On a dark and windy night, the manor was ablaze with flames and screams.

Luffy stood on a high place, staring at the five figures below. Their movements were swift and cruel, and every swing of the knife took away an innocent life.

His heart was filled with doubts and anger, and he finally couldn't help but ask loudly:

"What on earth are they doing? Why are they so cruelly slaughtering these defenseless people?"

Xu Haifeng showed an indifferent expression on his face, and he said lightly:

"They are killing people. Didn't I tell you before that the guys from Night Raid will come and kill people?"

Luffy was furious when he heard this. He turned around and was about to jump down to try to stop the atrocity. However,

Xu Haifeng grabbed him and stopped him firmly:"Stop right there! This matter has nothing to do with us. Don't get involved easily!"

Luffy was so angry that his face turned red. He asked angrily:"Why did you stop me? Are we going to watch them kill innocent people?"

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and said slowly:

"They didn't kill ordinary innocent people. There must be something inside. You just need to watch it patiently and you will know the answer."

Although Luffy was dissatisfied, he chose to believe Xu Haifeng when he saw his firm eyes.

He sat down again, but his face was still gloomy, and it was obvious that his anger had not subsided.

The people in the Straw Hat Group also had solemn expressions. Although they believed what Xu Haifeng said, they were still full of pain and helplessness when they saw the tragic deaths of people below.

Suddenly, Usopp pointed below and shouted:"Look! Is that person Miss Arya?"

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, and they saw a girl desperately running away under the protection of two guards.

Her face was full of fear and despair, and behind her, a girl was chasing her with a knife.

Seeing this, Sanji immediately stood up and prepared to jump down to save people. However, Xu Haifeng stopped him again:"Sit down!" Sanji looked at Xu Haifeng in confusion, and said anxiously:"But Miss Arya is being chased!"

Xu Haifeng explained lightly:

"I know. This manor is the home of Arya and her family. They are nobles of this empire. And the night raid is here to kill them."

This sentence is like a heavy bomb, exploding in the hearts of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"The noble lady who was cut in half by the scissors just now is Arya's mother, and the one whose neck was broken is Arya's father!"

Xu Haifeng said loudly while pointing at the noble couple who had just been killed.

"What? How is this possible? What evil things did their family do that would make the night raiders want to kill them so cruelly?"

Nami asked in confusion and shock.

"Impossible! Miss Arya is so kind and gentle, she can't be a bad person!"

Sanji was also unbelievable. He didn't want to believe what was happening before his eyes.

"Let's go! We just need to follow your beloved, the kind-hearted Miss Arya, and we will naturally know the truth of the matter!"

Seeing Arya running towards a warehouse behind the manor, Xu Haifeng hurriedly called on everyone to follow.

So, a group of people followed closely behind Xu Haifeng, their hearts full of doubts and uneasiness.

They didn't know what kind of answer would be waiting for them, but they decided to find out...

When everyone came to the warehouse, they were surprised to find that Tatsumi also appeared here!

He quickly drew out his sword and did not hesitate to start a fierce battle with the girl with a long sword in the Night Raid Organization.

"You guys are really here?"Just as the Straw Hat Pirates were concentrating on watching the fierce battle between Tatsumi and the Night Raid members, a sudden voice broke the silence around them. They turned around and saw the other four members of the Night Raid organization walking out of the darkness, their eyes sharp and indifferent.

"Haha, yes! We have been here for a long time, but we didn’t show up because we saw that you didn’t need help for the time being.!"

Xu Haifeng's face was filled with a bright smile, as if the killing had nothing to do with him and he was just a bystander. He said to Leone with a hint of cynicism in his voice.

Leone frowned slightly and asked in confusion:"Then why did you run out now??"

Xu Haifeng put away his smile and his expression became serious and earnest:

"Because I want my friends to experience the dark side of this imperial capital. Only by seeing it with their own eyes can they truly understand the cruelty of this world."

A man in the night raid said to Leone warily:"Leone! Do you know them?" His voice was full of vigilance and doubt.

Leone nodded and replied:"Yes! Brand and the others are the ones I told you yesterday who gave me the gold coins!"

Her voice was firm and powerful, as if she was endorsing her companions.

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng said lightly:"Everyone, don't worry. This time, I just want my companions to see the darkness of this world."

As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he looked towards Tatsumi. As expected, Tatsumi had already been defeated at this moment, and the girl from the night raid organization was holding up the sharp blade in her hand, ready to give Tatsumi a fatal blow!

"Hey! Chi Tong, don't kill this guy!"Xu Haifeng, who was just chatting happily with the members of the Night Raid, suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

But unexpectedly, when he appeared again, he was already in front of Chi Tong!

Facing Chi Tong's slashing blade, Xu Haifeng slowly stretched out two fingers of his right hand and easily clamped Chi Tong's blade between his two fingers!

"Who are you?" Chi Tong stared at the stuck blade with wide eyes, her face full of disbelief! Just now, she tried to pull out the sword, but no matter how hard she tried, it was useless. The blade seemed to be firmly fixed by an invisible force, and it didn't move at all!

"I am here to help you! Stop fighting, just open the door of this warehouse and everything will be clear!"Xu Haifeng let go of Chi Tong's knife and said!

""Okay! He is not in my mission!" Akahime pointed at Tatsumi and said!

"Come here, now I will let you understand why I told you not to interfere with the night raid!" Xu Haifeng said to the Straw Hat Pirates!

"Tatsumi! Come and take a look! I hope you can accept it in a while!"Xu Haifeng turned around and said to Tatsumi!

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