"Hey! Everyone, come and help! Nami has fainted!"

After a whole day of sailing, Xu Haifeng and his companions were grabbing food in the cabin! Suddenly, a terrified cry came from the deck above. It was Princess Huihui!

Upon hearing the news, everyone put down their bowls without hesitation and rushed to the deck.

Xu Haifeng was very fast and was the first to reach Nami. At this moment, he saw that Nami's face was as pale as paper, she had completely lost consciousness and was in a coma.

""What happened to Nami?" Sanji asked anxiously.

"I don't know! She was fine just now, but she fainted in the blink of an eye!"Princess Huihui answered anxiously with tears in her eyes.

Xu Haifeng hurriedly checked Nami's body and found that her forehead was hot and her breathing was rapid.

""Hurry up! You guys step aside first, I want to send Nami back to the cabin immediately!"

Xu Haifeng shouted decisively, and quickly picked up Nami and ran towards the cabin!

After arriving at Nami's room, Xu Haifeng gently put her on the bed, carefully covered her with a quilt to ensure that she would not catch a cold.

He turned to look at Sanji and Princess Huihui, and anxiously ordered:"Sanji, go to the kitchen and get a basin of warm water now! Princess Huihui, please help cool Nami down!"

After hearing the order, Sanji immediately rushed out of the room to get water.

Princess Huihui took the warm water from Sanji and began to gently wipe Nami's forehead and hands with a wet towel, trying to lower her body temperature.

At this time, Luffy walked into the room and saw Nami lying on the bed. He said heartlessly:"Nami! Is she sick? Wouldn't it be better if she eats more meat?"

Sanji retorted angrily after hearing this:"Idiot! Nami doesn't have the physique like you! What she needs now is treatment and rest!"

Usopp walked to the bedside with a nervous look on his face and asked with concern:"Xu Haifeng, how is Nami's illness? Will she be okay?"

Xu Haifeng replied solemnly with a gloomy face:

"Very bad! Her temperature is abnormally high and there are signs of other complications. If she is not treated in time, her life may be in danger."

After hearing Xu Haifeng's words, everyone fell silent!

"Do you know what this disease is?"After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Sanji's face immediately became anxious.

"I know!" Xu Haifeng nodded and said in a deep voice,"This is a complication caused by a special insect bite on the ancient island we passed before.

This disease is very rare and dangerous. If you don't receive treatment within five days, your life will be in danger."

"What? It's so serious!"After hearing the news, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter and showed a nervous look on their faces.

"At present, I can't completely cure this disease," Xu Haifeng shook his head and said helplessly,"but I will do my best to help Nami suppress the symptoms and make her less painful."

"So what should we do now?" Sanji asked anxiously

"Our main task now is to go to the nearest Zigu Island as soon as possible to find a doctor to treat Nami."

Xu Haifeng looked at everyone and said decisively,"There are highly skilled doctors on Zigu Island who can completely cure Nami's illness."

""Okay, let's go to Zigu Island now!" Luffy said immediately, with a determined light in his eyes,"We must rescue Nami!" Usopp and Sanji also nodded in agreement. They understood that they had to seize the time and not waste a minute.

Princess Huihui silently stayed by Nami's bed, continuing to cool her down with a wet towel, and praying that Nami would recover soon.

"Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, the three of you go to the deck now and pay attention to the direction of the ship to make sure we reach Zigu Island as soon as possible."

Xu Haifeng turned and said to the members of the Straw Hat Pirates

"Okay! Let's go now!"After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Luffy, Zoro and Usopp immediately walked towards the deck.

"I'll go help too!" Princess Hui Hui also followed Luffy and the other two to the deck!

"Sanji, go to the kitchen and cook some porridge for Nami. She needs some nutrition after she wakes up. Xu Haifeng then said to Sanji

"Don't worry! I will let Miss Nami eat the love porridge I cooked when she wakes up!"Sanji responded with a smile, and then walked out of Nami's room.

After the Straw Hat Pirates left, Xu Haifeng walked to Nami's bed and gently placed his right palm on Nami's forehead.

He took a deep breath and began to use the divine power in his body to suppress Nami's illness. A warm current flowed out from his palm and gradually penetrated into Nami's body.

"What happened to me?"After a while, Nami slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xu Haifeng with a confused face and said

"You just fainted because of the bites of the bugs on the Ancient Island."

Xu Haifeng retracted his palm and explained softly,"But I have used my divine power to help you suppress the virus. How do you feel now?"

"It seems that I feel fine now." Nami said, and then she slowly sat up. She touched her forehead and indeed felt much better.

"That's good." Xu Haifeng breathed a sigh of relief,"But we still have to rush to Zigu Island as soon as possible to find a doctor for treatment to ensure that your condition is completely under control"

"No, we must rush back to Alabasta as soon as possible, otherwise it may be too late!"

After hearing the suggestion to go to Zigu Island for treatment first, Nami immediately and firmly opposed it.

Her face was full of anxiety and worry. Obviously, the situation in Alabasta was equally important to her.

However, Xu Haifeng looked at Nami with a firm face:"No, I must go to treat you first, and wait until you are cured before talking about the rest!"

He knew that Nami's condition was urgent. If she was not treated in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

After hearing this, Nami's eyes flashed with helplessness, but she did not give up.

She took out a newspaper from the drawer, then walked to the deck, ready to convince everyone with facts.

Watching Nami walk out of the room, although Xu Haifeng was worried about Nami's condition, he also understood that the situation in Alabasta was equally serious.

However, in his heart, Nami's life and safety always come first. He could only follow closely and prepare to listen to everyone's ideas.

When Xu Haifeng came to the deck, he just heard Princess Huihui's exclamation:"What? How could this happen?"

He walked over quickly and saw that Nami had already spread out the newspaper in front of everyone. The newspaper was clearly carrying the latest news about Alabasta, and the seriousness of the situation was obvious at a glance.

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