children, right?"Leone did not relax her vigilance.

As she spoke, she began to use the imperial weapon to transform. Her body was gradually covered with a layer of golden lion hair, making her look extremely powerful.

"Hey! Don't do it! We really don't mean any harm!" Seeing that the other party had completed the transformation, Xu Haifeng quickly waved his hand to signal not to be impulsive.

However, Leona didn't seem to listen. She shouted,"Let me catch you first!" After that, she rushed towards Xu Haifeng and others.

"Oh! What a trouble!"Xu Haifeng looked at Leona who rushed to him in an instant and shook his head helplessly.

He did not panic, but raised his right hand calmly and pointed at the air in front of him.

""Stop!" With his shout, Leona was surprised to find that his body could not move, as if it was restrained by an invisible force.

"You...what did you do to me?" Leona asked in horror, his golden lion eyes full of confusion and fear.

Xu Haifeng smiled and explained:

"This is just a simple immobilization spell, it won't cause any harm to you. We really don't mean any harm, we just want to talk to you."

After hearing this, Leona was still a little nervous, but when she saw that Xu Haifeng really had no ill intentions, she relaxed a little.

She struggled hard, trying to break free, but found that she couldn't move at all.

""Okay, I believe you have no ill intentions." Leone said helplessly,"But you must tell me, who are you? Why do you know about me?"

"Don't worry! We came here with no ill intentions. We, like you, want to overthrow this dark empire!" Xu Haifeng said seriously!

Leona's eyes flashed with surprise after hearing Xu Haifeng's words, but she quickly regained her composure. She sneered and said disdainfully:

"Just you? Do you know how powerful the empire is? It is impossible to succeed with just a few of you."

Xu Haifeng was not hit by Leone's words. Instead, he straightened up and said confidently:

"Of course I know, and I know more than you do, but so what? It is precisely because we know the power of the empire that we are more determined to overthrow it."

Leone was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something. After a while, she finally said,"Can I trust you?"

Xu Haifeng answered without hesitation,"Of course! We are all fighting for justice. As long as we work together,���, we will definitely be able to create a better world!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, full of passion and faith.

Leona looked at Xu Haifeng's determined eyes and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

She knew that the man in front of her was not just talking nonsense, but really had a brave and fearless heart. Maybe, they can really change the world together.……

"Don't worry! If we don't have strong enough support, how can we dare to set foot here easily!"Xu Haifeng's face is full of confidence.

""Okay! Then we will go ahead. You don't have to worry about us. Once we encounter a battle, we will show up naturally! Goodbye!"

As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he easily lifted the immobilization spell on Leona.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Please keep this thing, just consider it as our token of appreciation!" Xu Haifeng said as he threw a small cloth bag to the other party.

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