"Uncle, please look!" As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he raised his right hand, and a bullet magically floated at his fingertips, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

Then, he turned and aimed at the sea in the distance, flicked his thumb lightly, and the bullet streaked across the sky like a meteor and disappeared from his sight.

""Boom!" Then, a deafening sound came from the sea in the distance, as if the heaven and earth were shaking.

A huge puddle was blown out on the sea surface, and the water column was dozens of meters high, like a giant dragon roaring. This scene stunned the people on both sides of the river. Only the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard echoing in the air.

Xu Haifeng retracted his hand, turned to the people on the shore and said,"Uncle, do you think you can stop us if we really make trouble?"

His voice was calm and firm, revealing unquestionable strength.

"Our partners really need a doctor, so please let us go to the island!"

Xu Haifeng bowed deeply again, and his sincerity and determination were felt by everyone present.

Seeing this, the people of the Straw Hat Pirates followed suit, and like Xu Haifeng, they made sincere requests to the people on the shore.

Their eyes were full of persistence in friendship and respect for life, which made it impossible to refuse.

In the end, the leading uncle on the shore was also moved by their sincerity. He nodded and said,"Okay! Come with me!"

As his words fell, the tense atmosphere was finally eased, and the Straw Hat Pirates were able to land on the island smoothly.

Shocked by Xu Haifeng's magical skills, the people of Zigu Island witnessed their strength and determination.

They knew that these pirates were not here to make trouble, but to seek help.

At this moment, friendship and respect were sublimated on the snow-covered Zigu Island.


Straw Hat Pirates followed Uncle Dalton to the small town on Magnetic Drum Island. The atmosphere here was completely different from the previous riverbanks, and it seemed more peaceful and simple.

Uncle Dalton introduced himself and the situation on the island to everyone, including the laws on the island and the lives of the residents on the island.

From Uncle Dalton, everyone learned a shocking news: Due to the autocratic rule of the former King of Magnetic Drum Island, Walpo, eight years ago, there is only one doctor left on the island, and that is the"witch" Dr. Kuleha who lives in the castle on the mountain.

"So we can only go to the castle on the mountain to find a doctor!" Sanji said with a serious expression, obviously he was very worried about Nami's condition.

"That's right, Dr. Kuleha is a very principled person. She rarely comes down the mountain. You'd better go up to find her yourself." Uncle Dalton added with a serious face.

After listening to Uncle Dalton's words, Xu Haifeng decided to go to the castle with Luffy to find a doctor. He knew that Luffy's role was crucial to get Chopper on board.

"No! I want to go too. I must see Miss Nami’s illness cured!"Sanji suddenly jumped out and said firmly that he would go with them.

Xu Haifeng looked at Sanji's determined eyes, thought for a while, nodded and said:

"All right then! The three of us will take Nami to find a doctor! You just wait here, we will be back soon after we cure Nami!"

Xu Haifeng carried the weak Nami on his back without hesitation, and set foot on the dangerous road to the top of the mountain with Sanji and Luffy.

They knew that only by finding the legendary"witch" Dr. Kuleha, Nami would have hope of recovery.

Similar to the plot in the original book, the three encountered a group of violent snow rabbits Labang halfway.

These snow rabbits had fierce eyes, as if they were going to tear them to pieces.

However, Xu Haifeng was not intimidated by these angry snow rabbits.

He took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and launched a powerful mental attack, instantly knocking out all the snow rabbits.

After overcoming this difficulty, they finally came to a huge stone pillar-shaped peak. This mountain stands tall and majestic, like a ladder leading to the sky.

"This should be where Dr. Kuleha lives! Let's go up quickly!"

After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he carried Nami on his back and flew towards the top of the mountain.

His speed was so fast that he seemed to have turned into a flash of lightning, passing through layers of clouds and mist.

""Yoho! We are here too!" Luffy and Sanji followed closely and quickly flew to the top of the mountain.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the top of the mountain. What came into view was a castle with a simple style and covered with snow.

This castle exudes a mysterious atmosphere, which makes people feel awe.

It stands there quietly, like a sleeping giant, waiting for the moment to be awakened.

The walls of the castle appear thick and solid, covered with traces of time and vicissitudes.

These traces seem to tell stories of the past, triggering people's infinite reverie about its history.

The thick snow adds a touch of solemnity and holiness to the castle, making it even more fascinating.

"This should be Dr. Kuleha's residence. Let's go in and take a look!"

Xu Haifeng's heart was filled with anticipation and joy. He knew that as long as he found this doctor, Nami's illness would be cured.

""Excuse me, is anyone there?" Xu Haifeng and his companions quietly pushed open the heavy door of the castle and tentatively called out to the inside of the castle.

At this moment, an old woman dressed in avant-garde clothes and holding a bottle of wine slowly walked out of a room.

She stared at Xu Haifeng and his companions with a slightly dazed look and asked,"Who are you guys? How did you get here?"

Facing the old woman's question, Xu Haifeng quickly stepped forward, his face full of sincerity, and explained:

"Hello, Dr. Kuleha! Our friend Nami is seriously ill. We heard that you are a great doctor, so we came to your house to ask you to treat her."

Dr. Kuleha shook the bottle in her hand and responded expressionlessly:"My fee is not cheap!" After that, she tilted her head back and took a sip of wine.

Xu Haifeng said without hesitation:"No problem, as long as you can cure Nami, no matter how much it costs, it is not a problem. We promise that you will never be disappointed!"

Hearing this, Dr. Kuleha nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and led everyone to the depths of the castle.

Although her steps were a little staggering, her eyes revealed a firmness and confidence.

In a spacious room deep in the castle, Dr. Kuleha let Nami lie on the bed.

She carefully examined Nami's condition, then nodded, and said to Xu Haifeng and others:

"Don't worry, although her condition is serious, it is still under control." Dr. Kuleha said confidently!

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