"Chopper, bring me the antibiotics for the Kaskia virus!" Dr. Kuleha's voice echoed in the silent room. She frowned, as if she was racing against death.

Outside the door, footsteps were hurried and firm. Soon, Chopper, a blue-nosed reindeer, appeared in front of everyone with a tray in his arms.

""Wow! Meat!" Luffy's eyes lit up with greed the moment he saw Chopper, as if he had seen a long-lost delicacy.

Sanji, on the side, looked at this unique reindeer curiously, his eyes full of doubts.

"He is Chopper! He is my medical assistant, a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit."

Dr. Kuleha took the medicine handed over by Chopper and explained to Luffy and others,"Don't hurt him!"

Hearing this, Luffy and Sanji showed surprised expressions.

They never thought that in this vast world of pirates, there would be such a strange medical assistant. And Xu Haifeng whispered to Luffy:

"Luffy, Chopper is a reindeer with great medical skills! In a while, you go find a way to pull him to our ship and be our ship doctor!"

After hearing this, Luffy's eyes flashed with excitement. He knew that this reindeer with magical medical skills would be a great help to their pirate group.

So, he agreed without hesitation:"Hahaha...! No problem! Leave it to me with confidence"

Dr. Kuleha took the tray handed over by Chopper, skillfully prepared the medicine, and then gave Nami an injection.

She carefully instructed:"Okay! For the next three days, take an injection of antibiotics every day, and you will be fine in three days. Pay attention to rest and eat light food these days."

After that, she helped Nami cover the quilt again, turned to Xu Haifeng and the other two and said:"You must take good care of her."

Xu Haifeng bowed and thanked:"Okay! Thank you Dr. Kuleha! I will stay here to take good care of Nami!"

Dr. Kuleha smiled and waved his hand:"Hahaha, just give me more rewards when the time comes!" As she spoke, she picked up the bottle of wine and walked out of the room laughing.

After the doctor left, Xu Haifeng turned to Luffy and said,"Okay, Luffy, I'll take care of Nami here, you go and finish what I just said."

Luffy nodded and agreed,"Okay!" However, as soon as he turned around, he caught a glimpse of Chopper who was about to sneak away.

Luffy's eyes lit up, and he chased after him with a big laugh:"Hahaha! Reindeer, don't run! Come to the sea as a pirate with me!"

Chopper was frightened to death by this sudden chase. He ran and turned back and shouted,"Help! I don't want to be a pirate!"

Xu Haifeng looked at the backs of the two, smiled helplessly, and then said to Sanji on the side:

"Sanji, go find the kitchen here and prepare something for everyone. By the way, make some porridge for Nami so she can eat when she wakes up."

Sanji nodded and responded with a smile:"No problem, I'll go now!" After that, he turned and walked towards the kitchen. Prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone.

In the room, Xu Haifeng sat in front of Nami's bed, quietly looking at her peaceful sleeping face, silently praying in his heart that she would recover soon.

Outside the door, the sound of Luffy and Chopper's pursuit continued, adding a bit of joy and excitement to this quiet night.

After three days of long waiting and careful treatment, Nami's illness finally disappeared, and a healthy smile bloomed on her face again.

However, this tranquility did not last long, and the sound of artillery fire outside the castle broke the tranquility.

"boom——"A loud noise, like a bolt from the blue, instantly made Nami's heart rise to her throat.

She clenched her hands, her eyes full of worry:"What...what's going on? Why is it so chaotic outside?"

Xu Haifeng stood beside her, with a bit of disdain in his eyes:"They are just some small characters, Luffy and the others can handle it."

Although his words were light-hearted, Nami couldn't feel at ease.

""Let's go out and take a look!" Nami insisted, her voice full of determination.

Xu Haifeng looked at Nami's determined eyes, his heart moved, and nodded:"Okay, since you have recovered, let's go out for some fresh air."

The two walked out of the castle together, and the scene in front of them shocked Nami.

Chopper was fighting fiercely with two of Walpo's men, and with the help of homemade drugs, Chopper easily defeated his opponent in just three minutes.

On the other side, Luffy was fighting Walpo, the user of the Swallow Swallow Fruit. But this battle was completely different from what Nami had imagined.

Walpo's attack was like child's play in front of Luffy, and Luffy was like a naughty child, laughing and playing on the battlefield.

"Luffy! Stop playing! You haven't finished your work yet!" Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy who was having a lot of fun and couldn't help but remind him loudly.

Luffy turned around with a confused look on his face:"Ah? What work haven't I finished yet?"

Xu Haifeng stomped his feet in anger:"Of course, it is to invite Chopper to be our partner! It's been three days, and you haven't done it yet?"

Luffy suddenly realized it and slapped his head:"Oh! How could I forget such an important thing!"

He turned and looked at Chopper, with anticipation in his eyes.

""Then you get off me, you bastard!" Luffy's eyes suddenly became sharp. He stared at Valpo, took a deep breath, and then swung his fist fiercely.

This punch gathered his huge strength, like a thunderbolt, and instantly whistled towards Valpo.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Luffy's fist hit Valpo's stomach in the blink of an eye.

There was only a dull impact, and Valpo's stomach seemed to be compressed by an invisible force under this powerful impact, and it visibly sank.

Then, Valpo's tall body was like a kite with a broken line, and was severely knocked off the mountain.

His figure drew a parabola in the air and finally disappeared in the jungle in the distance.

Only the shrill scream remained, echoing in the valley for a long time.

Luffy looked at the direction where Valpo disappeared, clapped his hands with satisfaction, and a smug smile appeared on his face:"Okay, done.��"He turned around and looked at Chopper again.

"Chopper! Be our partner and go on an adventure with us!"Luffy extended his hand and extended a sincere invitation to Chopper.

However, Chopper seemed a little hesitant because of the shadow of the past.

"No! I'm a monster, I can't be with you!" Chopper's voice was trembling and firm.

At this time, Xu Haifeng came forward, he looked at Chopper with a smile, his voice gentle and firm:"Chopper, you don't have to worry about this, because I am also a monster!"

Chopper raised his head and looked at Xu Haifeng in confusion. Seeing this, Xu Haifeng smiled gently, then slowly unbuttoned the clothes around his waist, revealing a furry tail

"Look, I also have a tail, and I am also a unique existence."Xu Haifeng said, pointing at his tail.

"But we are not real monsters, we just have some special abilities"

"These abilities allow us to do things that others cannot do, and allow us to pursue our dreams."

Qiao Ba looked at Xu Haifeng's tail, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He did not expect that this seemingly ordinary human in front of him actually had similar characteristics to himself.

At this moment, the defense line in his heart seemed to loosen a little.

"So, Chopper, stop feeling inferior and afraid because of your uniqueness."

"You have the ability to heal others, which is very valuable. I believe that as long as you are willing, you will be able to become an indispensable member of our team."

Xu Haifeng continued.

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