"You're right, there are very few good people among pirates, but I'm not bragging, I feel that our pirate group is definitely not bad people!"

"But as far as I know, Captain Cloe, you can't be considered a good person!" Xu Haifeng walked out and said to Cloe with a smile!

"Humph! I don't know what you are talking about. Please leave immediately, or I will call someone!" Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Clo's face immediately darkened!

""Oh! Really? Are you planning to call your Black Cat Pirates' men over? But they probably haven't arrived yet!" Looking at Cloe's expression, Xu Haifeng continued to tease!

""What...what? He's a pirate too?"

Usopp said in disbelief when he heard Xu Haifeng's words! Although he had always disliked Kuro, he had never thought that he would be a pirate!

"Humph! Do you think anyone will believe your simple slander? Miss Kaya, kick these people out, and don't associate with this liar anymore.

What good can someone who can get involved with pirates do?"Kro said to Kaya angrily!

"Please don't talk nonsense, how could Butler be a pirate?

He has been very good to me in the past three years!"Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Ke Ya also quickly stood up to defend Clo!

"Oh! Since you don't believe it, take a look at this newspaper!"

"This newspaper recorded the report that the Black Cat Pirates killed all the soldiers on a navy ship! The captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Crow, asked one of his hypnotists to hypnotize the last navy, making the navy think that Crow had been killed by him, and you came here silently to be a butler!"

"But our Captain Crowe seems to be tired of being a butler, so he contacted his former pirate subordinates to come to this island to rob"

"Then kill Miss Keya, so that you can inherit all the property here smoothly!

What a good plan, worthy of the famous Hundred Plans Kro."Xu Haifeng dug out all of Kro's past in one go!

"What! This... this is not true, Butler Battelle, tell me this is not true!" Ke Ya said in disbelief!

"Ha! Haha..., I wanted you to die without pain! But now it seems that it is impossible, Miss Keya, you can blame them if you want to!"

Seeing that Xu Haifeng had exposed all his affairs, Clo decided not to pretend anymore. As long as he could get rid of all the people here, then his plan would be fine!

"Damn it! You bastard! I won't let you hurt Kaya!"After hearing that Crow admitted his identity, Usopp immediately raised his fist and rushed towards Crow!

"Humph! You dare to attack me, a piece of trash!"

Crow dodged Usopp's fist easily by tilting his body. He turned around and kicked Usopp to the ground, looking at Usopp with disdain!

"Hey... Hey... Hey! What's the point of attacking someone who has no fighting ability?

I was the one who exposed your affairs, so if you want to attack me, you should attack me first!"Seeing that Crow was going to continue to attack Usopp, Xu Haifeng hurriedly said!

"Hehehe...Since you want to die first, I will help you do so!"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Clo stretched out the hidden steel claws in his hand! Clo suddenly appeared in front of Xu Haifeng, raised the steel claws in his hand and slapped Xu Haifeng's neck!

"Ah... be careful!"+5

Everyone shouted in surprise when they saw this scene! Luffy was ready to punch Kuro, and Zoro had already pulled out the knife from his waist!

Nami and Kaya had closed their eyes! In everyone's eyes, Xu Haifeng couldn't react at all! Everyone was already imagining the tragic scene of Xu Haifeng's body and head being separated!

""Hmph! I succeeded!"

Cloe smiled triumphantly, and the steel claws in his hand had already chopped Xu Haifeng's neck!

But the next moment, the smile on his face completely disappeared, leaving only a look of astonishment! Because he now felt that the steel claws in his hand were not chopped on a person's body, but on the hard steel bars!

"How is it possible!"Kero said in disbelief!

Luffy and the others looked at Xu Haifeng and the others in confusion after hearing what Kero said, but they found that the scene they were worried about did not appear before them!

"Xu Haifeng, you're okay! That's great!"

Luffy smiled happily when he saw that Xu Haifeng was okay, and Zoro silently put away the knife in his hand!

"Hehe... Is this your attack? I feel like tickling me is not enough!" Xu Haifeng said to Clo with a smile on his face!

"You..., I don't believe it, ah……"

Hearing Xu Haifeng's ridicule, Clo raised his steel claws again and clawed Xu Haifeng's neck with all his strength! However, this time there was still no change on Xu Haifeng's neck!

""Your attack is over, right? Is it my turn to attack now?" Xu Haifeng said lightly!

After speaking, Xu Haifeng raised his left hand and slapped Cloe in the face!

Cloe's body spun on the ground like a top for countless times, then flew out and hit the wall of the villa, making a big hole in the wall! Cloe himself was already dead!

Usopp and Kaya opened their mouths in shock. They had never expected that the handsome boy in front of them could have such a great power with just a casual blow. This is completely beyond the scope of normal people!

"Hahaha... My vice-captain is really awesome! He solved the problem in no time!" Luffy saw Xu Haifeng's expression.���A very satisfied look on his face!

"It’s too early to say that the problem has been solved now! The other members of the Kuro Pirates will be here soon!"Xu Haifeng did not forget to remind everyone!

"What should we do then? Why don't we tell everyone and let them escape together!" Usopp said in panic after hearing what Xu Haifeng said!

"No, we'll go to the beach and wait, so we can get rid of them all at once!" Xu Haifeng said indifferently!

""Okay! Let's go! Let's go to the beach and wait for them. I'm going to beat them all up!" Luffy shouted excitedly!

"Just in time! My sword has not been used yet!" Zoro said calmly while holding the hilt of the sword!

"Really, is there no problem? There are only a few of us. Is it too much to deal with an entire pirate group?"Nami said worriedly when she saw the three of them were eager to try!

"It's okay! Don't worry! It's easy to deal with them!"Xu Haifeng gave Nami a reassuring smile!

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