"Let's shoot an 'ice' arrow at the sea surface to test the waters.!" Xu Haifeng shouted to Usopp with a smile on his face.

After hearing Xu Haifeng's instructions, Usopp pulled the bowstring without hesitation and injected his own"qi" into the bow.

In the blink of an eye, an arrow began to gradually take shape.

"Ice Arrow!"

As Usopp shouted softly, the arrow that was as transparent as crystal flew straight towards the sea like an arrow shot from a bow!

It drew a beautiful arc in the air, as if it was going to tear the entire sky apart.

As the arrow flew forward at a rapid speed, the surrounding air seemed to be frozen into ice.

When the ice arrow came into contact with the sea surface, there was a loud noise, followed by a piercing chill that quickly spread.

The entire sea surface was covered with a thick layer of ice, as if time had stopped flowing at this moment.

Usopp stared at everything that was happening in front of him with wide eyes, his heart filled with shock and excitement.

He had never thought that the arrow he shot could have such a huge power.

Xu Haifeng, who was standing aside, nodded with satisfaction and spoke highly of Usopp's performance.

""How does it feel?"

Xu Haifeng slowly turned around, a relaxed smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Usopp, and asked softly.

Usopp held the mysterious elemental bow tightly in both hands, his eyes flashing with uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

He raised his head, grinned at Xu Haifeng without disguising, and answered with a slightly trembling voice:"It's amazing! This is simply a power beyond imagination!"

However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the cabin. Then, a group of people hurriedly ran out, their faces full of panic and curiosity.

""What happened? Why is it so noisy?" Nami shouted anxiously

""What happened? Is there any danger?" Sanji looked around nervously.

Seeing everyone so panicked, Xu Haifeng quickly stepped forward and waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down. He explained loudly:

"Don't worry, it's no big deal. Usopp is just trying out the new weapon he just got!"

After hearing this explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but their curiosity did not diminish.

They all gathered around Usopp, wanting to see this magical weapon with their own eyes.

"Wow! What kind of weapon is this, Usopp?"

Luffy stared with his big round eyes, and approached with curiosity, wanting to reach out and touch the strange-shaped bow and arrow that was shining with mysterious light.

"Don't move, this is my treasure - the Elemental Bow!"

Usopp nervously protected the bow in front of his chest, looking at Luffy's outstretched hand, he nimbly dodged sideways and successfully avoided Luffy's"claws""

""Miserable guy! It's just a touch, what's the big deal!" Luffy pouted unhappily and muttered to Usopp.

At this time, Xu Haifeng on the side saw what everyone was thinking, and he said:"Usopp, shoot another fire arrow to open everyone's eyes!"

Hearing this, Usopp was refreshed. He took a deep breath, pulled the bowstring to its full extent, and a blazing flame instantly condensed into a flaming arrow.

As he let go and shot the arrow, the rocket whizzed out like a fire dragon, rushing straight into the distance with blazing flames, and set off a heat wave wherever it passed. The scene was spectacular.

The last arrow rushed away like a meteor, accurately hitting the ice surface that had just been formed by the ice arrow!

With a deafening"boom", the entire ice surface seemed to be ignited, and instantly ignited a blazing fire. Fire.

The fire spread rapidly, engulfing the entire ice surface in the blink of an eye.

The blazing flames licked the air, releasing incredible heat, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply.

In this thrilling scene, the ice surface gradually melted and turned into boiling water. The ice layer, which was originally as hard as steel, lost its support under the erosion of the raging fire, and collapsed and shattered, splashing countless water.

The fusion of water and fire formed a spectacular and dangerous scene that was breathtaking.

Everyone was shocked by the scene before their eyes, and they exclaimed and cheered.

"Wow, this is amazing! It can actually make ice burn!"Nami's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief

"Hehe, this is all thanks to the elemental bow!"

Xu Haifeng smiled proudly, and then explained to everyone:

"You see, the arrow shot out from this elemental bow is actually a weapon made entirely of condensed energy! Because of this, as long as it still has energy, it can still burn even if it touches water!"

"Is this true? It's so magical!"Sanji couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this.

"The most powerful thing about this bow is that it can shoot arrows with various elemental attributes according to the owner's thoughts!"

"Not only that, Usopp, you can also try to condense the power of multiple elements into one arrow in the future. In this way, the attack power of the arrow formed will become extremely terrifying!"

Xu Haifeng explained with a smile

"Wow! There is actually such a magical way to use it!"Everyone present was shocked.

"Can it really be done this way?"Usopp was also very surprised and asked in surprise.

"Xu Haifeng! Wow, so cool, I want one too, give me one too!"

Luffy stared at the bow in Usopp's hand with envy and shouted at Xu Haifeng.

Xu Haifeng looked helpless:

""No! You're a boxer, why do you need a bow and arrow? What's the use of this thing to you? Stop making trouble, okay?"

He muttered to himself, this Luffy is really a troublesome guy, always making some weird requests

"Congratulations, Usopp! You finally have a weapon that suits you perfectly!"

Zoro, Sanji, and Nami walked forward together and congratulated Usopp!

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much, everyone!"Usopp could not hide his excitement, and responded with a slightly trembling voice.

At this moment, he held the elemental bow tightly in both hands, his eyes showing endless love, and he treated it with caution as if it were a rare treasure.

Before this, because his own combat effectiveness was at the bottom of the team, he could hardly play a big role in every battle.

Usopp, who has always been one of the key protected objects of the pirate group, inevitably felt a little lost.

However, now holding this long-awaited powerful weapon, he saw the dawn of improving his own strength, and secretly vowed to make full use of this bow, and strive to grow into a truly powerful warrior, so as to better protect these lovely partners around him!

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