"Damn it! I'm so unlucky! How come I run into them again!" Mr.5 Jim looked at Xu Haifeng and the others with horror on his face, muttering in a trembling voice.

"Mr.5 Jim, you guys are just in time! Let's kill these guys together!"

Mr.3 Gardino got excited when he saw the two people who suddenly appeared, and shouted at the top of his voice

"Hey, you two cowards, why don't you continue to run away?" At this moment, another person came out of the woods and asked in a sarcastic tone:

" Sauron! You......Why are you here?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Zoro holding a long sword in his right hand, slowly walking towards them.

His cold eyes and fierce momentum made Mr. Jem and Miss Valentine even more frightened!

""Hmm! Luffy! You guys are here too!" Zoro looked up when he heard someone calling him, and was surprised to find that everyone was gathered here!

He scratched his head and recalled thoughtfully:"I came here following these two guys."

"I was hunting in the woods when I suddenly saw these two sneaky figures coming towards me from the direction of the Merry not far away."

"Seeing how sneaky they were, they definitely had no good intentions! So I followed them without saying anything and came all the way here!"

While speaking, Zoro's eyes were always fixed on Miss Valentine and Mr. Jem, his eyes were full of vigilance and alertness.

"So that's it." Xu Haifeng nodded slightly, indicating that he understood the reason."If that's the case, we must not let them go easily."

He looked at Mr. 5 Jem and Miss Valentine with cold and sharp eyes, and said in a grim tone:

"You two had better know better and surrender immediately. Maybe you can still save your lives."

After hearing this, Mr. Jem was a little scared, but he still mustered up his courage and said stubbornly:

"Humph! Stop scaring us! We are not scared! Let me tell you, we are members of the famous Baroque Workshop!"

"Baroque Works?" Luffy looked confused, blinking his big eyes and asking curiously,"What is that? Is it delicious?"

Zoro on the side couldn't help laughing, and cursed while laughing:"Luffy, you are such an idiot......."

At this moment, Mr.3 Gardino sneakily and tiptoed to use his mysterious candle slime fruit ability, trying to launch a surprise attack when Xu Haifeng and his gang were not prepared.

Unfortunately, for the current Straw Hat Pirates, how could this little trick be hidden from everyone?

In a flash, Zoro's figure flashed like a gust of wind and his sword fell, and a cold light went straight to Mr.3's vital point!

With a light"puff" sound, Mr.3's offensive was easily disintegrated by Zoro before it was fully launched.

"Humph, you dare to use such a low-level method to embarrass yourself?" Zoro's face was full of contempt, and he sneered coldly.

Zoro's attack not only broke Mr. 3's sneak attack plan, but also shocked the other two people in Baroque Works.

""Oh no! Run!" Miss Valentine screamed and turned to run away.

But they could not outrun the battle-hardened Sauron. Sauron took a few steps and blocked their way.

"Want to run? Not that easy!"The long sword in Zoro's hand flashed with cold light, making people feel scared.

""Damn it! Don't underestimate me!" Mr.5 Jem roared angrily.

Along with this roar, Mr.5 Jem raised his hands and aimed at Zoro who was blocking his way, and used his terrifying Explosion Fruit ability:

""Silent bomb!"

Zoro's heart tightened, and an ominous premonition came to his mind. He immediately focused his attention and was alert to the movements around him.

Suddenly, Zoro noticed that a strong airflow was gathering from the direction of Mr. 5 Jem.

His combat experience made him realize that a terrible explosion was about to happen here!

""Hmm!" Zoro exclaimed in a low voice, and jumped up without hesitation.

At the moment when Zoro soared into the air, a loud noise suddenly broke out where he had just stood, as if the entire space was torn apart. A huge shock wave swept around, and smoke and dust filled the air, covering the sky and the sun.

Zoro rolled in the air and landed steadily. He looked back and saw that a huge deep pit had been blown out of the originally flat ground behind him, and gravel and dust were flying everywhere.

What a close call! If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been seriously injured at this moment.

However, this sudden explosion did not make Zoro retreat, but instead aroused his stronger fighting spirit.

Zoro's figure was suspended in the air like a ghost, staring fiercely at Mr.5 below Jem and Miss Valentine.

He held a long knife with a cold glow in his hand, and suddenly swung it back, using all his strength to cut it!

In an instant, a jaw-dropping huge sword energy rushed towards the two of them.

The sword energy was like lightning that cut through the sky, with unparalleled power, and it slashed straight to the ground.

When the sword energy hit the ground, there was a loud bang, deafening.

Then, a narrow gully appeared on the ground, tens of meters long and about one meter wide.

The trees on both sides of the gully were uprooted as if they were swept by a strong wind, and Miss Valentine and Mr. Jem were swept into it and blown away by the powerful sword energy!

"This is a great swordsman!!"

Even the two burly giant uncles couldn't help but look astonished and cried out in surprise after witnessing the destructive power of Zoro's sword! They stared at the scene in disbelief, and had a new understanding of Zoro's strength.

After Zoro swung the long sword in his hand, he no longer paid attention to the two enemies who were blown away by the sharp sword.

He put the long sword into the scabbard with a neat movement, and then landed steadily on the ground.

"Hehehe... Zoro! You are getting stronger now!" Luffy walked to Zoro who had just landed with a smile on his face and praised him.

"Of course!" Zoro raised his lips slightly and responded confidently,"I am the most diligent practitioner in our pirate group."

At this time, Xu Haifeng on the side also interrupted:

"Luffy, you have to learn a lot from Zoro in the future, otherwise, as a captain, you are not as good as the crew members, it will be too embarrassing if it gets out!"

Before he finished speaking, Nami and Usopp immediately echoed his opinion and reminded Luffy to take Zoro as an example and work hard to improve himself.

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