After Xu Haifeng handed the elemental bow to Usopp, he returned to the cabin, fell on the bed, and fell asleep.

When he woke up and returned to the deck, he was surprised to find that everyone was lying on the deck in all directions, as if they had just experienced a fierce battle.

Even Princess Huihui and MR9, who were rescued by Lab, were no exception. They closed their eyes tightly, as if they were exhausted.

" Uh! What's wrong with you? Why are you all so listless?"Xu Haifeng walked up to everyone curiously and asked with concern.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Nami couldn't help but interrupt him.

"You still have the nerve to ask, our ship just encountered a blizzard, everyone is fighting hard, but you and Zoro are sleeping like dead pigs!"

Nami's tone was filled with a hint of anger and dissatisfaction, she was obviously disappointed with Xu Haifeng's performance at the critical moment.

Xu Haifeng couldn't help feeling guilty after listening to Nami's accusation. He realized that he had a great responsibility on the ship and could not ignore everyone's safety because of his sleepiness.

He looked down at his companions lying on the ground, and a feeling of self-blame surged in his heart. He secretly made up his mind to be more vigilant in the future and not let similar things happen again.

So he took a deep breath and apologized to Nami:

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. I'll be more careful next time. Is everyone okay? Is anyone injured?"Xu Haifeng looked at Nami with an apologetic look on his face.

"Humph! Let's forget it this time. Fortunately, no one is seriously injured, just exhausted."

Nami glared at him, then pointed at Luffy lying beside him,

"However, Luffy seemed to be a little bit wrong. His breathing was very rapid and his face looked very bad."Xu Haifeng hurried forward to check, and as Nami said, Luffy's condition did not look good. He quickly helped Luffy up and tried to wake him up.

"Luffy! Luffy! Wake up!"

At this moment, Luffy suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly:"Meat! I want to eat meat!" After that, he jumped up and looked around for food.

Everyone was relieved to see Luffy so energetic, and laughter echoed throughout the deck

"Okay, now that you've realized your mistake, hurry up and help take care of the others. This snowstorm has exhausted everyone."

Xu Haifeng nodded and hurried to action. He first checked everyone's condition to make sure no one was injured. Then, he began to prepare hot drinks and food for everyone, hoping to help them regain some strength.

With Xu Haifeng's efforts, everyone gradually woke up. Although they were still a little tired, their mental state had improved a lot.

Everyone sat together and shared their experiences and feelings.���Xu Haifeng listened carefully to everyone's story, and was deeply moved.

Through this experience, he deeply realized the importance of teamwork. Only by working together can we overcome difficulties and move forward.

From then on, Xu Haifeng cherished the time with his partners more, and worked harder to improve his abilities and contribute his own strength to the future of the fleet.

And this time, because of Lab, the Merry was not damaged at all in the blizzard!

After helping everyone successfully resist the blizzard, Lab turned into a cute little whale and swam back to the ship happily!

After a short rest, everyone continued their journey and headed towards the next destination-Whiskey Peak.

This island, known as the"Welcome Town", is full of mystery and expectations.

However, just as the Merry was about to arrive at Whiskey Peak, Princess Weiwei and MR9 proposed to disembark early!

Xu Haifeng knew that the two of them were going to rush ahead to tip off, but he did not stop them.

After all, the two of them are now members of the Baroque Works, and Princess Weiwei and MR9's mission is to do so.

""Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

When the Merry, carrying Xu Haifeng and others, slowly sailed into the Whiskey Peak Port, they saw that both sides of the port were already crowded with people who were looking forward to it. They held flowers and ribbons in their hands, and their faces were filled with sincere and warm smiles.

"Uh! Are pirates so popular?"Usopp touched his chin, with a look of confusion on his face.

""Hahaha...! The people here are so interesting!" Luffy laughed heartily like a child, seeming to find all this particularly novel.

However, in sharp contrast to Luffy's reaction, Zoro, Sanji and Nami were looking at this group of enthusiastic people with vigilance.

Their eyes revealed a deep suspicion - after all, in such a remote place, how could a group of people show such a strong interest in pirates?

Under the gaze of everyone, the Merry slowly approached the shore. Zoro and others walked down the side of the ship with full of questions, ready to find out.

At this time, an old man who was the leader came forward with a smile on his face.

"Hello, fellow pirates! I am the mayor of this town, Ikalem! Your arrival has made this peaceful town bustling."

"Although we know you are pirates, you will be treated like VIPs here."

"Please rest assured, we have no ill intentions, we just want to take this opportunity to make more friends with the warriors from the sea."

"Please follow us. We have prepared a grand and luxurious banquet for you. Please come and enjoy it!"

At this moment, a group of enthusiastic people suddenly emerged. They said to the Straw Hat Pirates with smiles on their faces.

Luffy's eyes immediately flashed with a light, and he shouted excitedly:"Great! Banquet! Banquet!"

It was as if the whole world was lit up by this word. He couldn't wait to���With big strides, they ran towards the direction of Ikalem.

Usopp and Sanji were not far behind. They were surrounded by beauties, and the praises from their ears made them intoxicated and gradually lost themselves in self-intoxication. In this way, they couldn't help but follow Luffy to the tempting banquet.

"These three idiots! They actually believed in such an obvious scam!"

Nami looked at Luffy and the others who were completely addicted to it, with an angry look on her face!

"All right! Let's hurry up and follow them, what's so scary? After all, any conspiracy is fragile in the face of absolute strength!"

Although Xu Haifeng knew the intentions of these people and what was going to happen next, he still chose to remain silent and did not tell everyone the truth.

Because he knew very well that some things must be experienced and experienced by them personally, so that it would be more beneficial to the growth of the Straw Hat Pirates!

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