The giant Broki suddenly pulled out the huge and sharp axe from his waist. He turned around with lightning speed, and then a dazzling white light flashed.

With a crisp"crack", the dinosaur's head that was tightly biting Broki was instantly separated from its body, blood splattered, and the head rolled to the side.

"Wow! Gah! Gah! Gah! Gah! Haha, what a coincidence! You guys buy me some drinks, so I'll prepare a delicious barbecue for everyone!"

Brocki laughed heartily, his voice was deafening, and he shouted to Xu Haifeng and the other three.

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng also showed excitement on his face, and responded loudly:"Great! Then we must taste the giant uncle's superb cooking skills!";

&#"No problem! Come with me, I promise you will have a feast!"

Broki said confidently, and then dragged the dead dinosaur into the depths of the dense forest, each step seemed as steady as a rock.

""Xu Haifeng! Do we really have to follow?" Nami said to Xu Haifeng with a face full of horror, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Xu Haifeng patted his chest and confidently comforted her:"Don't be afraid, I'm here! Believe me, nothing will happen."

As soon as he finished speaking, he hugged the two barrels of wine tightly, then took Nami's hand and followed Broki into the dense forest without hesitation.

""Wow! Gah! Gah! Gah! Gah! Ah! That's the taste! It's so wonderful! I haven't tasted this for a long time. I almost forgot what wine tastes like!"

Brocki shouted excitedly. He easily picked up a barrel of wine with one hand, drank a big sip happily, and couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Haifeng looked at the barrel in the giant's hand and found it a little funny.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such a huge barrel is like a small and exquisite wine glass in the giant's hand. This scene is really hilarious.

"Haha! The meat roasted by the giant uncle looks delicious too!"

Xu Haifeng said as he stared at the wine barrel in the giant's hand, thinking that these two barrels of wine might not be enough for him to drink.

At this time, Broki had roasted the dinosaur meat, and the rich aroma filled the air. He tore off a piece of meat with his hands, put it in his mouth and chewed it, nodding with satisfaction.

"Come and have a taste!" Broki called Xu Haifeng, Nami and Usopp.

Xu Haifeng, Nami and Usopp walked to the fire and took the barbecue from Broki.

Nami and Usopp were still a little scared, but seeing Xu Haifeng eating with relish, they also plucked up the courage to take a bite.

""Mm, delicious!" Nami was surprised to find that dinosaur meat was so delicious.

The four of them sat around the fire, enjoying the food and wine. Broki kept praising the wine, while Xu Haifeng and the other two were immersed in this wonderful atmosphere.

"Uncle Broki, are you the only one on the island?" Usopp asked Broki curiously with his eyes wide open!

After spending some time together, Usopp and Nami found that this burly and powerful giant was not as scary as they imagined, but gradually became familiar with him.

"No, there is another rival of mine on the island!………"Broge smiled, his voice deep and full of stories.

Then, the giant Broge fell into memories, slowly telling the story of his grievances with another giant named Donli.

They used to be partners fighting side by side, but later they had a disagreement and started a fierce battle that lasted for decades.

Usopp listened attentively, with expressions of surprise and admiration on his face from time to time.

When he heard the thrilling battle scene between the two, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Wow! Uncle Broki, you two are amazing. You can fight together for so many years!"

Usopp's eyes were shining at this time, as if he could imagine the shocking duel of that year.

He was moved by the courage and persistence of Broki and Donli, and a surge of blood boiling in his heart.

Just as Broki was telling his thrilling story vividly, a volcano suddenly erupted without any warning in the distance!

The boiling magma gushed out like a fire dragon, rushing straight to the sky. At the same time, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, covering the sky and the sun.

" You guys take a break here first, the duel between me and Donli is coming again!"

The giant Broki stared at the raging volcano in the distance, stood up without hesitation, picked up the giant axe and shield beside him, turned around and said loudly to Xu Haifeng and the other three.

Hearing this, Usopp's blood boiled. He stared at Broki who was about to go to the battlefield with wide eyes and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Uncle Broki! Come on! You must defeat your opponent!"

Accompanied by Usopp's passionate cheering, Broki took firm and powerful steps and ran towards the center of the forest without hesitation.

His figure gradually went away, but his resolute and courageous expression was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

"Xu Haifeng, do you think Uncle Broge has a chance of winning this time?"Usopp turned around and asked Xu Haifeng with a look of confusion and expectation on his face.

Xu Haifeng frowned slightly, thought for a moment and replied:"In fact, for the two of them, the victory or defeat of this contest may no longer be important."

"Perhaps they had forgotten the original purpose of the duel a long time ago. After so many years of fighting, they have established a deep brotherhood between them."

Usopp's eyes widened, and he seemed a little surprised and asked:"Then why do they continue to fight?"

Xu Haifeng smiled lightly, patted Usopp on the shoulder and said:"Their current battle is not so much a real duel as a way of communication that has become natural."

"In their daily lives, this has become a way for them to relieve boredom and release stress. Therefore, in such a battle, it doesn't matter who wins or loses."

Xu Haifeng paused and continued:"This special emotional bond makes their battle more like a tacit interaction rather than a simple competition."

They express their care and respect for each other in this way, and also enjoy the fun and challenges it brings."

"So we don't need to care too much about the results, we just need to appreciate their superb skills and precious friendship."

Usopp and Nami nodded slowly after listening to Xu Haifeng's explanation! After

Xu Haifeng and the other two finished speaking, they looked at the two giants who were fighting hard in the distance! Looking at their two tall figures, their hearts were full of admiration!

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