"2x Kaio-ken!"

After Luffy and Sanye received the transmission, Luffy couldn't wait to use Kaio-ken!

Luffy's body surface turned slightly red, and white flames rose around his body. At this time, it was obvious that Luffy's strength had increased by two times!

Zoro, Nami and others looked at Luffy in shock! They had never heard of such a skill that could increase combat power by two times!


‘Bang! Just when Luffy wanted to continue to increase the Kaio-ken's multiple, Xu Haifeng immediately punched him

"What are you doing, idiot? This skill consumes a lot of energy, why are you using it now?"Xu Haifeng shouted at Luffy angrily!

"Ugh! Sorry!……!"Luffy was knocked out of the Kaio-ken state by Xu Haifeng's punch!

"How is it? How does Shanye feel about this skill?"Xu Haifeng no longer paid attention to Luffy and turned back to Shanye and asked!

"Very powerful, theoretically there is no upper limit to the improvement of this skill!"Shan Ye said to Xu Haifeng while smoking!

"Isn't that invincible?" Zoro interrupted and asked!

"Indeed! Theoretically, there is no upper limit! This skill can increase physical strength exponentially in a very short period of time!"Xu Haifeng continued!

""Can I learn it?" Hearing this, Usopp suddenly asked excitedly!

Usopp's strength has always been the worst, so when he heard this skill, Usopp immediately became excited!

"This...! I'm sorry! Usopp, I really can't teach you this skill!"Looking at the excited Usopp, Xu Haifeng had to pour a basin of cold water on him!

"Why?" Usopp asked a little disappointed!

"Because the only ones who can meet the physical requirements to learn this skill are Luffy, Zoro and Sanye! Your physical condition is too poor!"Xu Haifeng explained!

"You mean I can learn too?"When Zoro heard that he could learn too, he immediately became interested!

"Yes, you are physically fit to learn it, but I don't recommend it. Since you are a swordsman, you should concentrate on practicing swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship is also a powerful skill with no upper limit! If you are distracted, you will not be able to learn anything! So I only taught it to Luffy and Shanye!"Xu Haifeng said to Zoro!

"Okay! I got it! I will only focus on swordsmanship in the future!" Zoro thought about it, nodded seriously!

"Don't think this skill only has benefits! Usually this skill has side effects!"

"Just like this skill, the more times you increase it, the greater the pressure on your body! If your body can't withstand that huge pressure, it may explode!"

"Another point is that after using this skill, people will enter a short period of weakness. If you haven't defeated your opponent at this time, then you can only wait for death!"

Xu Haifeng immediately explained to everyone the power and side effects of the King's Fist, and also specifically reminded Luffy and Shan Ye.

Don't use it easily unless you have to! If you use it, then you must get rid of all the enemies as soon as possible!

"Hehehe...! Then I don't want to study anymore!"

Usopp gave up immediately after hearing Xu Haifeng's explanation! Our great god Usopp cherishes his life very much!

"Usopp, don't be anxious! I really don't have the skills and weapons that are suitable for you now, but I will definitely help you get them in the future!" Xu Haifeng assured Usopp!

"It’s okay! I’m not in a hurry!"Usopp said indifferently!

"But you still need to work hard to improve your physical strength. If you keep this nonchalant attitude, your physical strength will be even weaker than Nami's!" Xu Haifeng reminded!

"Okay, I will work hard in the future!" Usopp immediately promised!

"Okay, everyone, take a good rest first, because we still have a battle to fight later!" Xu Haifeng said to everyone!

"I want to eat! I'm hungry!" At this moment, Luffy's voice came again!

"You deserve it! Who told you to use the King-ken for no reason?"Xu Haifeng rolled his eyes at Luffy and said!

"Ah...! I'm so hungry! I want to eat meat!"

Luffy likes to act like a rogue when it comes to eating! Xu Haifeng and others are no longer surprised!

""Alas...! Shan Ye! Please go get Luffy some food!" Xu Haifeng had no choice but to let Shan Ye prepare food!


After sailing for a while, they finally arrived at Nami's hometown, Kokosia Village!

Just as they arrived in front of the island, a huge bull-headed sea monster suddenly emerged from the sea!

""What! How did Moo appear here?" Nami said in surprise when she saw the sea beast!

When the sea beast saw Luffy and others in front of it, it immediately opened its mouth and prepared to have a feast!

"Nami! Do you know this sea monster?"Luffy asked curiously!

"Yes! Its name is Moo! It is the pet of the Dragon Pirates and has helped Arlong and his friends do bad things before!"Nami said while looking at the sea monster!

"Zoro! That's right! We may not have much food on the ship, and this manatee looks delicious!"Xu Haifeng said to Zoro with a smile!

"Hehe...! Then let me explain it first!"Saying that, Zoro drew the sword from his waist!

Zoro came to the side of the boat with the sword in hand, and looked at the huge sea beast in front of him! He swung the sword directly at the sea beast! I saw a sword energy flying through the body of the sea beast, and the sea beast immediately seemed to be suspended in time.

It didn't move for a while, and the body of the sea beast, which had been turned into two halves, was floating on the sea! The sea water in front of him was also directly dyed red!

""Okay, I'll take care of the rest. Unfortunately, my boat can't hold so much meat, so I can only leave some good parts!" Shan Ye sighed as he looked at the manatee corpse in front of him!

"It’s okay! We can cook the whole manatee, it’s a rare ingredient! I have something here that can hold it!"Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"What do you have that can be used to store it?" Shan Ye asked curiously after hearing Xu Haifeng's words!

"Here it is! This is the universal capsule. Don’t be fooled by its small size! It has a huge space of 10*10 square meters!"

"I have two empty boxes here, each box contains eight universal capsules. I will give these two boxes, one to Nami and one to Shanye!"

Xu Haifeng took out two boxes of universal capsules and handed one to Nami and one to Shanye!

"Ah! I want one too! I want one too!" Luffy saw it and ran over to grab it!

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