"Uncle Broge, you're back! So who won between the two of you?" Usopp looked at Broge with expectation, secretly guessing the outcome of this fierce battle. Although he also knew that winning or losing was not that important, he couldn't help but be curious deep down.

Xu Haifeng and Nami also looked at the giant Broge with some curiosity!

However, Broge didn't care at all. He sat on the ground and laughed heartily:"Wow! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! It's a draw again this time!"

There was a hint of pride and satisfaction in his voice.

Usopp widened his eyes, shook his head in disbelief and said:"Another draw? You two are really evenly matched!"

At this time, an alluring aroma came to his nose. It turned out that the barbecue was already cooked, sizzling with oil, exuding a mouth-watering aroma.

Usopp pointed at the barbecue and said enthusiastically:"Uncle Broki, you must be tired from the battle! The barbecue here is already cooked, eat some to recover your strength!"

Broki took the plate gratefully and took a big bite of the tender and juicy barbecue, muttering:"Mm, delicious! This tastes really good!"……"

Not long after, Xu Haifeng and the other three and Broki ate the entire dinosaur until only a skeleton was left!

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, suddenly, another volcano erupted!

"The horn of a new round of battle has sounded again. It seems that I have to continue to fight.!"

Broki stood up suddenly, picked up his weapon, and walked towards the place where the fierce battle had just taken place without hesitation.!

"Xu Haifeng! Look at them doing this all the time, aren't they tired??" Nami looked at Broki who was rushing to the battlefield again and asked with a puzzled look on her face

"Who knows? Let’s go and take a look.!"

After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he slowly flew towards the place where the two giants were fighting! Seeing this, Nami and Usopp hurriedly followed him!

When Xu Haifeng and the other two arrived at the place where Broki and Donli were, they were surprised to find that the two behemoths did not start a fierce battle as expected.

" Luffy! Why are you here?!"

It was not until they flew closer to the two giants that they could see clearly that Luffy was floating between them, dancing and shouting something.

"Xu Haifeng! You are finally here! Come quickly and help persuade these two giant uncles to stop fighting. Uncle Dongli was ambushed and seriously injured.!"

Luffy saw Xu Haifeng and others coming at him and immediately started yelling

" What? Dongli, you were attacked by someone else.?" Upon hearing this, the giant Broki quickly lowered his weapon and asked the giant Dongli with a concerned look on his face:

" It's okay! It's just a minor injury, come on, let's continue our unfinished battle!"

The giant Dongli didn't care at all. Instead, he raised his weapon and pointed it at Broki, shouting

"Donli, are you insulting me? Do you want me to be a villain who takes advantage of others?"

Broki's voice exploded like thunder, his eyes flashing with angry fire, staring at Donli opposite.

For them, this duel is not only a contest of strength, but also a defense of honor. However, Donli's words were like a sharp knife, piercing his heart.

Facing Broki's questioning, Donli also realized the inappropriateness of his words.

He quickly put away the weapon in his hand, lowered his head, and apologized sincerely:"Uh! Sorry! Then we can only fight again next time!" At this moment, his eyes also revealed regret for the tainted duel.

Although the duel has come to an end for the time being, the doubts and anger in Broki's heart are like a blazing flame that cannot be calmed down.

He is eager to know the truth behind Donli's injury. After Luffy and Princess Huihui told the story, he finally learned the truth of the matter-Donli was injured because he drank the wine added with bombs.

"Damn it! Who is so despicable that he would do such a thing? If I find out, I will never let him go!"

Broki clenched his fists and roared with anger on his face. His voice echoed on the battlefield, sweeping every corner like a storm!

"Uncle Broki, don't be angry yet. The most urgent task is to find the person who plotted against Uncle Dongli and prevent similar things from happening again."Princess Huihui analyzed calmly.

"Yes! We must find this despicable guy!" Usopp echoed

"But where should we start looking?"Nami asked

"Hey, leave it to me!" Xu Haifeng smiled confidently,"I have a magical ability that can sense the breath of people around me. As long as that person is still nearby, I will definitely find him!"

After that, Xu Haifeng closed his eyes and concentrated. After a moment, he suddenly pointed in a direction and shouted:"Over there! I feel a malicious breath!"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, only to see a dark shadow quietly leaving in the distance.

""Chase!" Xu Haifeng gave an order, and everyone started to chase after the shadow. A chase began.……

"Mr.3 Gardino, it's you!!"When everyone caught up with the black shadow, Princess Huihui's eyes lit up and she immediately recognized the other party's identity!

" Damn it! It's you guys from Baroque Studio who are causing trouble again!!" Luffy cursed with gritted teeth. When he heard this man's name, the anger in his heart was instantly ignited!

" Humph! My perfectly designed plan was about to succeed, but I didn't expect it to be ruined by you uninvited guests!"Mr.3 Gardino stared at Luffy and the others viciously, his face full of hatred and anger.

" Humph! I'm going to beat you up and seek justice for Uncle Dongli!"Luffy was furious, and he roared and rushed forward, as if he was going to fight with Gardino.

" Boom!"

Accompanied by a deafening roar, it seemed as if the whole earth was shaking.

Just as Luffy was ready to launch an attack on Mr. 3 Gardino, a shocking explosion suddenly came from a distance!

This sudden change shocked everyone, and their eyes turned to the direction where the sound came from.

Not long after, two figures stumbled out of the woods, looking very embarrassed.

"Miss. Valentine and Mr. 5 Jem? You two are still alive?"After seeing who is coming, Princess Huihui couldn't help but exclaimed.

She never thought that after such a fierce attack, these two people could escape by luck.

At this moment, Mr. 5 Jem and Miss. Valentine turned pale and their fear was beyond words when they saw Xu Haifeng.

After all, the destructive power Xu Haifeng showed at Whiskey Peak left them with an indelible psychological shadow.

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