Xu Haifeng stood at the bow of his ship, his brows furrowed, his eyes flashing with impatience. He glanced at the huge pirate ship opposite, his voice full of confidence:"Didn't I tell you guys just now? If you encounter such a thing, just use force to solve it!"

The leader of the pirate ship opposite, after hearing Xu Haifeng's words, raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth, and shouted loudly:"Well! Where are you from, little brat? You are very arrogant!" His words were full of contempt and provocation for Xu Haifeng.

However, Xu Haifeng was not shaken by this provocation. He glanced at Zoro who was eager to try beside him, and said lightly:"Zoro, give them a sword. I don't want to hear them making noise here anymore."

""Okay! I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Zoro's eyes flashed with excitement when he heard this. He had long been dissatisfied with the arrogance of these pirates.

He quickly drew the knife from his waist, strode to the bow, faced the opposite pirate ship, and prepared to attack.

The leader of the pirate ship saw Zoro draw his knife against him and couldn't help laughing:

""Hahaha…! Little brat! You’re not going to cut me, are you? Who do you think you are? You’re really overestimating yourself!"

His laughter echoed on the sea, full of contempt and ridicule for Zoro.

However, Zoro was not shaken by the other party’s ridicule. He stood there quietly, slowly raising the knife above his head with his right hand.

Suddenly, he slashed forward fiercely, and a half-moon-shaped white slash burst out from the blade, like a flash of lightning across the sky, flying towards the huge ship opposite!

Wherever this slash passed, everything was cut in half, and even the calm sea water formed a tens of meters long under this powerful force. The long trench.

The crew on the pirate ship screamed in fear and fled in all directions, while the leader stared with wide eyes, looking at the slash flying towards him in horror.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, the slash hit the hull of the pirate ship fiercely, making a deafening noise.

The pirate ship disintegrated instantly under the huge impact, and countless fragments and debris floated on the sea.

And many pirates on the pirate ship frantically hugged the fragments and debris around them to prevent themselves from being swallowed by the sea!

""Okay, let's continue sailing!" Xu Haifeng said and turned to walk into the cabin. He didn't even look at the pirates who fell into the water!


""Xu Haifeng! We can see the outline of Zigu Island!" Usopp's voice echoed in the cabin, like a warm breeze blowing across the silent ocean.

After a long and difficult day of sailing, his face was a little tired, but more of anticipation and excitement.

"Really? That would be great!"When Xu Haifeng heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He hurriedly put down the book in his hand, stood up, and walked hurriedly towards the deck. Every step seemed so firm, as if the island ahead was the holy place in his heart.

When Xu Haifeng stepped onto the deck, a gust of cold wind blew in his face, carrying the salty taste of sea water and the freshness of ice and snow.

He looked up and saw a towering Winter Island in front of him. It stood quietly on the sea, as if it was a lonely watcher, tenacious and unyielding.

The outline of the Winter Island was looming in the distance. It was like a pearl in the world of ice and snow, covered with thick white snow, silver-clad, like a white painting.

The trees and rocks on the island were covered with white snow, revealing only a little bit of black, as if it was an embellishment in this white world.

It was deep winter at this time, the sky was blue and deep, and it was connected to the sea, as if there was only this lonely island between heaven and earth.

The waves beat against the reefs, making a low and powerful sound, adding a bit of vitality to this quiet Winter Island

""Wow! Look, that snow, so much snow! I'm going to make a snowman!" Luffy's voice suddenly rang out, and he ran to the bow excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

He looked at the snow-covered island in front of him, as if he had forgotten his fatigue.

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly, walked to Luffy, patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously:

"Luffy, now is not the time to play. We must first go to the island to find a doctor to treat Nami."

His voice was firm and powerful, revealing his unquestionable determination.

Luffy's face flashed a trace of loss when he heard it, but he quickly regained his firmness.

He nodded and said,"Yes! Yes! Yes! We must first go find a doctor for Nami!" His words were full of determination and courage.

""Okay, get ready to dock and land on the island!" Xu Haifeng gave an order, and the crew immediately got busy. The Merry slowly sailed towards the river channel of Zigu Island on the rough sea.

Just as the Merry was about to dock, a large group of fully armed people suddenly rushed out from both sides of the river. They were holding weapons and rushing towards the Merry aggressively.

""Get out! Pirates are not welcome on this island!" A leader shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the cold wind, full of hostility and anger.

Seeing this, Princess Huihui hurriedly stood up and said in a clear and firm voice:

"Uncle, we are here to find a doctor. Someone on our ship is sick. Please let us go ashore!"

Her voice was full of pleading and expectation.

"You should go somewhere else! You are not welcome here!"The leader responded coldly. Although his tone was somewhat softened, his attitude was still firm.

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng's heart tightened, but he knew that he had to remain calm at this moment.

He took a deep breath, took a step forward, looked at the leader firmly, and said:

""Uncle, we have to go to the island, because our partner's condition is really serious. We are not here to cause trouble, we just hope to get help from the doctor."

However, the leader seemed unmoved, he snorted coldly and shook his head stubbornly:"Humph! We are here today, none of you can go to the island!"

Luffy was anxious when he saw this, he widened his eyes and clenched his fists, as if ready to rush ashore at any time.

Zoro also gripped the hilt of the knife, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, while Sanji extinguished the cigarette in his hand, his eyes revealed a firmness that should not be underestimated.

"You better not push us, or we will shoot!"The leader saw Luffy's actions, a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and he warned coldly.

Xu Haifeng frowned, he knew that the situation was very tense at the moment. But he did not back down, but responded lightly:

"Uncle, you can try to shoot. But I want to tell you, we are not here to cause trouble, we are really here to find a doctor."

The leader's face darkened after hearing what Xu Haifeng said, and he shouted angrily:"You asked for this, shoot!"

With his order, the armed men on the shore raised their weapons and aimed at the people on the Merry.

Gunshots rang out instantly, and bullets as dense as raindrops attacked the people on the Merry.

However, surprisingly, when these bullets flew towards the Merry, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible force, and all of them floated strangely in the air and did not move. This scene shocked everyone, and the leader widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

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