"I guess so! I call this realm the realm of sword intent!" Xu Haifeng replied with a smile!

"The realm of sword intent? Excuse me, sir! What kind of realm is this? How to reach it?"

Hawkeye now has a look of humility and is asking for advice. For so many years, he has been stuck in the realm of the Great Swordsman and cannot make any progress.

He even thought that the Great Swordsman was the pinnacle of the sword!

Today, it is rare to see a realm above the Great Swordsman. Now he is like a student asking for advice!

"The realm of sword intent is that there is no sword in my hand but there is a sword in my heart. My sword is no longer bound by the outside! As long as the sword intent in my heart is strong, my hand is also an invincible sword!"

Xu Haifeng explained slowly!

"I seem to understand a little, but I also seem to understand nothing!"

After listening to Xu Haifeng's words, Hawkeye lowered his head and thought for a long time, then looked up at Xu Haifeng and said!

"In fact, you are not far from the realm of sword intent. My suggestion is that you use other things to practice sword energy in the future!"

"When you can cut grass, trees, bamboo and stone with sword energy, then you have almost entered the realm of sword intent! Just like when you used a knife to fight Zoro at the beginning!"

There are many great swordsmen in the history of the world of One Piece, but it seems that there has never been anyone who can break through the realm of great swordsmen, so the people in this world can only cross the river by feeling the stones!

"Thank you, sir. I think I understand now!" Hawkeye said excitedly when he heard this!

"Remember, the sword intent is mainly about the word"intention"! Look at my slash, as long as my sword intent is not put away, the damage from his attack will always exist!"

Xu Haifeng pointed to the deep trench in front of him and said!

‘"Xu Haifeng! You mean your sword power can keep this trench like this?" Sauron suddenly interrupted and asked!

"But it’s not just that!"

""Did you see that group of seabirds flying over here?"

Xu Haifeng said, pointing at a group of seabirds that were about to fly past him!

"How do seabirds……?"

Before Zoro finished speaking, the group of seabirds flew over the trench cut by Xu Haifeng! The first leading seabird exploded directly and turned into a red blood mist. When the birds behind saw it, it was too late to brake, and they all followed the leader's footsteps!

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw this. This scene in front of them was really hard for them to understand. No one could see how the group of seabirds suddenly exploded!

"Did you see it?" Xu Haifeng asked everyone with a smile!

"Why is this happening? How did those seabirds die?" Zoro asked anxiously!

"That's because they touched my sword intent! Do you think my sword intent is only on the sea?"

"Then you are totally wrong. From the clouds in the sky to the bottom of the sea, my sword intent exists along this line from top to bottom!"

"My sword intent is like a connection between heaven and earth. Anything it touches will be immediately shattered by the sword intent!"

"This is the difference between sword intent and sword energy!"

After saying this, Xu Haifeng put away the sword intent in his right hand, and saw that the water on both sides of the calm trench seemed to have suddenly lost its restraints!


With a loud noise, the water on both sides suddenly merged towards the middle! When the water on both sides collided, it immediately caused a huge wave!

The waves made the floating board and the boat on the sea surface shake violently, which also caused many people from the Creek Pirates on the floating board to fall into the sea!

"Is this the realm above the great swordsman? It's really too powerful! I can see the realm of sword intent in my lifetime, and I will die without regrets!"

Eagle Eye said with emotion as he looked at everything in his eyes!

Although the sword energy slashed out by Hawkeye can also cause such waves, he knows that his sword energy can't be slashed out such a long distance!

And his sword energy can only cause one-time damage to the person who is hit.

He can't do it like Xu Haifeng, where the sword intent can always stay in place! And the damage can also be maintained!

"That's right! This is the difference between sword intent and sword energy. Sword energy is just extending the energy in your body through the blade, so that you can attack farther!"

"The sword intention is to integrate one's own qi and spiritual power into the world, so as to achieve the purpose of attacking the enemy with the power of heaven and earth!"

After a while, the sea surface slowly calmed down again! And Xu Haifeng's explanation has ended!

"Thank you very much! For your guidance today! I will work harder when I go back, hoping to reach the realm of sword intent as soon as possible! I will come to ask you for advice then!"

After Xu Haifeng finished his explanation, Hawkeye thanked Xu Haifeng solemnly!

"You're welcome, I'm just repaying your kindness in teaching Zoro swordsmanship!" Xu Haifeng replied with a smile!

"Hehe... I'm sorry for teaching Zoro in front of you just now!"Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Hawkeye felt even more ashamed!

"No! If you ask me to teach Zoro, I don't even know where to start!"

Xu Haifeng said this truth, because the reason why Xu Haifeng's swordsmanship looks so powerful is not because of how high Xu Haifeng's swordsmanship is, but because of his strong mental strength.

In addition, he read martial arts and fairy tales in his previous life! So it can present such an effect!

"Well, I'm going back to the New World. I'm very happy to meet you this time. I look forward to seeing you next time in the New World!"

After saying that, Hawkeye put away the black knife, drove his boat, and slowly went away!

"Xu Haifeng, I didn't expect you to be such a powerful swordsman!"Looking at the Hawkeye Zoro going away, he turned back and said to Xu Haifeng!

"No! You are wrong, I am not a pure swordsman, I have never practiced sword before, I just know more about kendo than you!"

"With my strong mental power, I can use such sword skills! If you have my mental power, you should be able to do it too!"

Xu Haifeng replied with a smile!

""But! I still have a few words to say about your swordsmanship!" Xu Haifeng changed the subject and said to Sauron!

"If there is anything wrong with my swordsmanship, please teach me!" Zoro was immediately excited when he heard that Xu Haifeng was going to teach him swordsmanship again!

In Zoro's eyes, Xu Haifeng's swordsmanship has completely surpassed Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman. He was very excited to receive Xu Haifeng's guidance!

"Well! Before I say anything, let me ask you a question! In this world, have you ever heard of that very famous multi-sword swordsman?"

Xu Haifeng thought for a while and asked Zoro!

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