"Do you low-lifes want to rebel? Everyone listen up, aim your guns! Shoot if these low-lifes dare to move!"

Colonel Mouse looked at the villagers who surrounded him without panic. He did not take the group of villagers in front of him seriously at all. He could kill them all with just one order!

"Damn it! You bastard! What kind of navy are you!" Luffy and others said angrily when they saw this scene!

"It seems that all the navy I met since I met Luffy and Zoro are like this!" Xu Haifeng thought for a while and said!

"Hehehe...! What do you think? Either you hand over the stolen money! Or I will kill them!"Colonel Mouse laughed arrogantly! He felt that no one dared to resist him!

Just when Nami was about to take out her own money to exchange for everyone's precious lives!

Suddenly, Xu Haifeng's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a mysterious and confident smile.

Then, he slowly raised his right index finger, as if he was performing some magical magic.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, as fast as lightning!

This light rushed straight towards Colonel Mouse, so fast that it was almost impossible for people to react.

However, when the white light came into contact with Colonel Mouse, an amazing scene happened!

It actually penetrated Colonel Mouse's head without any hindrance, leaving a shocking hole!

Blood and brain matter splattered out, and the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.

Colonel Mouse stared with his eyes wide open, with an expression of astonishment and disbelief on his face, but he had lost his vitality and fell straight to the ground.

The whole process happened so suddenly that everyone present was stunned and fell into dead silence for a while.

"Your laughter is so ugly!" Xu Haifeng retracted his right hand and said lightly!

"He...! He killed the colonel?" A navy officer said in disbelief, looking at the rat colonel lying on the ground!

"Kill him to avenge the colonel!" A marine in the navy suddenly shouted!

"Yes! Kill them! Avenge the colonel!"All the navy raised their guns and pointed them at Xu Haifeng!

‘Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!……’

All he could hear was the sound of gunfire, which was as deafening as the sound of firecrackers.

Then, countless bullets rushed towards Xu Haifeng like raindrops! In a flash

, Xu Haifeng raised his palm calmly, and the bullets that were flying at him miraculously stopped in front of him as if they were under a spell! They seemed to be controlled by an invisible force and could not move.

"Since you all shot at us, I have no choice but to say sorry!"Xu Haifeng said lightly!

Looking at the group of navy men who could shoot at civilians without hesitation, they were not good people, so Xu Haifeng decided to get rid of the harm for the people!

"Be a good person in your next life, and don't insult the identity of a soldier anymore!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng raised his hand and clenched it into a fist. The bullets floating in front of him suddenly seemed to be repelled by a powerful force.

They flew towards the navy at a rapid speed! These bullets seemed to have eyes, hitting every navy's body accurately.

With a dull sound, all the navy in front of him were shot dead.

Their bodies flew backwards under the impact of bullets and fell heavily to the ground.

Some people had a big hole in their chests, and blood gushed out of it; some people had their heads pierced, and brains were splattered everywhere.

The whole scene was extremely bloody and cruel.

Looking at this scene, Xu Haifeng did not have the slightest pity in his heart.

For these evil people, they should have had such an end long ago.

After doing all this, Xu Haifeng came in front of everyone!

""Xu Haifeng! Would it be bad if you killed them like this?" Nami asked softly!

"I know you may think I am too cruel! But have you ever thought about what would happen if we had no ability to resist?"

"This village has been ruled by Arlong. Why hasn't the navy come to take care of it? That's because they are in the same group as Arlong! I can't stand them teaming up with pirates to oppress and persecute civilians!"

Xu Haifeng knew that his actions just now were a bit excessive, whether it was the villagers or the people of the Straw Hat Pirates! But Xu Haifeng knew that if he let these people go, they might come back to seek revenge on the villagers after Xu Haifeng and the others left! By then, the villagers might suffer casualties!

"But what if other navy forces come to our village?"Noqigao said with a worried look on his face!

"It's okay! A vice admiral from the Navy Headquarters will be here soon! When the time comes, you just have to say that it was Luffy who did it!"Xu Haifeng said to Nojigo with a smile!

"Ah! Isn't this bad?" Nuo Qigao looked at Xu Haifeng with a strange expression!

"Why do you say it's me? I didn't do anything good at all!" Luffy said with a face full of grievance!

"Because the name of the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters who came here is——Monkey·D·Garp! Ah!" Xu Haifeng said to Luffy with a smile!

""What! Grandpa...! Grandpa!" Luffy screamed as soon as he heard the name!

""What grandpa? Luffy, what do you mean?" Nami and the others looked at the panicked Luffy and asked!

"Oh! It’s nothing! Navy hero Garp is Luffy’s grandpa!"Xu Haifeng explained to everyone with a smile!

"What! Luffy's grandfather is a navy man?"Everyone looked at Luffy in surprise when they heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Let's go! Let's go! We can't let Grandpa catch us!" When Luffy heard that Garp was coming to the island, he immediately wanted to flee from here in a panic!

"Luffy! Why are you so scared of your grandpa? Everyone looked at Luffy's frightened expression and asked curiously!

"I was almost killed by my grandfather several times!" Luffy said with a terrified look on his face!

"Ah! No way?"Everyone couldn't believe what Luffy said!

"It's not as exaggerated as you say!" Xu Haifeng pouted and said to Luffy!

""What's going on with Xu Haifeng?" Everyone asked Xu Haifeng!

"That's because Luffy's grandfather always wanted him to become a glorious navy! But a rebellious teenager kept shouting that he wanted to be a pirate!……"Before Xu Haifeng could finish his words, he heard Luffy interrupt!

"I don’t want to be a marine! I want to be the Pirate King!" Luffy shouted excitedly!

"Did you see that? That's it! In order to change Luffy's mind and train him, his grandfather threw him into the jungle to teach him how to survive in the wild!"

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