"Not only you, but also Luffy, Nami and Usopp will be able to master Ki right away!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"Can we do it too?" Nami and Usopp said excitedly when they heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Yes! Have you forgotten that there is a reward for our mission this time?"Xu Haifeng reminded!

"Yes! The system said that there are rewards for Luffy's competition!"Nami said with shining eyes!

"Okay, system! Come out and distribute the rewards!"Xu Haifeng began to call the system!

System:"The optional rewards for this mission are as follows. The optional quantity is two: 1 Mastery of Qi, 2 Ten Thousand Nations Shocking Palm, 3 Drunken Fist, 4 Kamehameha, 5 Wolf Fang Wind Fist"

"Just choose one and four!"Xu Haifeng thought about it carefully and felt that these two moves were better!

System"Okay! Please get ready, I will transfer the rewards to you immediately!"

"All right, the four of you come and sit cross-legged. The system will transmit something to your brain in a moment! After you have received it, digest it well and master it as soon as possible!"

After the four of them sat cross-legged, four green rays of light were seen pouring into their foreheads. After a moment, the light disappeared.

"How is it? Have you received everything?"Xu Haifeng asked

"Well, I feel like there's something extra in my head." Luffy said, touching his head.

""Okay, let's comprehend it quickly." Xu Haifeng urged.

So the four of them closed their eyes and began to comprehend.

Not long after, Luffy opened his eyes first and shouted excitedly:"I feel the Qi, I feel the flow of Qi in my body!" Then, Nami and Usopp also opened their eyes one after another, with joy on their faces.

Only Zoro was still thinking hard with his eyes closed.

"What happened to Sauron?" Xu Haifeng asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, he may need more time." Luffy smiled and comforted.

After a while, Zoro finally opened his eyes, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that everyone succeeded."Xu Haifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, since everyone can feel the Qi, it means that everyone has awakened the Observation Haki!"

"Next, let’s talk about how to use Qi to improve your combat effectiveness. You can attach the Qi to the surface of your body, so that it can help you greatly enhance your own attack and defense capabilities!"

"Zoro, you can try it now, attach the Qi in your body to your sword, and then chop it out like Kamehameha!"

Xu Haifeng wanted to see if Zoro could make a slash after mastering the knowledge of Qi!

""Okay, I'll try!"

After saying that, Zoro walked to the side of the boat and pulled out a knife from his waist. He held the knife with both hands, raised it above his head, and then gathered strength to slash at the sea in front of him!

The sword energy was like a rainbow, cutting through the sky and slashing straight at the sea. In an instant, huge waves rose on the sea, and the sea water was split open wherever the sword energy passed.

The residual power of the sword energy set off gusts of wind on the sea, and the waves rolled and splashed. After a while, as the sword energy dissipated, the waves on the sea gradually subsided.

"Is this the power of my slash?" Zoro couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at everything in front of him!

"Yes, you are now a real swordsman.

In fact, your physical strength can make you a swordsman, but you have never known how to use the power in your body through the sword!

That's why you can't break through!

"Zoro is the most hardworking person in the anime.

He usually exercises his physical strength every day.

In addition, he and Luffy have the gravity bracelets given by Xu Haifeng during this period of time, so the physical strength of Zoro and Luffy is much stronger than at this time in the original anime!

"Okay! Zoro, go to the side and get familiar with it. Now let’s talk about Luffy!"

"Luffy, when you fight in the future, attach the Qi in your body to the surface of your body, which can greatly increase your attack damage! Qi should also have the same effect on fruit ability users as armed color!"

Because Xu Haifeng had hit Luffy with his fists with Qi before, Xu Haifeng knew that Qi and Haki may look different, but the effect of fighting is the same!

"OK! I got it. Hehe……"Luffy replied with a smile!

"There is one more thing I want to remind you, that is, don't use those moves that make your body parts bigger in the future!"Xu Haifeng feels that some of Luffy's fighting methods are a bit problematic!

""Ah! Why? These moves are powerful!" Luffy asked in confusion!

"Those moves look powerful, but when your body becomes bigger, your attack speed will slow down, so others can easily dodge. You say you can't hit anyone, so what's the point of being powerful!" Xu Haifeng explained!

"In fact, as long as you use your Qi well, you can all become strong. Qi can increase a person's attack, defense and speed, just like the Dragon Ball world we visited today!"

"The martial artists in that world all practiced Qi. For the strong people in that world, it was very easy to blow up a planet in the later stage! Just like Sun Wukong in that world, he was so powerful that he could blow up the universe!"

In fact, Xu Haifeng felt that the domineering used in this world was actually similar to the Qi in the Dragon Ball world. The people in the Dragon Ball world have always practiced Qi, but because of the devil fruit in the One Piece world, most people have focused their practice on the development of the fruit!

If the people in the One Piece world concentrate on practicing domineering, they can be very strong! Just like Luffy's grandfather Garp!

"Oh! Okay! I understand!"Luffy felt that what Xu Haifeng said made sense, and quickly agreed!

"Usopp! Your words……!"

"Yeah!……"Usopp was immediately excited when he heard Xu Haifeng calling him!

Xu Haifeng touched his chin and thought about it. He felt that he really didn't know how to increase Usopp's strength!

"Sorry! Usopp, because you are a sniper"

"Plus, I don't have much divine power left now, so I really don't have any way to quickly improve your combat power."

"How about this! I will also exchange a gravity bracelet for you, and you can improve your physical fitness first!"

""Okay! I got it!" Usopp said with some disappointment!

"Don't be disappointed, wait until your physical fitness improves. I will help you find a weapon that suits you!"

Xu Haifeng felt that Usopp's physical fitness was too poor now, and even if he was given powerful equipment, he would find it difficult to use it!

"Okay! Go find Luffy and train together! I'll talk to Nami now,"

Xu Haifeng also gave Usopp a gravity bracelet, and then he had to think about what Nami should do!


Just when Xu Haifeng didn't know what Nami should do! The system's voice suddenly rang!

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