"What do you mean? I don't quite understand!" Zoro was confused by Xu Haifeng's question!

"Have you ever heard of a famous swordsman who used multiple swords? As far as I know"

"In this world, the truly famous swordsmen seem to all use one-sword style! There are very few who are famous for double-sword style!" Xu Haifeng continued!

"Do you mean that my three-sword style is not good?"This time Zoro understood what Xu Haifeng meant!

"Yes! Your three-sword style will distract you from the battle. Maybe you feel very powerful now! That's because you are too focused on sword skills now!"

"If you keep using the three-sword style like this, then when the time comes to comprehend the sword's meaning you will have to spend three times more time and energy than others!"

"You just saw the state of sword intent that I used. In fact, the further a swordsman practices, the less he needs weapons like swords!"

"Because in the end you will find that you are the most powerful weapon!" Xu Haifeng explained to Sauron!

"Do you want me to stop using the three-sword style and switch to the one-sword style?" Zoro asked again!

"Yes! My suggestion is that when you practice Ichidori, try to reduce those fancy sword techniques and focus on practicing swinging and slashing!"

"Just like the battle between Hawkeye and you before, your moves were fancy, but Hawkeye only used the smallest movements to break your attacks!"

"This will not only reduce his own physical consumption, but also make it easier to find flaws in your attacks!"

Xu Haifeng felt that Zoro was too focused on the moves, so he wanted to give some suggestions based on his understanding of kendo in his previous life!

"Hehe... I never thought that my sword skills, which I am so proud of, are so poor!"Zoro laughed at himself when he heard this!

"No! It's not your fault, the East China Sea where you are is too small and too weak!"Xu Haifeng comforted Sauron!

"In fact, your current strength is already quite good. Do you still remember the first sword you slashed at the sea when you advanced to the swordsman level after learning Qi?" Xu Haifeng asked again!

"Of course! I will never forget it for the rest of my life!" Sauron said with certainty!

"Do you feel that your slashing strike was more powerful in today's battle or that time?"

"It seems to be that time!" Zoro thought for a moment and replied!

"That's right! Do you know why?"

Sauron looked at Xu Haifeng and shook his head! Indicating that he didn't know!

"That's because you put all your strength and mind into that one blow, and when you fought Hawkeye"

"The sword energy you slashed was dispersed to the three swords, so your strength and mind could not be concentrated on one point, so the power of the attack would be greatly reduced!"

Xu Haifeng explained to Zoro carefully! In Xu Haifeng's opinion, if a swordsman like Hawkeye fought against you, he would not let you get close to him at all. He would lose as long as he attacked Zoro from a distance!

""Okay! I will change in the future!" After listening to this, Zoro accepted it humbly!

"Let's go! Let's go back to find Luffy!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng came to Luffy's ship!

"How is it? Luffy! Did Sanye agree to go pirate with us?"Coming to Luffy, Xu Haifeng asked with a smile!

"Not yet? I don’t know what to do!"Luffy said with a distressed look!

"Well! I suggest you go to Boss Zhepu, he should be able to help you!"Xu Haifeng smiled and instructed Luffy!

"Uh! Right! Then I'll go find Boss Zeff first!" After saying that, Luffy ran away!

"Come on, Nami, Usopp, let's continue to eat. The chef's job will be left to our captain!"Xu Haifeng and others came to the restaurant to continue eating!

After a while, Luffy came out of the kitchen!

"I decided not to let Shan Ye get on board!" Luffy came in front of the group and said seriously!

"Why?" Usopp asked hurriedly!

"Do you already know about the past of Shan Ye and Boss Zhepu?" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"What past?"

Zoro, Nami and Usopp asked with a puzzled look on their faces when they heard Xu Haifeng's question!

Then Xu Haifeng told the three people about how Boss Zeff lost one of his legs to save Shanye.

And now Shanye wants to stay here to thank Boss Zeff!

Everyone was silent after hearing this. They didn't expect that the guy who looked lustful was actually a person who valued feelings!

"Luffy! Go call Boss Zhepu and Sanye! Tell them that I can cure Boss Zhepu's leg!" Xu Haifeng turned to Luffy!

""Ah! Really? That's great, I'll go now." After saying that, Luffy ran to find Boss Zeff and Sanye again!

"You... can you really cure old man Zhepu's foot?" Shan Ye ran over first and asked Xu Haifeng excitedly!

"Thank you...! Thank you! As long as you help heal my foot, I will do anything you ask me to do!"Shan Ye said excitedly when he heard Xu Haifeng's affirmative answer!

""Little brat! Are you telling the truth?" Just then Luffy and Zeff appeared!

"Of course, but you may have to suffer a little!" Xu Haifeng continued!

"I am so old, I have experienced all kinds of hardships."Boss Zhepu replied with a smile!

"Well then! Zoro will lend me your sword!"Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Zoro pulled out a saber from his waist and handed it over!


Xu Haifeng took the knife from Zoro and chopped off the prosthetic leg of Boss Zhepu.

Boss Zhepu screamed and fell to the ground, with a lot of blood flowing out of the broken leg, which looked very scary!

"You bastard! What are you doing?"

Shan Ye saw this scene and immediately rushed up to grab Xu Haifeng's collar and asked loudly!

Nami, Zoro, and Luffy also looked at Xu Haifeng in confusion!

"Don't worry! You will know soon!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng took out a magic bean and quickly came to Boss Zhepu!

"Come and eat this!"

Xu Haifeng handed the beans to Boss Zhepu's mouth. Boss Zhepu was sweating profusely from the pain, but he clenched his teeth and didn't yell!

Boss Zhepu heard what Xu Haifeng said, opened his mouth and ate the beans directly! As soon as he finished eating, he suddenly felt that his broken leg didn't hurt anymore!


The others were now looking at the broken leg of Boss Zhepu in shock!

Shan Ye walked over with an excited look on his face, squatted down and stroked Boss Zhepu's new leg with his hands! It was like he was stroking the leg of a beautiful woman!

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