"Brother Dongli!" An excited call broke the silence, and Brocky's burly figure instantly came into view.

His face was filled with unconcealable joy, and his eyes were shining with excitement,"You're finally okay! That's great!"

His voice echoed in the air, as if it also took away a trace of haze in Dongli's heart.

Dongli rubbed his heavy head, trying to dispel the pervasive confusion.

He recalled the thrilling scene, the bomb in the glass of wine, the sudden severe pain, the endless darkness... everything seemed to be still in front of him.

He said a little dazedly:"I remember that I seemed to be injured by the bomb in the wine, and then it seemed to be getting more and more painful, and finally I seemed to faint!"

His voice was full of confusion and puzzlement, as if trying to piece together the broken memories.

"You almost died just now!" Brocki's voice was heavy as he pointed at Xu Haifeng beside him.

"If it weren't for this little brother, you would be dead!" His eyes were full of gratitude and admiration, as if he saw the light of hope flickering in the darkness.

""Thank you so much, little brother!" Dongli's voice echoed in the woods, with deep respect and gratitude.

His originally stern face was now full of smiles, and his eyes were shining with crystal tears.

"I am so grateful for your life-saving grace! If you encounter any difficulties and need help in the future, just come to me. I will do my best to help you in any way I can, without hesitation!"

Brockie, the giant who has fought side by side with Dongli for many years, couldn't help but echoed,"I think so too! You saved our lives, and we will never forget this kindness!"

His voice was firm and powerful, full of admiration and gratitude for Xu Haifeng.

Xu Haifeng stood in front of the two giants and smiled slightly, as if a spring breeze was blowing on his face, warm and gentle. He waved his hand gently and said modestly:

"You two uncles are too kind. This is just a piece of cake. I happen to have some items that can heal injuries, so I can do my best."

However, the two giants seemed more determined and persistent in response to Xu Haifeng's humility. Broki stepped forward and said firmly:

"The grace of saving a life is like a rebirth, how can it be easily forgotten? If you have any problems in the future, just tell me directly. We, the giants, despise those ungrateful people the most!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, as if swearing his respect and gratitude to Xu Haifeng.

Xu Haifeng looked at the two sincere and determined giants in front of him, and a warm current surged in his heart.

He knew what this kindness meant to the giant clan, and he also understood the responsibility he shouldered.

So he nodded and said solemnly:"Okay! Okay! Maybe there will be a war in the future waiting for the two giant uncles to help!"

Although his voice was calm, it revealed a firmness and confidence.

"In that case, we are looking forward to that day and fighting side by side with you!" Donli laughed heartily, his face filled with joy and anticipation.

His laughter echoed in the jungle like thunder, filling the entire forest with a joyful atmosphere.

Afterwards, the Straw Hat Pirates and the two giant uncles held a grand barbecue party together.

The fire was jumping, the fragrance was overflowing, and the laughter echoed in the night sky. Everyone sat around the campfire, enjoying the food and sharing each other's stories.

When everyone was full and satisfied, the Straw Hat Pirates were ready to embark on a voyage to the next island again.

They said goodbye to the two giants, and with gratitude and blessings, they boarded the Merry and prepared to set sail.

When the Straw Hat Pirates returned to the Merry, they saw Sanji dragging a huge dinosaur back to the ship.

His face was covered with sweat, but his eyes were shining with excitement.

Seeing the giant uncle who came to see Luffy and others off, Sanji hurriedly greeted him and curiously asked about Luffy and their experiences.

"Ah! I actually missed so many things! Damn it, that guy Midorinuma-head stole the limelight again!"

After listening to everyone's stories, Sanji said angrily, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but his eyes flashed with envy and pride for his friends.

Under the gaze of the two giants, the Merry slowly sailed out of the ancient island.

Donli stood on the beach, looking at the ship going farther and farther away, and sighed deeply.

He turned to Brocky beside him and said,"Brocky, that guy is coming, let's see our friend off again!"

Brocky smiled and shook his head, his eyes also following the direction of the Merry

""Wow! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! No need, Donli. We just need to watch here quietly. Our friends are now brave and fearless sailors, and they don't need us old bones!"

He said with a big laugh, his voice full of trust and blessings for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Just as the Merry had just sailed away from the island, the originally calm sea suddenly became restless.

Not far from the bow, the sea water began to churn wildly, as if something was brewing huge power underwater and was about to surface.

"Hmm! Is Lab in the water?"Usopp stared at the sea surface nervously and said to Luffy beside him

"No! I just saw Lab playing in the pool in the cabin!" Luffy shook his head, trying to ease Usopp's tension.

"What is making such a big noise? Is there another monster coming out?"

Usopp's face changed when he found out that it was not Laboo in the water, and his voice was full of fear.

Luffy smiled excitedly when he heard Usopp's words.

"Hahahaha...! Another monster is coming out. It's so fun!"The adventures of the past few days have made Luffy full of curiosity and anticipation for the unknown.

"Idiot! What's so exciting about encountering a monster!"

Usopp and Nami"educated" Luffy in unison, trying to make him understand the real danger.

However, at this moment, Xu Haifeng smiled and said,"Hehe...! It's actually nothing! It's just a fish underwater!"

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Xu Haifeng, expecting him to give a more accurate explanation.

After a while, a huge figure began to slowly emerge on the sea.

As it gradually surfaced, everyone was surprised to find that it was actually a super huge goldfish!

""Asshole! Is this the fish you were talking about?" Usopp and Nami shouted at Xu Haifeng in unison, their voices full of shock and dissatisfaction.

Xu Haifeng touched his head and explained awkwardly:"Uh! Isn't this a goldfish? It's just... many times bigger than ordinary goldfish."

He tried to ease the tense atmosphere with a relaxed tone, but the effect was obviously not obvious.

Everyone looked at the huge goldfish in front of them, and their hearts were full of surprise and curiosity.

The appearance of this goldfish undoubtedly added a bit of mystery and excitement to their voyage.

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