"Hey! Luffy! You'll be the one to take on that guy over there!"

Xu Haifeng raised his lips slightly, and looked firmly at Mr.3 Gardino, who was not far ahead. Then he pointed at him and shouted to Luffy beside him.

After hearing Xu Haifeng's instructions, Luffy nodded without hesitation and said,"No problem!"

Then he walked straight towards Mr.3 with firm and powerful steps. His eyes were full of confidence and determination, as if he had already won.

Mr.3 looked at Luffy approaching, and his heart tightened.

He was keenly aware of the powerful aura emanating from Luffy, and that aura frightened him secretly.

Despite this, Mr.3 did not retreat, because he knew clearly that after witnessing the tragic experience of Mr.5 Jem and Miss Valentine, this battle was inevitable.

When Luffy walked to a place just a few steps away from Mr.3, he suddenly stopped.

Without saying a word, he launched an offensive in an instant. His right arm muscles tensed, and the ability of the rubber fruit exploded instantly. His normal fist quickly stretched out and smashed towards Mr.3 like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Mr.3 did not dare to be negligent and quickly dodged the fatal blow.

However, Luffy's attack speed was extremely fast, like a continuous storm. While Mr.3 was trying his best to dodge, he secretly groaned in his heart.

At this moment, Mr.3's hands suddenly threw a large amount of white wax oil at Luffy at lightning speed.

These wax oils gushed out of his hands like mud, forming an impenetrable line of defense.

When Luffy's fist hit the pool of wax oil like a meteor, Mr.3 Gardino showed a sly smile at the corner of his mouth.

He waved his fingers lightly, and the originally flowing wax oil instantly became extremely hard, like an insurmountable barrier, tightly trapping Luffy's hands.

"Hahaha......! So you are just like this! Now, you will become my most outstanding work of art!"

With arrogant laughter, Mr.3 Gardino's eyes flashed with greed and pride.

He waved his hands and continuously released more wax. These waxes were like surging waves, quickly submerging Luffy's body.

In the blink of an eye, the wax completely engulfed Luffy, forming a huge and weird cake-like object.

" Luffy!"Nami, Zoro and Usopp looked at the scene in front of them in horror, their voices filled with anxiety and worry.

Zoro and Usopp raised their weapons without hesitation, ready to launch a life-and-death rescue.

Their eyes were firm and resolute, with only one belief in their hearts - to rescue the trapped Luffy.

He glanced at Zoro and Usopp's actions, his heart moved, but then he spoke calmly:

"You two should be patient. We must give Luffy full trust. His strength is extraordinary. How could he be easily defeated by such a small character?"

Although his voice was not loud, it was full of unquestionable power.

The sea breeze blew gently, and Xu Haifeng's hair fluttered in the wind. His eyes flashed with a firm light.

Zoro and Usopp were stunned when they heard the words, and then stopped their actions and turned to look at Xu Haifeng.

Nami and Usopp still had some worries on their faces. They looked at each other, then looked at Xu Haifeng, and said in unison:

"Are you really okay?" There was a hint of trembling in Nami's voice, while Usopp frowned, obviously feeling uneasy.

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly, his smile was full of confidence and calmness, like a towering mountain, standing firm no matter the wind and rain.

He looked at Nami and Usopp, and said with certainty:"Of course, believe me, Luffy will be absolutely fine!"

Zoro and Usopp looked at each other and saw firm belief in each other's eyes.

They took a deep breath, and then slowly put down their weapons, as if they had put down all their worries and uneasiness.

"Hahaha...! Have you given up on your captain? I wonder what your captain would think if he saw his crew members were this kind of people?"

Mr.3 Gardino saw Zoro and Usopp putting away their weapons, and immediately laughed arrogantly, his face full of disdain and contempt.

However, in the face of such provocation, Xu Haifeng just smiled slightly, with a calm light in his eyes, and he calmly said to Mr.3 Gardino:

"Hehehe...! You can ask our captain later and find out, right?"

Mr.3 Gardino laughed even more wildly when he heard Xu Haifeng's words:"Hahaha...! Are you dreaming? Your captain has already...……!"

His words were full of pride and arrogance, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

However, at this moment, the originally peaceful battlefield suddenly changed dramatically.

From the huge wax cake swallowed by Mr. 3 Gardino, a deafening shout suddenly came:


This shout, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, shook the entire battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of cracks began to appear on the surface of the wax cake, as if it could not withstand the huge force inside. After a while, there was a loud earth-shattering noise!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the tall wax cake in front of them was shattered into pieces by an indescribable huge force in the blink of an eye, and the fragments flew everywhere, as spectacular as a meteor shower.

Among the flying fragments, a figure broke through the air. It was Luffy who had just been swallowed.

He was covered with blazing white flames, like a god of war who walked out of hell, and appeared in front of everyone with a big laugh.

""Hahahaha...! This is so much fun!"

Luffy's laughter echoed over the battlefield, full of excitement and fighting spirit.

His appearance instantly made the originally tense atmosphere relaxed, and also instantly extinguished Mr.3 Gardino's arrogance.

"How is it possible? My wax is harder than steel! How could he get out?"Mr.3 Gardino was incredulous!

Looking at Luffy in front of him, Mr.3 Gardino's face turned pale. He could never have imagined that this seemingly ordinary boy actually possessed such a powerful force. At this moment, the fear and uneasiness in his heart surged into his heart like a tide, making him unable to maintain his previous arrogance and arrogance.

"Hey! Luffy, stop playing around, get rid of him quickly, we still have work to do!"Xu Haifeng said to Luffy with a smile!

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