"This Upside Down Mountain is so high that it's staggering!" Nami exclaimed as she looked at the mountain in front of her!

In front of everyone, through the layers of dense fog, a huge mountain that towered into the clouds and pierced the sky was looming.

The mountain was so high that it was impossible to see where its top was, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

In a moment, the Merry slowly approached and finally arrived at the entrance of the rising current.

"Everyone, pay attention, we are about to enter the canal!"Nami stood at the bow and reminded everyone with a serious expression.

""Oh no, our course has deviated a little, Sanji, Usopp, go and adjust the boat!"

She stared at the front nervously, holding the side of the boat tightly with both hands, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Just as the Merry was about to enter the canal following the current, Nami suddenly discovered that the Merry had deviated from the course.

The bow was about to hit the Upside Down Mountain! This huge mountain stood on the sea, like an insurmountable barrier.

"What should we do? We're going to hit the mountain!" Usopp shouted anxiously

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Just when everyone was panicking, a firm voice came. Xu Haifeng stood up, his face filled with a confident smile.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, wondering if he had any way to avoid this disaster. But seeing how calm he was, everyone was relieved.

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath, then slowly opened his arms and began to activate his magical electromagnetic force fruit ability.

As he moved, a powerful force emerged from his body, as if the whole world was in his control.

The huge Merry, as if lifted up by an invisible big hand, slowly left the water.

It floated steadily in the air, as if it had lost the restraint of gravity.

Xu Haifeng carefully manipulated the electromagnetic force to keep the Merry balanced, and gradually Adjust it to the normal sailing route.

When the Merry stabilized, Xu Haifeng waved his hand lightly, and the hull slowly landed at the estuary like a docile sheep.

The whole process was like flowing water, without the slightest flaw.

Originally, with Xu Haifeng's strength and the ability of the electromagnetic force fruit, he could easily let the Merry fly over the Upside-Down Mountain in front of him.

However, this time he decided to give up this convenient way.

Because he knew that it would be a pity to just fly over such a rare spectacle in a hurry.

Therefore, he chose to let the Merry drive along the mountain road and personally feel the shock and surprise brought by this mysterious mountain.

Time passed by, and everyone's heart was in their throat.

Finally, with the efforts of Xu Haifeng, the Merry successfully avoided the Upside-Down Mountain and entered the canal safely.

"Great! We are saved!"Everyone cheered and was full of gratitude to Xu Haifeng.

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and said to Xu Haifeng with a smile:"Thank you, Xu Haifeng. You are such a great vice captain!"

Xu Haifeng smiled modestly:"You're welcome, this is what I should do. We are a team, and only by helping each other can we overcome difficulties"

""Wow! Go! Merry!"

Seeing Merry rushing straight to the top of the mountain along the current, everyone's face showed excitement!

Driven by the current, Merry's speed was getting faster and faster, rushing towards the top of the mountain.

The crew members held on to the side of the ship tightly, enjoying this exciting journey.

Finally, after a series of hardships and dangers, Merry successfully reached the top. Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the hull suddenly entered the canal going down the mountain. With a thrilling shout, everyone came to the estuary below.

" Look! There is a wall at the estuary!" Usopp suddenly pointed in the direction of the estuary below and shouted.

Hearing his shout, Sanji also showed a puzzled expression:"Why is there a wall here?"

Nami seemed a little anxious. She turned her head and shouted to Xu Haifeng:"Quick! Xu Haifeng, use the trick just now and stop the boat!"

Just as everyone was amazed, Xu Haifeng used the power of the fruit again to lift the Merry steadily.

He carefully controlled the power and let the Merry fly slowly towards the estuary below.

As the distance got closer, everyone finally came to the object that looked like a wall.

When they looked closely, they found that what was in front of them was not a wall, but an extremely large whale!

"Oh my god! This is too big!" Nami widened her eyes and looked at the huge thing in front of her that looked like a city wall. She couldn't help but sigh.

"Wow! Such a big fish, it will be enough for us to eat for a long time!" Luffy's eyes were shining with excitement, and he seemed to be imagining how to enjoy this sumptuous meal.

However, just as everyone was amazed at this huge whale, Xu Haifeng suddenly said:"This whale is called Laboo! But it does not look very good!"

His words attracted the attention of others, and everyone began to observe Laboo carefully.

Indeed, compared with ordinary whales, Laboo's appearance is a bit strange, even ugly.

But its huge body and unique breath still make people feel an incomparable shock.

Just as everyone was looking at the huge whale in front of them, the behemoth opened its bloody mouth without warning, and swallowed the Merry and everyone with a thunderous force!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! We've been eaten! We're dead!" Usopp screamed in horror.

"Xu Haifeng! Find a way quickly!" Nami was also extremely anxious and urged anxiously.

However, Xu Haifeng was calm and composed, as he knew that entering the stomach of the whale would be no problem.

Sure enough, not long after, when the Merry successfully entered the stomach of the whale, everyone was stunned and could not believe what they saw.

It turned out that in this mysterious stomach cavity, there was a different world - not only was there a mini island, but there was also blue sky and white clouds floating above it, as if it were a paradise on earth.

"No way, am I dreaming? Is this... is this really the belly of a whale?"

Just then, there was a slight noise in the house on the island, and then a door slowly opened.

An old man with gray hair and glasses walked out of the house.

He walked slowly to the recliner on one side of the room, sat down leisurely, and picked up the newspaper beside him. He first looked up and glanced at the Straw Hat Pirates, and then returned his gaze to the newspaper in his hand.

""Excuse me, are we really in the belly of a whale?"

Usopp, who had sharp eyes, was the first to notice the mysterious old man. Seeing his calm appearance, he immediately felt a glimmer of hope and asked.

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