"System! Can you help me?"

Xu Haifeng's heart was full of doubts and expectations. Although he was not sure whether the system could really help at the moment, for Usopp, he still decided to try to ask.

"Host! How do you want me to help Usopp?"The system responded in a rhetorical way.

Xu Haifeng fell into deep thought. He knew that Usopp was a sniper, and he had been thinking hard about how to quickly improve his strength.

So he decided to leave this problem to the system to solve.

""Hmm! Usopp! He is an excellent sniper, so do you have any way to help him quickly improve his strength?" Xu Haifeng said after thinking for a while.

He has been trying to find a way to improve Usopp's ability, but he has never found an ideal solution. Therefore, he simply asked the system to give some suggestions.

"Sniper? I happen to have a weapon that is very suitable for him!"The system replied after a moment of silence.

This sentence flashed through Usopp's mind like a flash of lightning, making him excited.

He eagerly looked forward to the next words of the system, eager to know what kind of weapon could be so suitable for his needs.

"Oh! What kind of weapon is it?"

After hearing what the system said, Xu Haifeng immediately became interested. A weapon that the system values so much must be very good! He couldn't wait to ask:

"Tell me quickly, what kind of weapon is this?"

The system seemed to see through his thoughts and answered slowly:"This weapon is called the Bow of Elements."

Xu Haifeng couldn't help but ask curiously:"The Bow of Elements? It sounds very powerful. What's special about it?"

The system smiled slightly and continued to explain:"This bow is different from ordinary bows and arrows. It doesn't have real arrows.

When the user pulls the bowstring, he can inject his own essence, energy, and spirit into it, thereby condensing arrows with various elemental attributes!"

Xu Haifeng widened his eyes and said in disbelief:

"Really? It's incredible that you can use spiritual power to condense arrows! What kind of arrows can it condense?"

The system said proudly:"Its magic lies in that it can condense arrows of any element according to the user's ideas and needs.

Whether it is common elements such as fire, water, wind, and earth, or rare elements such as light, darkness, thunder, and ice, they can be generated at will."

Xu Haifeng was so excited that he almost jumped up. If he had such a magic weapon, wouldn't he be able to surprise the enemy in battle and cause huge damage? He asked eagerly:

"So, how can you get this elemental bow?"

"As long as the host completes the corresponding task, he can obtain this bow."The system replied calmly.

"What mission?" Xu Haifeng asked without hesitation.

"The system will release the specific tasks at the appropriate time."The system kept it a secret.

Xu Haifeng gritted his teeth, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes:"No matter what the task is, I will do my best!"

At this time, Usopp on the side could no longer suppress his excitement. He clenched his fists tightly, as if he had seen himself holding the elemental bow and becoming a top sniper.

""When does the mission start?" he urged anxiously.

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and said helplessly:"It depends on when the system is released!"

As the two were looking forward to it, the system's voice sounded again:

"Side quest released: Change the fate of the whale Lab and stop Lab from waiting alone!"

"Reward for completing the mission: Elemental Bow! Divine Power: 100 points"

After hearing the side mission released by the system, Xu Haifeng and Usopp looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Changing Rab's fate……"Xu Haifeng murmured to himself,"This is not an easy task."

Xu Haifeng frowned and thought about the possibility of the mission."Labu has been waiting for its owner there. What can we do to make it no longer lonely?"

"Is this mission difficult to complete?"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Usopp immediately felt nervous!

He had just found an opportunity to improve his strength, is it going to fail like this?

No, this must not happen! He prayed secretly, hoping that everything would go well.

"It's not that difficult! Don't worry! There is no problem in completing the task, but we have to wait until we see the whale Laboo!"

Xu Haifeng's tone revealed a kind of confidence, but also a hint of mystery.

In fact, he already had a rough plan in his mind on how to complete this task, but he had to wait until he saw Laboo before he could put it into practice.

"That's good! That's good!"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief.

His heart finally settled down, and a relaxed smile reappeared on his face.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will never give up. And now, he is full of expectations for the future and can't wait to start this adventure.


""Hey, hey, hey~ Everyone come and take a look at this!"

Nami suddenly gathered everyone together, and pointed to the fully unfolded nautical chart in front of her, and shouted to others:"Look here, according to the information depicted on this map, the entrance to the Grand Line is actually on a mountain!"

After hearing Nami's words, Zoro immediately raised his own question:"What? On the mountain? How is this possible! Our ship doesn't have wings, how can it climb to the top of the mountain?"

However, Nami pointed to the map firmly and said:"That's what I thought at first, but look carefully, there is clearly a canal going up the mountain here!"

Luffy touched his chin and said thoughtfully:"Maybe this canal is the key to entering the Grand Line."

"But how can there be a canal in the mountain? It's really strange."Sanji shook his head in confusion.

"In fact, this canal is indeed the passage to the Great Route! Moreover, as far as I know, this canal has another name, called"Inverted Mountain".’"Xu Haifeng said with a smile

"Upside-down mountain? What a strange name."Luffy blinked his eyes.

"Because the top and bottom of the mountain are upside down, ships can only enter from the top and exit from the bottom.

"If we drive up along the canal, we can reach the entrance of the Grand Line," Xu Haifeng explained."

"That's it!"Everyone suddenly realized

"However, since it is a canal going up the mountain, the water flow must be very fast, right?" Usopp said worriedly.

"That's right, so we have to drive carefully, otherwise the boat is likely to be washed away."Nami reminded everyone

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I'm the captain, I will definitely lead everyone through safely!" Luffy smiled confidently.

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