When Xu Haifeng and Cat Hermit exchanged Senzu Beans and came to the World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament again, it happened to be Luffy's 4-to-2 match! And this time Luffy's opponent happened to be Goku.

Although Xu Haifeng didn't watch the previous matches, he could probably guess. Except for Master Roshi and his group, the strength of other people in this session is not very good!

As long as Luffy doesn't meet Master Roshi and Goku at the beginning, it will be no problem for Luffy to advance to the semi-finals with his current strength!

"How is it, how long has Luffy's battle started?" Xu Haifeng walked over to Nami and the others and asked!

"It's just a short while since the fight started. Luffy's opponent is a kid, so he should be able to win!" Nami turned around and looked at Xu Haifeng and replied!

"No! Luffy won't win this game!" Xu Haifeng looked at Goku on the field and said to Nami!

"No way! Is this kid that powerful?"Nami replied in surprise!

"Of course, he is the protagonist of this world."

"Uh! But Luffy is also the protagonist, but not from this world���It's rare to see the protagonists of these two worlds competing on the same stage!" Xu Haifeng didn't expect that he would accidentally create such a famous scene!

"That's such a pity!" Nami and the others said with regret when they heard that Luffy might lose!

"It's okay, as long as we enter the quarterfinals, our goal will be achieved, not to mention Luffy has already entered the semifinals, just relax and focus on the game!"The goal of this time travel has been exceeded, so Xu Haifeng feels that the divine power spent this time is worth it!

"Rubber...Rubber...Machine gun!"

At this time, Luffy on the stage was using his signature moves to attack Goku frantically!

However, Goku's body was as agile as a cheetah, and his eyes were fixed on the attack in front of him.

The attack came like a gust of wind, but Goku was able to dodge sideways at the critical moment, as if his body had sensed the danger in advance.

Goku's steps were light and flexible, and each move accurately avoided the path of the attack.

Goku's reaction speed was as fast as lightning. Before his opponent had time to adjust the direction of the attack, he had quickly moved to a safe position.

Goku saw the opportunity, got close in an instant, and kicked Luffy fiercely. Luffy quickly stretched out his hand to block, but was still knocked back a few steps.

Luffy stabilized his body, and after a little thought, he decided to change his strategy. He took a deep breath, exerted more strength, and prepared to launch a stronger attack.

""Rubber Giant Battle Axe!" Luffy yelled, and his arms became huge, slashing at Goku like an axe.

Goku was not afraid at all, he jumped up flexibly and avoided Luffy's attack.

At the same time, he turned his body in the air and kicked Luffy on the back.

Goku used the power of this kick to roll backwards and land on the ground. After he stood firm, he immediately took a fighting stance and looked at Luffy with firm eyes.

Luffy felt the power of Goku, and he knew that he had to go all out to meet the challenge before him.

""Rubber Bazooka!" Luffy used the skill again, and his body rushed towards Goku like a cannonball.

Goku dodged to the side, then quickly punched Luffy in the stomach. Luffy felt pain and his movements slowed down a little.

Goku took the opportunity to launch continuous attacks, his fists fell like raindrops, making Luffy a little overwhelmed.

Luffy kept blocking and dodging, but Goku's offensive became more and more fierce.

Suddenly, Goku discovered a flaw in Luffy's attack, and Goku launched a counterattack instantly. He rushed towards Luffy at an extremely fast speed and used a move called"Kameha".".

Seeing this, Luffy hurriedly tried to block it with his arms, but it was too late. The Qigong wave hit Luffy directly and knocked him out. Luffy fell heavily to the ground and couldn't stand up for a while.

After the referee counted down for a few seconds, he announced that Goku won. Nami and others in the audience showed disappointed expressions, while Xu Haifeng smiled and shook his head. He had expected this result.

This game made Luffy realize his shortcomings and also inspired his determination to train harder.

After Luffy's game, Xu Haifeng brought Nami and others to the backstage to find him!

"Luffy, don't be discouraged, you are already great."Xu Haifeng patted Luffy on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I lost……"Luffy lowered his head, feeling a little depressed

"It's not shameful to lose to Goku, he is the protagonist of this world. And you have gained a lot of experience in this competition."Nami also came to persuade

"That's right, Luffy, we will definitely win next time!" Zoro waved his sword and cheered Luffy on.

"Yes, Luffy, don't forget that you are the man who will become the Pirate King!"Usopp said with a smile.

After listening to everyone's words, Luffy's mood gradually improved,"I will definitely become stronger and defeat him next time!"

"Let's go! The things here are over, we should go back! The Merry is still waiting for us!"Xu Haifeng said to everyone with a smile!


Suddenly, a white light flashed on the quiet Merry, and Xu Haifeng and his companions returned to the world of One Piece again!

"Ah! I’m so tired! Xu Haifeng, I want to eat meat!"Luffy sat down on the boat as soon as he got back!

"Good! Good! Good... Then let's have a party. The first is to celebrate the system joining us and becoming everyone's partner, and the second is to celebrate Luffy's successful completion of the mission!"After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he used his divine power to exchange for some food and wine!

Everyone cheered and began to enjoy the delicious food and happy time.

"How is it? What do you think of the battle just now?"After everyone had eaten and drunk enough, Xu Haifeng asked Luffy!

""Yeah! That kid named Sun Wukong is very strong. It's almost impossible for me to hit him with my attacks. He can dodge my attacks accurately every time!" Luffy said seriously!

"Well! Not bad, it seems that you have gained a lot of experience in this game!"Xu Haifeng nodded and smiled!

"The reason why Xiao Wukong was able to do this was mainly because he had mastered the use of Qi! Even if he closed his eyes, it would be difficult for you to attack him!"Xu Haifeng explained!

"Can you really be that powerful if you master the energy?" Zoro asked!

"Yes! As long as you can master it, you can advance to become a swordsman," Xu Haifeng answered seriously!

"Really? How long will it take me to master it?"

Zoro immediately asked eagerly when he heard that he could become a swordsman, because he had been at the swordsman stage for a long time and had never been able to break through, so he went out to sea to become a pirate hunter!

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