"Okay! This battle will end immediately!" His voice was as shocking as thunder, echoing over the battlefield in the jungle.

Mr.3 Gardino was shocked by the sudden shout. He looked up at Luffy, only to see that the other's eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if they could pierce his soul.

He was startled and immediately felt unprecedented pressure. He knew he couldn't retreat, so he immediately took a defensive posture, clenched his hands, and prepared to meet Luffy's attack.

Luffy didn't give his opponent any chance to breathe. He moved, as if he turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly appeared in front of Mr.3 Gardino.

"King-fist Kai - Rubber Impact!"

Luffy clenched his right fist, and a faint white flame condensed on his fist. It was the qi surging in his body that was boiling and burning.

Mr.3 Gardino looked at Luffy in front of him, and a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

He knew that he had to go all out to withstand this fatal blow.

So, he used his devil fruit ability without hesitation and quickly formed a hard wax wall in front of him.

His body also became soft in an instant, as if it turned into a pool of wax oil, in order to avoid Luffy's attack.

However, Luffy's attack was as fierce as a storm.

His fist, with the wrath of thunder, hit Mr.3 Gardino's wax wall hard.

With a loud bang, the seemingly indestructible wax wall was shattered in an instant and turned into fragments on the ground.

Luffy's fist continued to rush forward. Wherever the fist wind passed, trees were uprooted and sand and stones were blown all over the sky.

Mr.3 Gardino was shocked by this powerful force, and his body was blown dozens of meters away by the wind of his fist.

He felt his body tumbling and spinning in the air, as if he had lost control.

When he finally stopped, he found that he was far away from his original position, and everything around him became blurry.

In the jungle, a gully dozens of meters long suddenly appeared. That was the mark left by Luffy's fist.

Everyone around seemed to be shocked by this power and fell into a brief silence.

Luffy stood there with a firm look in his eyes, as if everything was under his control.

"Luffy! It's really impressive! You are now so skilled in using the King-ken, and you are making rapid progress! You can even develop new moves by yourself."

Xu Haifeng looked at the place where the battle ended, with a flash of admiration in his eyes, and then he quickly walked to Luffy, patted him on the shoulder gently, and praised him sincerely.

After hearing this, Luffy showed a smug smile on his face, and he laughed heartily:"Hahaha! Of course! I have worked hard to practice!"

His words were full of confidence, as if the whole world was under his control.

However, Xu Haifeng was not fooled by Luffy's bold words.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, rolled his eyes at Luffy, and a playful arc appeared at the corner of his mouth:"Luffy, do you believe what you said?"

Seeing that his cleverness was exposed, Luffy immediately put away his smug smile and put on a playful smile.

He scratched his head and smiled awkwardly:"Hehehe...uh! Actually, I practiced hard after I fell asleep!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy and shook his head helplessly.

He knew that Luffy was the laziest one in the Straw Hat Pirates, and he hardly practiced what he taught.

But even so, this guy's fighting talent is unmatched.

Although he doesn't practice much, his fighting ability has steadily improved, and most of the credit is due to the gravity bracelet given to him by Xu Haifeng.

This artifact is undoubtedly a multiplier of their strength for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Whenever they wear the gravity bracelet, they will feel a strong pressure, which constantly tempers their bodies and improves their strength.

Even a lazy guy like Luffy has been greatly improved without knowing it.

Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This guy is really a natural warrior!

"Well, the battle is over, we have to go check on Uncle Dongli's injuries."

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and said solemnly. He knew that although Dongli did not seem to be seriously injured in the anime, the reality was cruel, and the fragility of internal organs was the same for everyone.

Luffy's face immediately showed an anxious look when he heard this, and he hurriedly echoed:"Yes! Yes! Yes! We have to hurry up and save Uncle Dongli!"

Everyone acted quickly, and soon they came to the place where the two giants had fought before.

Dongli was seen lying quietly on the ground, motionless, while Broki was kneeling beside him, holding his big hands tightly with both hands, tears pouring from his eyes like a waterfall, and sliding down his cheeks

"Uncle Broki, Uncle Dongli……"Luffy looked at this scene, his heart tightened, he walked forward and tried to comfort Broki.

Broki raised his head, tears blurred his eyes, he choked and said:"Luffy, Touri... he is seriously injured, I don't know what to do……"

Xu Haifeng squatted down and carefully checked Dong Li's injuries.

He found that there was an obvious dent in Dong Li's abdomen, which was obviously a serious injury. His heart sank, knowing that the situation was not good.

"Uncle Broki, please rest assured, I have magical beans that can heal Uncle Dongli's injuries."

Xu Haifeng calmly took out an emerald green bean from the universal capsule and showed it to Broki.

When Broki heard that the beans could heal Dongli, a ray of hope appeared on his face. He looked at Xu Haifeng excitedly, his eyes full of gratitude.

Xu Haifeng flew to the top of Dongli's big mouth. Looking at the huge and bleeding mouth in front of him, he took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

He felt that his figure seemed so small in front of Dongli's huge mouth, as if he could be swallowed by this big mouth at any time.

However, Xu Haifeng did not back down. He held the beans tightly in his hand, aimed at Dongli's throat, and threw the beans in with force.

The beans drew an arc in the air, and then disappeared into Dongli's huge mouth, just like throwing a small stone into a pond, and disappeared in an instant.

"Uncle Broki, go get some water and help Uncle Donli swallow the beans."

Xu Haifeng saw that the beans had not taken effect yet, and knew that Donli might not have been able to swallow them. He immediately said to Broki.

Hearing this, Broki immediately got up and went to find water nearby.

After a while, he came back with a large bucket of water and carefully fed it to Donli.

With the nourishment of water, Donli's throat began to move, and the beans also played a magical effect in his body.

After a while, Donli's face began to turn rosy in an instant, and the wounds on his body were completely healed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Broki, Luffy and others were very excited. They knew that Donli had been saved.

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