"My daughters have grown up so much!" Bellmère walked up to them, gently hugged their heads and said with a smile!

""I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Because I almost made you disappear!" Nami cried bitterly!

"Silly girl, you are my daughter, it is my duty to protect you!" Bellmer said with a smile!

"Woo woo woo……!"At this moment, Luffy's crying voice suddenly rang out!

"No, why are you crying so loudly?"Zoro asked in confusion!

"I'm touched! Nami's mother is finally well! Woohoo!" Luffy said to Zoro!

"Okay, okay, everyone is very moved, but you don’t have to cry so loudly!"Sauron said speechlessly!

"You three-sword style!" Luffy said!

"Green Swamp Head!" Shan Ye continued!

"Big road idiot!" Usopp!

"Big straight man!" Xu Haifeng also said with a smile!

"What do you bastards mean?" Zoro was immediately angry when he heard everyone calling him by different nicknames!

"Nami! Who are they?" Bellmère saw Luffy and the others and lowered his head to ask Nami!

"They...! They are my friends!" Nami whispered a little scared!

"Partner???" Bellmère looked at Nami in confusion!

"Is such that……!"

After that, Nami told Bell-mère what had happened to her over the years, and also introduced Bell-mère to the Straw Hat Pirates!

"So you became a pirate?" Bell-mère said to Nami with a serious face!

"I'm sorry, Mom!……!"When Nami heard Bell-mère's words, she lowered her head and clenched her hands nervously!

When the Straw Hat Pirates saw Bell-mère's serious expression, they immediately became nervous. You know, Bell-mère was a navy at first.

When she was a navy, she saw too many pirates doing evil, and later died at the hands of Arlong, so it was difficult for Bell-mère to have any good feelings towards pirates!

"Silly child, mom doesn’t blame you, mom supports you to pursue your dream!"Bellmel touched Nami's head and said with a smile!

"Really? Thank you! Mom! I love you!"Nami looked up at Bellmère in surprise and said!

"Yeah! Nami's mother agreed to let Nami go on an adventure with us!" Luffy shouted excitedly when he heard Bell-mère's words!

"Great! If it weren't for Miss Nami, there would be no need for me to stay!" Shan Ye said with a silly smile in his eyes again!

""Sexy pufferfish!"

Zoro said with disgust when he saw Shanye's look! However, Shanye only had Nami in his eyes and ignored Zoro at all!

"These friends of yours are really interesting!" Bell-mère said with a smile while looking at the Straw Hat Pirates!

"Yes! They are all good people. Your recovery this time is all thanks to our vice-captain! He is also the one who helped you get revenge!"Nami pointed at Xu Haifeng and said!

"Thank you, young man! I heard that you quarreled with your captain to help me get revenge!"Bellmer said to Xu Haifeng with a smile!

"It’s okay! Maybe it’s because I was an orphan in my previous life, so I hate people like A-Long more!" Xu Haifeng replied!

"Oh, right! Xu Haifeng! Can my mother always be like this? Will she disappear again?"Nami suddenly asked Xu Haifeng nervously!

"No! I have used my divine power to solidify your mother's soul, but don't expose her soul to the sun in the future, it will burn her soul!"

It's not that Xu Haifeng doesn't want to revive Bell-Mel directly, it's just because Xu Haifeng is only a king of the realm level now, and he can't bring the dead back to life!

"Thank you! Thank you so much! Now I can rest assured!"Nami finally relaxed after hearing what Xu Haifeng said!

"So I'll just be a good person to the end!"

"System, help me exchange for a devil fruit!" Xu Haifeng said to the system!

"What kind of fruit does the host need?"The system replied!

"Exchange for a deluxe version of the natural system - Earth-Earth Fruit!" Xu Haifeng thought for a moment and said!

"OK! Host! Deduct 150 points of divine power!"

After the system finished speaking, a khaki devil fruit appeared in Xu Haifeng's hand!

"Give this devil fruit to your sister!" Xu Haifeng handed the devil fruit in his hand to Nami and said!

"What kind of devil fruit is this?"Nami took the devil fruit and asked!

"This is a natural fruit - Earth-Earth Fruit. Those who eat it can control earth and rocks, and can also transform their own elements into earth and rocks! If developed well, it will be very powerful!"Xu Haifeng explained this devil fruit to Nami in detail!

"Thank you!" Nami said with gratitude!

"It's okay! We are partners! In the future, with Nokigo protecting Kokosia Village, you can go on adventures with us without any worries!"Xu Haifeng said with a smile!


After that, Nami took the devil fruit to Nojiko and explained everything to her, and then Nojiko ate the fruit!

After everything was over, everyone returned to Nami's house together. Everyone decided to rest at Nami's house for a day before setting off!

"Oh no! Oh no! Nami, the navy is coming to find you! Run!"

In the early morning, when everyone in Cao Mao was preparing to leave, a villager ran to Nami's house in a panic and told Nami that the navy was coming!

""Let's go! Let's go out and take a look!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng and the others went outside together!

At this time, a naval colonel and a group of marines were walking slowly towards Nami's house on the street!

""Who is the little thief cat Nami?" The mouse asked loudly when he arrived at Nami's door!

"I am, what's the matter!"Nami stood up and answered loudly!

"Hehehe...! We received a report that you snooped through 100 million Baileys! Now hurry up and hand over all the stolen money!"Colonel Mouse said with a smug smile!

"No, that's my own money, not stolen money!"Nami shouted excitedly when she heard what Mouse said!

"Hehehe...! Those are the money obtained by peeping, of course they are stolen money, if they are stolen money we must confiscate them!"The mouse colonel said with a sly smile!

"Humph! Give up! I will never give it to you even if I die!" Nami said angrily!

"You damned navy men, don't bully Nami, or we will fight you!"

At this moment, the villagers of Kokosia Village swarmed out angrily, holding all kinds of farm tools and weapons, and surrounded the navy menacingly!

The faces of these villagers were distorted, and their eyes were flashing with anger, obviously full of hostility towards the arrival of the navy.

Although the farm tools and weapons in their hands were simple, they revealed a firm determination, as if they were going to fight a life-and-death battle with the navy.

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