"Why has the price gone up again? I won't buy it next time if the price goes up!"

At this time, Nami was bargaining with a news bird that was selling newspapers. Unfortunately, the news bird looked aggrieved after being told so by Nami!

"Nami! Anyway, we don’t need that little money! Why are you making things difficult for it? It’s just trying to make a living!"Xu Haifeng looked at Nami and smiled!

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, the news bird actually showed a grateful expression!

"Humph! You have to save money even if you have it! There will be many more places to spend money in the future!" Nami immediately retorted when she heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Uh! Okay! Just pretend I didn't say anything!" Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

""Ah! We are wanted!" Nami sat on the ground with horror looking at the newspaper!

"Let me see! Let me see!"Luffy ran over excitedly when he heard Nami's words! Luffy snatched the newspaper from Nami's hand, and saw the portraits of the Straw Hat Pirates printed on the newspaper, especially Luffy's bounty, which was as high as 60 million Baileys.

""Wahahahaha, I finally became a great pirate!" Luffy laughed triumphantly.

"This is a big problem. The navy will definitely hunt us down everywhere." Nami said anxiously

"Show me mine!"

At this time, Zoro came over and took out his own bounty order and looked at it! Zoro's bounty was also 45 million Baileys!

"Look at mine,"

Shan Ye ran over and took a look at his bounty order! It said that Chef Shan's bounty was 40 million Baileys!

"Why? My bounty is lower than that of the Green Swamp Head?" Shan Ye said unconvinced!

"The bounty orders issued by others are based on strength and the reward is based on strength!" Zoro said with a proud look on his face!

""Asshole! Are you saying you are stronger than me?" Sanye said angrily!

Then Sanye and Zoro started their daily quarrel!

And Usopp was holding his bounty of 20 million Beli, worried about his life!

Nami looked at her bounty of 30 million, and she couldn't believe it!

"Wow! Xu Haifeng's bounty is as high as 100 million Baileys! It's even higher than mine!"At this moment, Luffy's surprised voice rang out! When everyone heard Luffy's words, they all looked at Xu Haifeng, their eyes full of surprise and envy.

"With such a high bounty, our future will be difficult." Nami said worriedly

"It doesn't matter, we are pirates, we don't have to worry about the bounty." Luffy is very optimistic

"However, this bounty also shows that the Navy values us, so we must be more careful." Zoro analyzed calmly.

"Well! Let's work hard together! Let's become the pirate group with the highest bounty soon!" Luffy shouted excitedly!


"Hey! Come and look! There is a large group of seabirds ahead, there may be a big fish below!"

Everyone was resting on the boat, and Usopp, who was in charge of observation, suddenly shouted to everyone!

""There? There?" Luffy ran over excitedly when he heard there was a big fish!

"If it is a really big fish, catch it and I will make a fish feast for everyone!" Shan Ye said as he walked over smoking a cigarette!

"Okay, watch me! Rubber - rubber - harpoon"

Luffy stretched out his hand and grabbed a little girl! When he pulled it back, he knocked the sleeping Zoro into the sea!

Originally, Zoro thought that after being able to fly, he would no longer be hurt by Luffy's fruit ability.

But he still couldn't escape in his sleep! After being fished out, Zoro was so angry that he almost chopped Luffy!

"You guys are not going to sell me out!"

The little girl knew that she was now on a pirate ship with a desperate look on her face. She had just escaped! But she was caught by pirates again!

"No! He just said he wanted to eat you!"

Xu Haifeng pointed at Luffy with a sly smile on his face! Luffy thought he had caught a fish just now.

So he said that! Xu Haifeng knew who this little girl was and wanted to tease her!

"Ah! Don't eat me, don't eat me, I'm not delicious!"

Abisi was so scared when she heard Xu Haifeng's words that she trembled all over. She looked at the people in front of her and felt like she would be eaten at any time!

"Uh! When did I say I wanted to eat her?"

Luffy heard a few big question marks appear above Xu Haifeng's head! Although he is not picky about food, he will not eat people!

"Didn't you just say you were going to catch some fish to eat? You caught her!"

"But she's not a fish! I won't eat her!"

Luffy pouted and glanced at Abis. He originally wanted to catch a fish to eat, but he didn't expect to catch a little girl!

"Please don’t eat me, I’m really not tasty!"

Abisi listened to the two demons discussing whether to eat her or not, and felt that this world was too scary!

""Okay! Stop scaring me, both of you!"

Nami looked at the frightened little girl and couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so she walked up and punched Luffy and Xu Haifeng one by one!

"Don't be afraid! Although we are pirates, we are not bad people, they were just joking with you!"

Nami came to the little girl, reached out and touched the little girl's head, looking at the little girl in front of her.

Nami seemed to see her own childhood, the helplessness and despair, so Nami's face showed a rare mother's tenderness!

"Really? You won't eat me?"

Abis looked at Nami doubtfully, her body still shaking.

Nami hugged her gently,"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. By the way, what's your name? Why are you here?"

Abis felt the warmth from Nami and gradually relaxed,"My name is Abis, and I just escaped from a navy ship!"

"Why did the navy capture you?"

Hearing that Alice escaped from the warship, Nami and everyone else felt very strange! Why was such a little girl captured on a warship?

"This...! I can't tell you this!"

Abis hesitated when she heard Nami's question, but she still didn't tell anyone! Because she didn't dare to trust the Straw Hat Pirates yet!

"It's because of the Millennium Dragon!"

Xu Haifeng saw that Abisi was hesitant and didn't dare to say it! So he just said it for her!

"How do you know?"

When Abis heard Xu Haifeng's words, she immediately looked at the man who had just scared her in horror! She hadn't told anyone about Lord Long's secret!

"As for me! I am a person who has eaten the Whisper Fruit! This is a very magical fruit that gives me the special ability to listen to and convey the inner voices of others!"

"As long as I want, I can hear the truest thoughts and secrets in anyone's heart!"

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