As Xu Haifeng and the others walked away, Leona carefully opened the cloth bag, and her eyes were instantly attracted by the dazzling golden light inside.

To her surprise, the bag was filled with golden coins!

"Wow! I didn’t expect this! These guys are so generous!"Leone’s eyes widened, a smile of ecstasy bloomed on her face, and she couldn’t help but admire.

However, after the joy, Leone’s brows slightly frowned, and she said to herself thoughtfully:

"However, I still need to BOSS Report on these people. At present, it is still unclear whether they are friends or enemies!"


When the Straw Hat Pirates reentered the restaurant where they had dined before, they happened to witness the protagonist of this world being thrown out by the restaurant staff without any courtesy!

Tatsumi cursed the restaurant a few times, then walked to the street with a backpack on his back, walking with heavy steps, like an abandoned puppy, and sat down.

"Should we go over and help him?" Nami looked at the pitiful Tatsumi, and a trace of pity rose in her heart. She turned her head and looked at Xu Haifeng with expectant eyes, and asked softly

"No need, he is now at a critical moment of recognizing the essence of human nature, we don't need to intervene."

Xu Haifeng shook his head calmly, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he replied softly

"And someone will come to rescue him soon!" Xu Haifeng raised his lips slightly, revealing a sly smile.

Sure enough, not long after, an extremely luxurious carriage slowly drove up and finally stopped in front of Tatsumi.

Then, a beautiful and elegant noble lady got off the car gracefully and walked straight towards Tatsumi.

After an in-depth conversation between the noble lady and Tatsumi, everyone learned that the noble lady's name was Arya.

According to Arya, she especially liked to take in those country people like Tatsumi who were living on the streets, and warmly invited Tatsumi to visit her home!

After listening to this, Tatsumi was filled with gratitude and accepted Arya's invitation without hesitation. Then, Arya took Tatsumi on the luxurious carriage together!

"Wow! This young lady is not only beautiful, but also so kind-hearted!"

Sanji once again showed his iconic peach blossom eyes, staring at the carriage moving farther and farther away, his eyes full of admiration.

"How about it? Are you interested in this young lady? If so, when the time is right, I can help you make a connection!"

Xu Haifeng said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Is it really possible?" Upon hearing this, Sanji immediately danced with excitement.

"Hehehe...! Of course, no problem! But the premise is that you have to have enough psychological endurance!"

Xu Haifeng's smile became brighter and brighter, as if hiding some secret

""What do you mean by that?" Sanji scratched his head and asked in confusion.

Xu Haifeng smiled and patted his shoulder, saying mysteriously:"It's nothing, you just have to wait and see, everything will be clear."

"Well, let's find a place to stay first! I heard that the night view of this imperial capital is very charming."

"Let's have a good time for two days first. After two days, the real adventure will begin!" Xu Haifeng said to everyone with anticipation in his eyes.

So, everyone found a comfortable inn in the imperial capital and settled down.

However, in the next two days, Xu Haifeng and others were like slaves kidnapped by the three goddesses, following them to shuttle between major shopping malls and go shopping crazily.

Whenever Xu Haifeng and others wanted to complain, the eyes of the three goddesses would shoot like swords, forcing them to submit.

Finally, after two days of hard labor, the three goddesses seemed to satisfy their desire to shop and let Xu Haifeng and others go.

As night fell, Xu Haifeng led everyone to the roof of a huge and luxurious manor. The manor was brightly lit, and it was reflected by the stars in the sky, which was beautiful.

However, Nami said reluctantly:"Why are we here in the middle of the night without sleeping?"

Xu Haifeng pointed to the sky and replied with a smile:"To see the stars! Look, the night sky of the imperial capital is so clear, and the stars are shining brightly. How beautiful it is!"

His words were full of poetry, as if he wanted to integrate this quiet night and the beautiful starry sky into everyone's hearts.

"Um?……"Xu Haifeng noticed that everyone behind him was looking at him, and there seemed to be some doubt and confusion in their eyes.

He realized that if he didn't tell the truth, he might really face a"group fight".

So he quickly turned around, faced everyone, and explained:"Everyone, please be patient and wait a little bit. The night raiders will come here to kill people!"

There was a hint of solemnity in his words, trying to make everyone understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Night raid? Is it the Leo woman from last time?"Nami frowned, thinking about the mysterious woman she met before, and there was some speculation in her words.

Xu Haifeng nodded and confirmed:"Yes, it's her. You wait patiently, the scene in a while will not disappoint you."

After everyone waited for a while! Five figures suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

They were standing steadily on a large net woven by silk threads, as if suspended in mid-air!

" Humph! These guys are even more arrogant than us!"Xu Haifeng muttered with contempt.

The five men started killing after entering the manor. One of them, a long-haired beauty holding a giant pair of scissors, took the lead. She quickly came to a noble lady, raised her hand and slashed the scissors mercilessly across the noble lady's body, cutting her in two!

"Sorry~"The long-haired beauty looked apologetic, but her hands did not stop moving.

At the same time, Leone also made a move. She was agile and pounced on a fat middle-aged noble man like a cheetah.

She tightly grasped the man's neck, easily lifted him above her head, and then squeezed hard.

With a crisp sound, the middle-aged man's cervical vertebra was crushed and he died instantly. Leone's move was swift and decisive, which was chilling.

The remaining three were not to be outdone. They pounced on the soldiers in the manor like hungry wolves and launched a crazy massacre. For a time, the manor was filled with screams and blood flowed like a river.

This five-member aerial killing team, like messengers from hell, used their strength and coldness to interpret the cruelty and ruthlessness of death.

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