Usopp also led a group of people to a restaurant in the village.

At the table, Usopp saw Luffy eating like crazy, thought for a moment and said!

"You came here to buy a bigger boat!"

"Yes! You can see that our current ship can't even go out of the East China Sea, let alone the New World!"Hearing Usopp's words, Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

"I'm sorry, but we may not be able to build the kind of boat you want in our village, but there is a rich lady in our village who may be able to help you!" Usopp nodded, but he said he couldn't help much.

"It's okay, you've already helped a lot by telling us this!" Xu Haifeng waved his hand and said with a smile!

"All right then! You guys take your time eating, I'm leaving first." Usopp saw that he didn't need any help now, so he stood up and prepared to leave!

"Okay, go ahead!"

After eating and drinking, the four people decided to go to the villa on the mountain to take a look! But when they came to the wall of the villa, they saw that the gate was closed, and they didn’t know if there was anyone inside!

Luffy:"Should we go in and take a look?"

Nami:"But the wall is so high, how can we get in?"

After hearing what Nami said, Luffy looked around, and when he saw a bulge on the wall, his eyes immediately lit up!


Luffy stretched out one arm and grabbed the bulge on the wall!

"Luffy! What are you doing?" Zoro and Nami looked at Luffy's operation and asked with confusion!

"Let's go and have a look! Who of you wants to join me?" Luffy said, looking at the three people expectantly!

"No need, I can go in by myself!"

Seeing Luffy's eyes looking at him, Xu Haifeng knew what he meant by going in! He quickly said that he didn't need Luffy's help!

"I don’t need it either,"

Nami saw a strange expression on Xu Haifeng’s face, and thought it was not a good thing, so she quickly said that she didn’t need it either!

"Uh! Then I too……"

Just when Zoro was about to say no, Luffy grabbed Zoro's clothes with his other hand before he could finish his words. With a whoosh, Luffy pulled Zoro and flew out!

‘Bang-bang. '

The two of them hit the wall head-on, then bounced up, drew a beautiful arc and fell into the garden of Bie Ye! After landing, Zoro quickly got up and looked at Luffy with a gloomy face.

Zoro:"Baga, didn't I say I didn't want it."

Luffy:"Ah, you haven't finished yet."

Zoro:"Then let me finish."

Luffy:"Next time I'll wait for you to finish!"

Zoro:"Asshole! You want another time? I'll chop you up now!"

Luffy:"Ah! I'm sorry!"

Nami heard the quarrel between Zoro and Luffy outside the wall, and was very glad that she refused quickly enough, otherwise she might have been dragged in by Luffy just now! Just thinking about it makes people feel painful!

"Nami, Xu Haifeng, why did you come in? Do you need my help?"Luffy waved his hands and said to Nami and Xu Haifeng outside the wall eagerly!

"No... No, we'll go in right away!" Seeing that Luffy was about to attack them again, Nami was frightened and said quickly!

"Xu Haifeng, take me in quickly!"

Nami knew that Xu Haifeng could definitely take her in! In order to escape from Luffy's clutches, Nami hurriedly said to Xu Haifeng!

"Okay! But I can only carry you over!"

"Okay... okay... okay, hurry up."

After getting Nami's permission, Xu Haifeng walked up and hugged Princess Nami.

"Are you ready? I'll take you in!" Looking at the shy Nami in his arms, Xu Haifeng smiled and said softly!


Xu Haifeng's feet slowly left the ground and flew up, then slowly landed in front of Luffy and Zoro in their surprised eyes!

"Wow! Xu Haifeng, you can actually fly? Teach me...teach me, I want to learn this!" Luffy said excitedly when he saw Xu Haifeng falling!

""Okay... okay... okay, I will definitely teach you later!" Xu Haifeng agreed as he put Nami down from his arms!

"Is this also the power of a devil fruit?" Zoro asked curiously!

Xu Haifeng:"No, I have never eaten a devil fruit. If you want to learn it in the future, I can teach you!""

"Thank you!"

After hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Sauron quickly said gratefully!

"It’s okay, we’re all partners!"

"Let's go! Let's go find the owner of this house and see if we can buy a boat!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng led the three of them to Bieye!

""Hey!... Isn't this our Captain Usopp? I was wondering why he ran so fast just now, it turns out he came to see his girlfriend!"

As soon as Xu Haifeng and others approached Bieye, they saw Usopp standing on a big tree in front of Bieye's window, and in the window opposite him there was a girl with golden hair, looking at Xu Haifeng and others with curiosity!

"No... No, don't talk nonsense, this is my good friend Kaya who grew up with me!" Hearing Xu Haifeng's teasing, Usopp's face turned red and he explained in panic!

"Usopp, are they your friends? They look so interesting!" Kaya at the window said to Usopp with a curious look on her face!

"Yes! They are all my friends, and they are all very powerful!"Usopp replied proudly!

"Humph! I was wondering who it was, it turned out to be your friend, Usopp. Sure enough, the friends of inferior people are all inferior."At this time, a man wearing glasses came out of the other side and suddenly said to everyone!

Kuro came in front of everyone, pushed his glasses in a strange posture, then glanced at Luffy and others, and continued to mock Usopp.

"These people are all pirates, right? Are you bringing them here to harm Miss Kaya?"

"No! Although they are pirates, they are all good people. They just want to buy a ship and will not hurt others!"Hearing what Kuro said, Usopp immediately shouted excitedly!

"Hehe,..., this is the first time I heard someone say that pirates are good people. Sure enough, only the son of a pirate would be with pirates!"Kro said with a sneer on his face!

"No! Although they are pirates, they have never hurt anyone since they came to the island! Are all pirates bad guys?"

Hearing Kuro belittle Luffy and the others, he became even angrier. The reason why he was so angry was not only because he belittled his friends, but also because he belittled his father. His father has always been the person he admires most in his heart!

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