Xu Haifeng took heavy steps and slowly came to the door of the quaint and mysterious warehouse.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he took a deep breath, as if he wanted to inhale all the fear and anxiety into his lungs, and then turn it into courage.

He raised his right foot and kicked forward with force. With a loud bang, the seemingly indestructible warehouse door was kicked into pieces by him, and wood chips flew everywhere.

Everyone followed Xu Haifeng's footsteps and walked into this warehouse full of unknowns carefully.

As soon as they stepped into it, a strong fishy smell came to their faces. It was a stench mixed with blood and rotting corpses, which made people want to cover their mouths and noses.

It was dark all around, and only the faint moonlight penetrated through the broken windows, barely illuminating the space.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates gradually adapted to the light here and began to see the surrounding scenes clearly.

They all showed expressions of astonishment and fear on their faces, as if they had seen something incredible. Nami clutched the corner of her clothes tightly, trembling all over as she said,"Is this... this... really hell?" Her voice was trembling, and she was obviously shocked by the scene before her.

Even Luffy and Zoro, who were always known for their bravery, couldn't help swallowing their saliva at this moment.

They stared at the iron cages in front of them with wide eyes, and a weak voice came from there. Although the voice was weak, it was full of despair and helplessness.

""Tatsumi... is that you?" the voice asked. Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man covered in wounds lying in one of the iron cages.

His face was covered in blood and scars, and it was almost impossible to see his original appearance. But from his weak voice, Tatsumi heard a familiar voice.

""You are... Iyeas!" Tatsumi exclaimed, he ran to the cage and looked at the person inside with disbelief.

The partner who once fought side by side with him has now become like this. Iyeas struggled to raise his head, a glimmer of surprise and joy in his eyes.

He said with difficulty:"Tatsumi... you are finally here.……"His voice was weak and trembling, as if it would break at any moment.

Tatsumi looked at Iyeas's haggard and painful appearance, and an indescribable anger and grief surged in his heart. He clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with determination. He must rescue Iyeas and make this culprit pay the price!

Tatsumi's heart was pounding. He raised the sword in his hand and swung it hard, and the chain on the cage broke. He rushed into the cage and held Iyeas's weak body tightly.

"Iyeas, why are you here? How did you become like this?"Tatsumi's voice was filled with anxiety and pain that was difficult to conceal,"And what about Sayu? Where did she go?"

Iyeas raised his head with difficulty, a trace of pain and despair flashed in his eyes:"Sayu...she is right above your head."

Tatsumi's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. He turned around slowly and looked up. At that moment, his world seemed to stand still. He saw a girl being cruelly hung on the beam of the warehouse. She was naked, covered with bruises, her hair was disheveled, and the once familiar face was beyond recognition.

Tatsumi's pupils suddenly contracted, and his breathing became rapid and heavy. His body seemed to be supported by an invisible force, and he stood up mechanically.

His eyes were fixed on the hanging girl, and every step he took seemed to be weighed down by a thousand pounds.

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked in the direction of Tatsumi, and they were so shocked by the scene that they were speechless.

Nami looked at Xu Haifeng in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice:"They...are they Tatsumi's previous companions?"

Xu Haifeng nodded heavily without saying anything. The entire warehouse fell into a deathly silence, with only Tatsumi's footsteps echoing in the empty space.

His heart was filled with anger and grief, and he vowed to avenge them and make these cruel murderers pay the price they deserved.

"Sarah……"Tatsumi looked at the hanging girl, his eyes full of disbelief and despair. He called out the name with difficulty, his voice trembling and weak.

Iyeas slowly closed his eyes, as if recalling the past that he couldn't bear to look back on. He sighed deeply and said:

"Tatsumi... it's useless... Sayu is gone. She didn't get to see you for the last time. I can hold on until now just to see you again."

Tatsumi seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person froze in place. He rushed to Iyeas like a madman, roaring with red eyes:

"Who is it? Iyeas, tell me quickly! Which beast did it?"

Iyeas shook his head in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks:"Tatsumi, I'm sorry... I'm sorry! It's my fault that I hurt Shayu."

His words were full of self-blame and regret.

At this moment, Xu Haifeng keenly noticed Arya's movements. He turned around quickly and saw that Arya was trying to sneak away.

Xu Haifeng sneered, and instantly appeared in front of Arya, blocking her way.

""Dear Miss Arya, where are you going?" Xu Haifeng looked at Arya with a smile, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Arya felt uneasy at Xu Haifeng's gaze, and she stammered,"I...I……"

"Dear Miss Arya, if you have anything to say, go and tell them." After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he grabbed Arya's hair and dragged her back to the warehouse.

Arya struggled to resist, but her strength seemed so insignificant in front of Xu Haifeng. She kept cursing:

"You lowlife, let me go! We lowlifes all deserve to die!"

Xu Haifeng was unmoved, dragged Arya to the center of the warehouse, and threw her to the ground.

"That's her……"The moment Iyas saw Arya, his eyes turned bloodshot and he gritted his teeth and said

"What?"Tatsumi and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at Arya in disbelief.

They could never have imagined that this seemingly weak girl would be the culprit of this tragedy.

Tatsumi's eyes became extremely cold. He approached Arya step by step, with endless murderous intent in every step.

"Why? Why do you do this?"Tatsumi's voice was as cold as ice.

Arya's roar echoed in the warehouse, her face was hideous, as if she was twisted into a demon by anger and jealousy.

"Hahaha...! Why! What qualifications do you have to ask me why!"

Arya yelled at Tatsumi frantically, her voice sharp and piercing, full of anger and resentment.

"You are just a bunch of trash, untouchables!" Arya continued to shout.

"Why is her hair better than mine, why is her skin smoother than mine!" Her eyes were red as if they were about to spit fire.

"And they, since they accepted my charity, they should make me happy!"

Arya's voice became louder and louder, she was almost roaring. A twisted smile appeared on her face, as if she felt that everything she did was justified.

Tatsumi and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were shocked by Arya's madness.

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