"Get out of my way! What are you touching? Haven't you ever seen a man's leg?" Boss Zhepu said, and kicked Shan Ye away!


Shan Ye was not angry at all when he sat on the ground. Instead, he started to giggle foolishly, with tears streaming down his face as he laughed!

"You little brat, do you know how painful it was just now?"Boss Zhepu came in front of Xu Haifeng and shouted at him!

"Hehehe...! It's all right! How do you feel about your new legs?"Xu Haifeng asked!


Boss Zhepu snorted coldly, then lowered his head and looked carefully at the new leg that had just grown! He raised his foot and stomped it hard on the ground!

When he felt the touch of solid ground again, even after so many years, the old man was still excited!

""Thank you, little brat!" Boss Zhepu raised his head and said to Xu Haifeng!

""Just thanking me won't do! My Senzu beans are very expensive!" Xu Haifeng smiled and shook his head and said to Boss Zhepu!

"How much do you want?" Boss Zhepu frowned and said seriously when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"No matter how much money I spend, I can’t buy this fairy bean!" Xu Haifeng said again!

""Then what do you say we should do? If it doesn't work, I'll chop off my legs and give them back to you!" Boss Zhepu said coldly!

"No! I can agree to whatever you ask for!" Shan Ye shouted excitedly when he heard what Boss Zhepu said!

"Xu Haifeng, you shouldn't do this……!"Luffy, Zoro, Nami and others also looked at Xu Haifeng with strange expressions!

""Boss Zhepu, you misunderstood me. I wanted Sanye to work for our pirate group to pay off our debts. Just like Luffy washing dishes for you!" Xu Haifeng winked at Boss Zhepu while saying this!

"Oh! I agree. Shan Ye will go to cook for you from now on. Come back when the debt is paid off!" Boss Zhepu suddenly understood what Xu Haifeng meant!

"How about it! Shan Ye, come with us to go out to sea as a pirate!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

""Yes! Yes! Come to the sea with us!" Luffy and his companions now understood what Xu Haifeng said!

"Humph! You guys……!"Shanye walked outside after he finished speaking! In fact, Shanye now knows what everyone is thinking!

Boss Zhepu hopes that Shanye will pursue his dream, and Xu Haifeng is just helping Shanye find a reason to join!

And now that Boss Zhepu's leg is healed, Shanye has no reason to refuse!

The Straw Hat Pirates came to the Merry and waved goodbye to the chefs of the sea restaurant. Just like in the original anime.

When Boss Zhepu shouted those simple words of concern to Shanye! Shanye couldn't help kneeling on the boat anymore and cried and shouted thank you to Boss Zhepu!


Xu Haifeng:"Okay, now we have a chef, the next step is to help Nami get rid of the Arlong Pirates!"

"Nami, is there anything I can help you with?" Luffy and the others asked in confusion!

"This is about Nami's hometown and a pirate group called Dragon!" Xu Haifeng continued!

""Nami, you should speak for yourself! Don't be afraid! You have us now, and we will be your trustworthy partners!" Xu Haifeng encouraged Nami!

Nami looked around and saw everyone's encouragement and sincerity, so she slowly cried and told about her experiences from childhood to now!

"Bastard! Damn Arlong! I'm going to beat him up!" Luffy shouted excitedly after hearing this!

"Fishmen should be made into sashimi!" Shan Ye lit a cigarette and said lightly!

""Just right! My knife has never touched the blood of a fishman before! This time is a good time to give it a try!" Zoro said coldly while holding the hilt of the knife!

"I...I want to kill the fishman too!" Usopp was still a little scared, but his eyes were determined!

"Big sister Nami, you saved us, we will definitely help you kill those guys!" Johnny and Joseph said together!

"Thank you...! Thank you everyone!"Nami cried excitedly after hearing what everyone said!

Nami's heart is actually very kind, but she has never dared to truly trust others in the East China Sea all these years!

She has been living cautiously all these years, until now when she met Xu Haifeng and others, she found that she seemed to have really found someone to rely on!

In the end, everyone decided to go directly to the Arlong Pirates, because with the current strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, it can be easily solved!

"Shanye, come here! I have something to teach you!"

Xu Haifeng planned to help Shanye improve his strength before attacking the Dragon Pirates! Now Shanye's strength may not even be able to beat Nami!

"What is it?" Shan Ye came to Xu Haifeng and asked!

"System! Can I directly transmit Qi and King Fist to Shan Ye?"Xu Haifeng felt that it was too troublesome to teach him! So he found the system directly!

"Yes, but it requires divine power," the system replied!

"Uh! How much more do you want?" Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

"The total cost of transmitting Qi and King Fist is 100 divine power points!" the system replied!

"All right!"

"By the way, can you also transfer the Kaio-ken to Luffy? I feel this skill is also very useful to Luffy!"

Xu Haifeng suddenly remembered that if Luffy learned this skill, it would be much better than the skills he would use in the future!

"Yes! But it also requires divine power!" The system replied!

"Ugh! Why couldn't they transfer their Qi directly before, but now they can?"

Xu Haifeng still remembers that he almost died of Qi last time when he was trying to teach Luffy about Qi! But now he only needs to waste some divine power to transfer it directly!

"That's because the previous host's godhood was not enough, and now the host's Kai King godhood has awakened a mind transmission,"

"The system can use this skill to help transfer the host's skills directly to others!" The system explained to Xu Haifeng!

"Oh! I think I know it!"

Xu Haifeng only now realized that there is such a good thing in the divine position. It seems that he needs to work harder to improve his divine position in the future!

"Come! Luffy, come here too! I'll let the system transmit something to you now!" Xu Haifeng called Luffy over again!

"Ah, do I have one too? That’s great!" Luffy immediately ran over excitedly!

"All right! Sit down first! Get ready!"

"System! Start the transmission!"

After seeing the two people sitting on the boat and ready, Xu Haifeng immediately started the system!

"OK, host! I will start transmitting King-fist now...! King-fist transmission completed!"

"Now I will start transmitting the knowledge of Qi...! The knowledge of Qi has been transmitted!" After a while, the system has completed the transmission of the two skills!

"Thank you! System!"Xu Haifeng couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he heard that it was completed. It's still so convenient!

"You're welcome! Deduct the host's power! One hundred and fifty points! Bye!"

Hearing that the system deducted the power, Xu Haifeng felt that his mood was not so good immediately!

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