Princess Huihui gently put down the newspaper in her hand. Her eyes were moist and tears were flashing in the corners of her eyes.

She raised her head and looked at the people in the Straw Hat Pirates. Her voice was trembling and firm:

"I know it may sound selfish to say this now, but I implore you to act quickly."

"Because in my country, there are more than one million innocent lives struggling in pain and despair, and they are waiting for me to rescue them."

When the Straw Hat Pirates heard her request, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Except for Nami, everyone's face showed disappointment and dissatisfaction.

However, Nami broke the silence with a smile:"Yes! Let's set off for Alabasta as soon as possible!"

Her voice was firm and gentle, as if she had found the direction to move forward.

Princess Huihui hurriedly explained:"No! I mean we should go to Zigu Island as soon as possible. Only by curing Nami first can we rescue Alabasta faster!"

Her eyes were full of earnestness and hope.

Hearing this, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but curl their lips, and the dissatisfaction and disappointment in their hearts gradually dissipated.

They began to understand Princess Huihui's position and understood the importance of Nami to them.

Xu Haifeng came out, his voice calm and firm:"Princess Huihui, to be honest, if you didn't say the last few words, I would send you off the boat immediately"

"Because in my eyes, the lives of more than one million people in your country are not as precious as the life of any one of us in the Straw Hat Pirates."

His words made everyone fall into deep thought, but also made them more determined in their beliefs.

Luffy suddenly shouted:"Yes! Our target now is Zigu Island, brothers, full speed ahead!"

His voice was full of strength and determination, making everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates feel the power of unity and courage again.

Following Luffy's order, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also showed proud and proud smiles on their faces.

"Now that we have made a decision, Princess Huihui, please help Nami to rest. She is still very weak and needs to rest well."

Xu Haifeng looked at Nami's pale face and said with concern.

Upon hearing this, Princess Huihui immediately walked to Nami and whispered,"Nami, come, let me help you lie down. You need to rest now and recover your strength."

She gently lifted Nami's arm and supported her carefully.

Nami looked at Princess Huihui, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes:"I'm sorry, Huihui! It's because I'm so useless that I can't help you to rescue your country immediately."

Her voice was choked with a little sob.

Princess Huihui shook her head gently, smiled bitterly and comforted,"No, Nami. I am very grateful that you can help me."

"If I return to Alabasta by myself now, I am afraid I will be powerless to save the situation. Your joining gives me hope.

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention:"Okay, now I will arrange the next task."

You guys continue to pay attention to the direction and make sure we go to Zigu Island smoothly. I will go to watch Nami and make sure she gets enough rest."

"If we encounter any obstacles along the way, don't waste time if they can be solved by force. We are racing against time now."

Luffy nodded seriously:"Okay, Xu Haifeng! Don't worry, we will guard the bow and ensure a smooth voyage."

Zoro and Usopp also echoed seriously:"No problem, we understand." After that, the three of them walked to the bow together to guard the voyage of the Merry.

Under Xu Haifeng's arrangement, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates performed their duties and worked hard for a common goal.

When Xu Haifeng walked into Nami's room, Princess Huihui was carefully feeding Nami the hot porridge brought by Sanji.

The room was filled with a warm atmosphere, and Nami's face looked a little rosy.

"Huihui!"Xu Haifeng sat on the bed, looked at Princess Huihui and said,"You may not like what I said just now, but I really mean it."

"I may be a selfish person. I can't put my friends in danger for those strangers."

Princess Huihui gently put down the bowl in her hand and looked at Xu Haifeng with a smile:"It's okay, Xu Haifeng. I understand your thoughts."

"Most people would choose between family and strangers. Your friendship and trust between partners are invaluable."

Nami also interrupted and said,"Xu Haifeng, thank you for saying that. I am really lucky to have met you in this life.""

"We are a team, a whole. I will work hard to recover and save Huihui's country with you."

Xu Haifeng smiled and responded:"Yes, it is a rare fate for us to be lucky enough to get together. We are a team and we must face everything together."

He turned to Princess Huihui and said with certainty:

"Huihui, you don't have to worry too much. I can assure you that we can definitely save your country. We will not give up on anyone who needs help."When

Princess Huihui heard this, tears flashed in her eyes:"Really? Can you really help me?"

Nami immediately comforted her:"Don't worry, Huihui. Since Xu Haifeng said so, it can definitely be done. We will do our best."

Princess Huihui was so moved that tears welled up again:"That's great! Thank you everyone!"

Nami gently wiped the tears from her face:"Don't worry, Huihui. Your country will be fine. We will face it with you." When Princess Huihui heard these warm words, the uneasiness and worry in her heart were finally put down a little.

She knew that with the trustworthy partners such as the Straw Hat Pirates, her country would be able to overcome the difficulties.

At this moment, Nami's room suddenly shook violently, and Nami and Princess Huihui almost fell down. They held on to the edge of the bed tightly and barely stood firm.

""What happened? Is there something wrong with the Merry?" Nami and Princess Huihui asked in panic, their voices full of worry.

""Don't worry, I'll go out and take a look!" Xu Haifeng said, and immediately rushed out of the room and ran towards the deck.���Xu Haifeng saw a huge ship in front of him, blocking the way forward.

Luffy, Zoro and Usopp were standing at the bow, staring at the ship with serious expressions.

"Luffy! What's going on? Didn't I tell you to guard Merry?" Xu Haifeng shouted to Luffy while running, with a hint of blame in his tone.

Luffy turned around with an embarrassed expression on his face:"Uh! A big ship suddenly appeared in front of us and blocked our way. They also wanted to steal our recording pointer!"

He explained with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

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