"Huh! How is that possible? What I ate was the Whisper Fruit!"

When Abis heard Xu Haifeng's words, she looked at Xu Haifeng in disbelief!

"Hahaha...! Okay! I won't tease you anymore! Actually, I am a prophet and I can see the past and the future!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Abisi in front of him and felt that this little girl was very cute, so he always wanted to tease her!

"Liar! I won't believe you!"

Abisi heard Xu Haifeng's answer and felt that he was deceiving herself again, so she rolled her eyes and turned her head to the side, not intending to pay any more attention to Xu Haifeng!

""Okay! Stop teasing her! Tell us what's going on!"

Nami looked at Xu Haifeng who had been teasing Abis. Everyone was very curious about what happened to the Millennium Dragon, so she asked Xu Haifeng to continue talking about the Millennium Dragon!

"Okay, let me continue with the Millennium Dragon! The Millennium Dragon is a dragon-like creature with green feathers. Their lifespan can generally be more than a thousand years.…………!"

Xu Haifeng slowly explained to everyone about the Millennium Dragon! He also told everyone the story of Abisi and Lord Long!

"You...! How could you know so much?"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Abisi widened her eyes with a look of disbelief!

"I've already told you that I'm a prophet, and you still don't believe me!"Although Xu Haifeng is not a prophet, he has watched the sequel to the anime, so it's okay for people in this world to think that he is a prophet!

"You...! Are you really a prophet?"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Abisi no longer knew whether what Xu Haifeng said was true!

"Of course! I never lie to little girls……"

""Abisi! Don't pay attention to him!"

Nami interrupted Xu Haifeng before he could finish his words, and gave him a warning look!

"Siguoyi, I want to see the Millennium Dragon!"

At this moment, Luffy, who had a slow reaction time, suddenly jumped up and shouted!

""Stupid, don't yell all of a sudden! Scaring people can kill them!"

With a bang, Nami punched Luffy on the head and a big bump appeared!

"But I just want to see the Millennium Dragon!"

Luffy was taught by Nami and could only express his demands with a wronged look on his face!

"What do you think? Do you want to go to Gunkanjima?"

Hearing Luffy's words, Nami looked at the others. Although she was also very curious, she still wanted to see everyone's opinions!

"You can go and help the Millennium Dragon, it’s okay anyway!"

Xu Haifeng felt that it was rare to see the Millennium Dragon in real life, so of course he wanted to see how it was different from the one in the anime!

"I don't care, just call me when you need a fight!"

After Zoro expressed his opinion, he quietly walked to the training room to train!

"Wherever Miss Nami goes, I will go! Because I am Miss Nami's guardian knight!"

Shan Ye's eyes turned into hearts, and he licked Nami as usual!

""Big...! If everyone is going, I'll go too!"

Usopp heard that everyone was going! He had no choice but to go with them!

""Okay! Abisi! We decided to go with you to help Lord Long find the dragon's lair!"

Abisi was immediately happy when she heard that everyone wanted to help her rescue Lord Long!

"Thank you!……!"

Before Abisi could finish her words, she heard her stomach growl suddenly!

"You must be hungry! Shanye, go make something for Abisi! I'll go change the course, and we'll head to Gunkanjima next!"


After a day of sailing, the Straw Hat Pirates finally landed on Gunkanjima successfully! Under the leadership of Abis, they came to the cave where the Dragon Lord was!

When they walked into the cave, they saw a huge green-haired monster with two wings lying on the ground!

"Siguoyi! This is a dragon, what a big one!"When

Luffy saw the Millennium Dragon for the first time, he immediately pounced on it and stroked its body back and forth, his eyes full of novelty!

"Is this a dragon? It's just a bigger bird!"

Xu Haifeng looked at the thousand-year-old dragon in front of him. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still a little disappointed. The one in front of him had almost nothing to do with a dragon!

"What should we do next?"

Everyone looked at Xu Haifeng. If they wanted to send Lord Long back to the Dragon Cave, they could only rely on Xu Haifeng!

"Sauron! Go chop some wood first."

"Shanye, Luffy and Usopp, wait until the wood is cut, and then you can use the wood to make a bigger raft that can carry Lord Long!"

Xu Haifeng knew that the dragon's lair was under this island. If he wanted to send Lord Long back to the dragon's lair, he had to transport Lord Long to the sea surface first, just like in the original anime!

When the island rises, Lord Long can be naturally sent to the dragon's lair!

"Got it!"

Luffy and his friends ran out of the cave immediately after hearing what Xu Haifeng said!

Soon Luffy and his friends finished making the raft! Xu Haifeng used the power of the electromagnetic force fruit to move Lord Long from the cave to the raft outside the mountain!

"All right! Now we just need to push Lord Long to the surface of the sea, and then send him to the east of Gunkanjima to wait!"

In fact, Xu Haifeng could directly use the power of the electromagnetic force fruit to send Lord Long down, but he suddenly wanted to experience the feeling of riding a roller coaster!

After a thrilling roller coaster ride, everyone finally sent Lord Long to the surface of the sea safely! Now we just need to wait for the dragon cave to appear by itself!

"Listen up, pirates in front! Stop your ship and surrender immediately, or I will sink you directly!"

However, just as everyone was sailing on the sea with Long Ye for a while, a group of warships suddenly appeared in front of the Merry!

""Oh no! It's the navy!" Nami's face changed drastically.

Xu Haifeng quickly asked everyone to tie Long Ye to the back of the Merry, and at the same time controlled the Merry to avoid the navy's attack.

"Luffy, what should we do?"Usopp asked

"Humph! What else can we do? Shoot them away!"Luffy shouted.

At this time, the navy's shells kept coming, and the Merry was swaying on the sea.

"Nami, use your fruit power to protect the Merry and Lord Long, and we'll go over and talk to them!"

Looking at the aggressive approach from the other side, there's no way to leave without getting rid of them first!

"I...! I want to stay and protect the Merry too!"

When Usopp heard that he was going to fight the navy, he immediately said that he wanted to stay too!

"Well! Okay, then you can go with Nami!"

Looking at the timid Usopp, Xu Haifeng didn't say anything, because there has been nothing to help him improve his combat power, so Usopp is currently the weakest one in the Straw Hat Pirates!

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