"Are you serious?" Chopper approached Xu Haifeng curiously and gently touched his swinging tail.

"Of course it's real!" Xu Haifeng responded with a smile, and continued to swing his tail left and right, as if showing off an interesting toy.

""Wow! It's moving!" Chopper looked at Xu Haifeng's tail, his eyes flashing with curiosity, and shouted loudly.

""That's nothing!" Xu Haifeng shrugged nonchalantly,"If I saw a full moon at night, I would really turn into a monster!"

"Really? Change! Change! I want to see it!"Luffy shouted excitedly when he heard Xu Haifeng's words.

"Idiot! I told you that you can only transform when the moon is full! And it might be dangerous if I transform!"Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy helplessly, with a hint of blame in his tone

"Isn't that a full moon?" Chopper suddenly pointed to the sky, interrupting their conversation.

Xu Haifeng subconsciously looked in the direction Chopper pointed, and saw a huge round moon hanging high in the sky, with moonlight shining all over the earth.

"Damn it! It's over, my image!" Xu Haifeng looked at the moon and groaned inwardly. He knew that he was about to transform uncontrollably.

""Xu Haifeng! Are you okay?" Nami noticed Xu Haifeng's sudden change in expression and asked with concern.

However, Xu Haifeng did not respond to Nami's concern. He suddenly felt the blood in his body begin to boil, his heart rate increased rapidly, and an uncontrollable force surged in his body.

""Ah!" Xu Haifeng clenched his fists and shouted. As he shouted, his body began to swell in front of everyone's shocked eyes.

""Ah! He really changed!" Chopper shouted in horror as he watched Xu Haifeng's body grow bigger and bigger.

After a while, in everyone's horrified eyes, Xu Haifeng completely turned into a giant ape tens of meters tall.

His huge body, strong muscles, and long tail all showed that he was now a real monster.

Luffy, Chopper, Nami and others gathered around, surprised and scared.

They had never seen such a scene, nor had they ever thought that Xu Haifeng would have such an amazing ability to transform.

""Xu Haifeng! Are you okay? Do you still recognize us?" Nami asked loudly, with obvious worry and concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, turn around first, I'll be back in a moment!"Xu Haifeng's answer came from the giant ape's mouth. Although it was huge, its voice was still steady.

""Okay! I'm glad you're okay!" Nami turned around with relief and stopped looking at the huge figure.

Xu Haifeng stood on a high place, overlooking the small castle and his ant-sized companions, and a new feeling surged in his heart.

He stretched out his right hand, tightly grasped his tail, and pulled hard, and the whole tail fell off his body.

As the tail fell off, Xu Haifeng's body shrank at an alarming speed, and finally returned to its original shape.

He quickly took out the clothes from the universal capsule and put them on, returning to his normal human form.

"Wow! Xu Haifeng! You are so awesome! Change again, I want to see it again!" Luffy shouted excitedly when he saw Xu Haifeng return to his original form

"Bastard! Do you know what you have done?"Xu Haifeng heard Luffy's words and immediately punched Luffy angrily.

""Uh! I don't think I did anything?" Luffy looked aggrieved, obviously not understanding what he had done wrong.

"Don't let people transform randomly in the future!" Xu Haifeng said to Luffy seriously,

"My transformation ability cannot be displayed casually, especially in crowded places or without preparation."

"Xu Haifeng! Is your transformation dangerous?"Nami came over and asked doubtfully.

"This kind of transformation is not dangerous to me, because it is an innate ability."

Xu Haifeng explained,"But if I lose control after the transformation, it may cause very serious damage to the world. Even destroy the world!"

"Moreover, my transformation will make me extremely powerful, which may cause me to lose my mind and hurt innocent people."

"you mean……"Nami began to understand Xu Haifeng's concerns

"What I mean is that my transformation ability is a double-edged sword. Although it is powerful, it also needs to be used with caution."Xu Haifeng looked at Nami and said seriously,

""I see." Nami nodded in sudden realization,"Then you have to be careful next time. Luffy is always fooling around, don't let him lead you astray."

"Don't worry, Nami."Xu Haifeng said with a smile,"I will pay attention. Moreover, this kind of transformation cannot be triggered casually."

"There are some specific conditions required. As long as I pay attention to these conditions, there should be no problem."

"Then I feel relieved." Nami breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Luffy,"Luffy, don't mess around anymore, okay?"

"Got it, Nami!" Luffy scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I just think Xu Haifeng's transformation is magical and I want to watch it more times."

"Magic is magic, but safety must also be considered."

Nami said earnestly,"The purpose of our adventure this time is to find treasures and partners, not to cause destruction."

"Got it, Nami!"Luffy nodded solemnly.

Xu Haifeng looked at the two people's serious look and couldn't help feeling touched.

"What do you think? Chopper, now you believe that I am also a monster, and a more terrifying monster than you!"

Xu Haifeng turned his head and looked at Chopper, who was frightened. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a playful smile.

Chopper's body trembled involuntarily, and his eyes were full of fear and suspicion.

He stammered,"You…��Do you really want me to join you?"

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng hurriedly stepped forward and gently touched Chopper's reindeer head, trying to make him relax.

"Don't be afraid! I just transformed into a bigger one, there's nothing to be afraid of! Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

However, Chopper still looked very scared and shrank back.

Xu Haifeng sighed helplessly and continued to comfort him:"I know you may still have some doubts about us, but we really hope you can join our pirate group."

"We can experience many interesting things together and explore the unknown world."

At this time, Nami also came over, she smiled and said to Chopper:"Yes! Chopper, go on an adventure with us!"

"There are many magical things waiting for us to discover on the sea! You will encounter various challenges and opportunities, which will definitely be very exciting!"

Luffy smiled sincerely and patted his chest:

"Yes! Chopper, come and be our partner! We will laugh together, fight together, and pursue our dreams together!"

His passionate eyes seemed to be able to ignite the courage in Chopper's heart.

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